
Mana Awakening

"Young master, wake up!" Mira's voice resonated in the room, attempting to rouse Loki from his slumber. Today was a pivotal day in his life, and being late was not an option.

"Just five more minutes, Mira, I promise I'll get up," Loki groggily mumbled, his drowsiness evident.

"No, young master! This is the fifth time you've said that. Please, you must wake up, or you'll be late for your awakening," Mira insisted, her tone firm as she observed Loki's sloth-like reluctance.

Upon hearing the word "awakening," Loki's eyes shot open, and he bolted out of bed, scrambling toward the bathroom. In his haste, he instructed Mira to prepare his clothing for the day.


After a refreshing shower, I returned to my room, where my gaze landed upon a striking figure. She was dressed in a maid uniform, her light brown hair framed her face, and emerald eyes sparkled with intelligence. This was Mira Stone, my personal maid and bodyguard.

I began to don the clothes Mira had laid out for me, contemplating the significance of today's events. Today marked the commencement of my grand journey, the day I would awaken my mana and unlock my affinities. This was the day my conquest truly began.

With my attire in place, I made my way to the main hall, my thoughts consumed by the forthcoming awakening.

Yes, today was the day that would initiate the path to power.

Mana awakening was a process that occurred in areas with high mana density. The surrounding mana would be absorbed into the body and stored near the heart. It was a painful ordeal, taking anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on one's physical constitution.

The mana absorbed would form a core, aptly named the mana core. Once this core was established, elemental energies from the surroundings would gather and awaken affinities, with the elements one had affinities for predominating.

Upon arriving in the main hall, I found my parents and family elders awaiting me. We exchanged greetings, and my parents proceeded to impart essential knowledge about the awakening process.

Soon, we were on our way to a teleportation gate, as I required an area with a high mana density for my awakening.

As we stepped through the gate, my eyes beheld a colossal structure, intricate runes adorning its walls, creating a mesmerizing spectacle. It was the awakening hall.

Once inside, I made my way to the designated room for my awakening, accompanied by my parents. Amelia, my mother, offered words of reassurance.

"Don't appear so nervous, my son. It's not as painful as it may seem," she comforted me.

"I'm not nervous, Mom, just excited," I replied, my voice tinged with both excitement and a trace of nervousness.

"Rest assured, we're here to support you. Give it your best, and don't worry about anything else," Amelia said, patting my shoulder, and providing some much-needed solace.

Encouraged by my parents' words, I proceeded to my assigned room. Taking a deep breath, I entered and noticed intricate runes adorning the walls. As I stepped inside, the runes activated, and the room's mana density surged.

Positioning myself in the room's center, I assumed a lotus position and commenced the absorption of surrounding mana particles using the Ashborn Mana Absorption technique—a family art. The particles swirled around, gradually gathering near my heart. Initially challenging to control, I gradually gained mastery. However, as the core took shape, my heart began to ache due to the swirling mana.

The pain, initially manageable, soon became unbearable. I screamed in agony, losing consciousness as I clutched my chest.

It was then that the necklace hanging around my neck emitted a radiant glow. It hovered before me, and as it touched my heart, a burst of light emanated, quelling the pain that had gripped me.

Once the pain subsided, I stared bewilderedly at the necklace suspended before me. I tentatively reached for it, and when the eye pendant opened, a searing agony overtook me. I screamed as the pain intensified, and amidst my torment, I began to perceive a strange holographic screen.

[Initiating Awakening...]

[Awakening mana....]

[Awakening affinities...]

[Awakening physique...]

[Error.. Error, unknown soul..]

[Fixing error..]

[Beep.. Beep.. Error fixed..]

[Awakening complete..]

I was left stunned by the messages before me, my heart racing. I hadn't anticipated being detected by the world, and the screen's appearance was entirely unexpected. The message "error fixed" further baffled me, as I couldn't discern any changes in myself. After a moment of pondering, I gave up attempting to decipher it.

"Status," I excitedly exclaimed after the awakening process concluded.

**Name: Loki Ashborn**

- *Race*: Human

- *Affinities*:

- Darkness Affinity

 -Death Affinity

 - Illusion Affinity

- *Physique*: Death Unbound Physique

- *Art*: - Ashborn Mana Absorption Art

 -*Description*: Allows the user to drain and absorb mana from his surroundings and to improve the mana breathing of the user.


-Life after Death: Allows the user to cheat death experience using the special physique.

- Deathly Gaze: Anyone under the sight of the user will feel immense fear. People stronger than the user can dismiss it.

-Shadow veil: Allows the user to freely manipulate darkness.

- *Equipment*:

- Spatial Ring: A mystical ring that provides extra storage space. Current capacity: 100 cubic feet.

- Deceitful Eye: A cryptic artifact of unknown origin.

- *Description*: This mysterious eye-shaped amulet radiates an aura of enigma. Its true powers remain concealed, awaiting discovery. [Status-Bound]

- *Abilities*:

- Illusory Veil: Casts illusions to deceive and confuse opponents.

- Inspect: Allows the user to access other people's status.

- ???

- ???

*Status*: Healthy 

- *Alignment*: Neutral

I marveled at my newfound status, still unable to believe it was real. My attention then drifted to the "Deceitful Eye," the necklace that had played a pivotal role in my salvation. Its abilities intrigued me, and my imagination ran wild, pondering its true potential.

After scrutinizing my status once more, I rose and headed toward the exit, oblivious to the fact that my hair color changed from red to black.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

SunScarcreators' thoughts