
Chronicles of Daoist Fan

[This Story Is Dropped] When I, a master criminal from earth, reincarnated into a divine body, I was ecstatic. Finally, I didn't have to worry about outsmarting the detectives, being chased by police, and remaining hidden everytime. I was a prince then, a royalty. I could do anything; have any kind of luxury I wanted. I could pursue the things I liked, rather than the things I was forced to like. However, the heavens didn't seem to give me a rest. Just two years later, I had to descend to a mortal world with my junior sister, and re-cultivate again. I would have to compete with my other 7 immortal siblings, to reach the ninth heaven. This was a contest of Ancension to the Immortal World, a contest for the Divine Throne. With my wits, my immoral experiences, and the memories of the previous owner of this body, Zuifan; I would claim that throne, the Heavens itself. While others may go the straight path of bitter cultivation for years, I would take the easiest and the fastest path. This mortal world, the resources in it, the rare beauties; everything shall become mine!

FireEngine · 東方
167 Chs

Lina's severe condition

I was practicing the formations again. This was the same dagger formation but this time instead of the strength boost or anything like that, these daggers gave heat to my attack. Yes, heat. If I punched my enemies, then they would feel a prickling heat as well.

At present, this heat formation was still in the prototype stages. For Viscera Purifying practitioners and above, this would have little to no effects. However, Body Tempering Practitioners, their skin might even burn if I attacked now. Of course, I would have to use this formation first.

After the sex with Ling'er yesterday, the girl had formed a greater bond with me. Around midnight, the music's effect had worn off but she didn't notice and considered it to be a normal development in our relationship.