
Chapter 5: The Night of the Comet

"Dear diary, this morning is…different. There is change, I can sense it, no I can feel it." Elena wrote on her diary as simultaneously someone else was doing the same.

"I'm awake, For the first time in a long time, I feel completely and undeniably wide awake" Stefan wrote as he sighed and continued writing into his diary,

"For once, I don't regret the day before it begins" Elena said as she smiled imagining a figure in her head.

"I welcome the day" Stefan wrote upon his paper and continued,

"Because I know" Elena and Stefan wrote simultaneously ,

"I will see her again" Stefan wrote thinking about Elena, "I will see him again" Elena wrote thinking about Malakai and she continued that with, "I will see him again. For the first time in a long time, I feel good".


Kai was at home sitting upon his secret throne-room in his house, as two figures were kneeling before him. "Jack how did the mission I assigned you go?" and Jack's ragged breathing could be heard as his English dark and scary voice erupted, "Great M'Lord, I had to handle some slight "issues" between me and the Salvatore brothers M'Lord" he said and Kai simply nodded as he ran his fingers through his hair and his eyes were pitch-black, "Genghis you have anything to report about? Specifically the Supernatural World?" and Genghis who'd slimmed down, stood at 6'5 with a lean body unlike his past one, he had on a butler's normal outfit with slick back black hair,

"Yes M'Lord, there's been kind of a recent spike of activities centering around a town named Beacon Hills. Supernatural mostly and involving Wolves." Genghis said as his expression got more serious and Kai simply rose his brows, "Is there any news about my sworn subordinate the Werewolf God Austin?" Kai said as his curiosity arose around Beacon Hills, of course he remembered about that place. It'd honestly seemed anything mostly wolf-related happened over there and vampire-related over here, it genuinely brought the curiosity out of him.

"No M'Lord, I'll try to contact him once more but it seems as if he's been in one of his "deep sleeps" for more than a hundred years" in a mountain's cave near Beacon Hills" Gen said and Kai nodded, "Anything else to report?" Kai said.

Gen looked at Jack for a second before looking at Kai, "The Salvatore Ripper known as Stefan is still sniffing around Elena, he even had the gall to snoop outside of Elena's house and tried to talk to her. Though, I don't know why Elena has yet to inform you" and Jack's head lowered as he felt an aura drop upon him. "Interesting," Kai said,

"I believe it's only the start of the day, if she feels the need to tell me she's going to do it." he said but he looked once more at Jack, "I'm going to let you off this one time as you are a loyal subordinate" Kai said as he slowly got up and it seemed as if he teleported in front of Jack and lifted him in the air choking him as Jack's leg's was flailing,

"Fail me once more, and you will be punished" Kai said as he looked into Jack's eyes letting him know, he then dropped Jack onto the floor who was breathing heavily and nodding.

Kai stood there looking at Jack who was on the floor before proceeding to leave the throne room and get ready for school. As Kai was walking he made a phone call to Elena who had just got out of the shower, "Hello?" Elena replied and Kai replied, "Good morning beautiful" he said as he grinned while he was putting on some of his clothes, "You want me to come pick you up?" and Elena stood there with a towel around her body, hair wet and she decided, "Uh sure…you just let me know when you're close" and Kai nodded on the other end of the phone, "Alright bet I'll call you when I'm near" and she smiled, "Okay bye, love you" Elena said and Kai smiled back, "Love you too" he said as he was looking out the window as he felt a gaze on him.

He smiled before turning away as red eyes appeared in the forest,


"Do I look adult? As in respectfully parental?" Jenna said as she was moving all around the kitchen whilst talking to Elena, Elena moved over to the toaster and looked at Jenna, "Depends on where you're going" Elena said as she pulled out her phone and looked at her messages to see Kai was near the street and was coming soon, Jenna continued speaking as she saw Elena smile and didn't say anything about it and grinned herself, "Jeremy's parent-teacher conference. Hair up or down?"

She proceeded to put it up and down and Elena told her to go with it up, "Up it is, you're feisty today, does it have anything to do with the mysterious person texting you on your phone?" Jenna said with a giggle and Elena smiled back as she said, "I feel good which is rare, so I'm going with it. Fly free, walk on the sunshine and all that stuff, by the way where is Jeremy?" and Jenna shrugged, "He left early, something about getting to wood shop early to finish a birdhouse" and right after she said that she paused.

"There is no wood shop, is there?" Jenna said coming to a realization, "No" Elena grinned as she said that back and Jenna sighed…"Yea".

Elena heard a truck horn and looked out the window to see him waving at it as his blonde hair in the way so he moved it, Jenna saw Malakai and almost blushed seeing him and then looked at Elena, "That's you?" and Elena nodded, Jenna smiled even more, "So…you and blonde's, never get's old does it" and Elena giggled, "This one is different" she said as she headed out the door.

Jenna smiled looking at her, "They grow up so fast" she said as she stood there, before quickly moving around the house.


They were all in Mr. Tanner's class as Kai was staring at Elena while Stefan was also, "Originally discovered nearly 5 centuries ago, it hasn't been over Mystic Falls in over 145 years. Now, the comet will be its brightest right after dusk during tomorrow's celebration. Are we bothering you, Mr. Malakai, Mr. Salvatore, Mrs. Gilbert?"

They all stopped looking at each other while Malakai frowned as he looked at Stefan and Stefan gazed back at him with the same hostility.


Matt and Elena were talking about Vicki while Malakai was just standing there with his arms wrapped around Elena and Matt sometimes looked at Malakai with slight jealousy in his eyes, "They're keeping her overnight to make sure there's no infection, but she should be able to come home tomorrow" he said optimistically and Elena nodded, "That's good news" she said as she looked at Kai who was staring elsewhere and smacked him in the chest with a smile, Kai eyes widened, "Yeah that's-that's uh great news!" he said with a smile looking at Matt who's eyes furrowed with slight anger, "Yeah…" and Elena continued, "Did you get in touch with your mom?" she said kind of knowingly to his situation.

"Called and left a message. She's in Virginia Beach with her boyfriend, so…we'll see how long it takes her to come rushing home" and Elena nodded as she said, "Vicki's lucky that she's ok", off to the side at a distance away Stefan was listening in onto their conversation,

"Yea I know, and now there's some other situation, some type of missing campers" and Elena kind of ignored that, "Did she say what kind of animal it was that attacked her?" and Matt shrugged, "She said it was a vampire." he said not even believing it himself while Elena looked at Kai at the corner of his eyes, and he knew that she wanted to talk about that later.

Elena feigned ignorance as she said, "What?" and Matt continued, "Yeah, she waked up last night and muttered "vampire" and then passed out" and Elena continued feigning ignorance, "OK, that is weird" and Matt continued also, "I think she was drunk, so uh…how are you and-" he then looked at Malakai who wasn't paying attention to the conversation at all,

Elena kind of furrowed her brows, "Matt the last thing I want to do is hurt you, but the least I could do is tell you about how we're doing. We've only been dating for a couple days but we've been good really, he's great" she said with a smile and Matt sadly smiled back as Elena got closer to Malakai a little bit,

Though she said she doesn't want to hurt Matt, she still did a little though, as he was inwardly thinking what did he do wrong. "You know, I'm…I'm actually gonna go back to the hospital. I want to be back there when Vicki wakes up, get the real story about last night" and Elena nodded as Kai's eyes followed Stefan as he left quickly vamp-speeding out of there.


At the Hospital,

Matt was waiting as Vicki's eyes fluttered and she woke up, Matt quickly approached her and grabbed her shoulders, "Whoa! Vicki. Vicki, hey. Vick, it's Matt. Hey, what's wrong?"

And Vicki looked around crazily as she moved around, "No! No! Get off! No! No! No!" and Matt immediately screamed "Nurse!" and he went looking for her quickly,

As soon as Matt left Stefan entered looking around and he found his target, Vicki.

He walked over to her and looked her in her eyes, "It was an animal that attacked you. It came out of the night and jumped you. You blacked out. It's all you remember" and Vicki looked into his eyes and smiled, "It's all I remember" and Stefan repeated it once more, "An animal attacked you. You blacked out. It's all you remember" and she once more said it, "It's all I remember".

Stefan nodded quickly disappearing out of the way as Matt comes running in with the nurse, "Nurse! I need help! It's my sister" and the nurse comes in and checks her, she looks back at Matt, "She seems fine to me." out the corner of Matt's eye he see's Stefan leaving so he follows him, he saw him enter a room full of blood donors and blood bags and quickly walks in only to found out that Stefan disappeared. He looks around before going back to Vicki's room,


At the Grill, "Well I was talking to Grams, and she said the comet is a sign of impending doom. The last time it passed over Mystic Falls, there was lots of death. So much blood and carnage it created a bed of paranormal activity" and Caroline grinned chuckling, "Yeah, and then you poured Grams another shot and she told you about the aliens. So then what?" Caroline said, and Bonnie huffed as Elena spoke up, "So then nothing"

Caroline once again spoke up looking at Elena genuinely intrigued, "You and Kai talked all night on the phone? Have you had a sloppy first kiss yet or a touch of any kind?"

Elena kind of grinned and blushed at the same time when she remembered at Kai's house, and the things that they were about to do.

Caroline who saw this reaction was shocked, "How was it! What did he do! Did you do the nasty?" and Elena smiled as she ignored her and Caroline kept on talking, "Come on Elena tell us, we are your friends. Ok? You are supposed to share the smut." and Elena just shrugged as she laughed at Caroline didn't like it, "OK, what is with the blockage! Tell us already, did you jump his bones? Ok, it's easy. Boy likes girl, girl likes boy, sex!"

And Elena replied with, "Profound' as she got up, "Where are you going" Bonnie replied genuinely interested and confused as to what the situation was between Kai and Elena,

"Caroline's right, it is easy. If I sit her long enough I'll end up talking myself out of it instead of doing what I started the day saying what I was going to do" Elena said as she inwardly thought about going to Kai's house to go to the Spa again, but this time the phone's is going to be on DND.

But first she has to see Stefan and figure out how he knew where she lives and why he wanted to see her in the first place.


Malakai was calmly sitting down watching a man chained up in a chair moving around and kicking around,

Malakai sighed as he got up and ran his fingers through his blonde hair and walked over to a table with materials and gloves…

Malakai calmy grabbed some white gloves and put them on and walked over to the man with a sock in his mouth with tape over it,

"You should've kept quiet…" Malakai said as he looked at him,

"I didn't tell her anything! I warned her and told her what would happen if she kept looking into you I swear" the man said with fear just coursing through his veins.

"But you did give her a little information didn't you…" Malakai said as he crouched and slapped his face gently.

He then got up as he shook his head looking at him, "Athens… Greece." he said as the man's face paled.

Malakai just simply tilted his head, "You seriously told her the place that I'd practically destroyed thousands of years ago?" he said and the man was shivering, "I-I didn't think it meant much." and Malakai sighed, "Your right… it wouldn't mean much to a normal person. But a person like her? She's going to figure out why I came from there, how… everything"… he said as he turned around, "-or at least attempt to" he said as he closed his eyes and sighed.

"I warned you"… he said as he opened his eyes and they turned pitch-black,

He then grinned, he then grabbed something on the table and walked towards the man.

"No…no, NOOOOO!"


Elena had pretty much figured out where Stefan lived as the house was literally called "The Salvatore Boarding House".

She went to the front door to knock but when she hit it, the door opened suddenly.

She walked inside a little weary but she knows that if she just utters her lover's name that he'd come in an instant, since he's a God and all, which she still hasn't even thought about too much.

"Stefan? Stefan?" she said as she looked around the living room, a crow then flew past her and she turned around to see some weird guy with black hair, this was Damon but of course she hasn't met him yet.

She looked at him weirdly as she was slightly sorry, "I'm sorry for barging in, I was really just trying to knock on the door" and Damon nodded as he grinned completely ignoring what she said, though he was being careful as he perfectly remembered the warning from the night before.

"Ah, you must be Elena, I'm Damon, Stefan's brother" and Elena nodded confusingly not really caring, "I didn't know he had a brother" and Damon shrugged, "Well, Stefan's not one to brag. Please, come. I'm sure Stefan will be along any second".

Elena followed Damon into the living room as she looked around, though it wasn't much compared to Malakai's, "Nice.. Uh living room" she said with a slight smile,

Damon said slightly awkward to her reaction, "Living room, parlor, Sotheby's auction. It's a little kitschy for my taste. I see why my brother's so smitten, it's about time really. For a while there, I never thought he'd get over the last one. Nearly destroyed him",

"What are you even talking about?" she said as if annoyed,

"Katherine, his girlfriend? He hasn't told you about her?" Damon said with wide eyes as if he just ruined something,

Elena rose her brow, "I think you've got my relationship with Stefan confused with something else. I've heard all about Katherine though from Malakai" she said with a smile,

Damon's expression faltered for a second as he looked at Elena feeling the strong urge to grab her but then he remembered the warning from Jack and stepped back from it mentally and sighed.

"Well I'm sure if you asked Stefan he'd tell you all about her if he isn't to affected by the breakup. Didn't want you to think he was on the rebound… because we all know how those end" he said with a shrug and Elena simply just looked at him,

"You said that like every relationship is just doomed to end" Elena said,

"I'm a fatalist… Hello Stefan," Damon said as he looked behind Elena and towards Stefan,

Stefan ignored Damon's words, "Elena, I didn't know you were coming over, I'd thought you'd be at Malakai's house or something" he said with genuine confusion and Elena rose her brow in suspicion, "That's part of the reason I'm here. How did you know I've been going to Malakai's place recently, and how do you know where I live?" Elena said as she placed her hands on her hips.

Stefan tilted his head in mild shock a little bit whilst Damon simply chuckled as he smiled, "Oh… this will be good" he said as he clapped his hands, "You've been stalking her Stefan?" he said with actual surprise, "I didn't think you had it in you," he said laughing,

"Especially right after that warning from Jack to not be around Elena?... Ho your bold man" he said as he shook his head with a smile,

Elena looked in confusion at Damon's words and Stefan quickly intercepted, "He's talking about some dude who reads magic balls and has premonitions, a total fake" he said with a laugh as he eyed Damon right after,

"Anyways… are you going to answer my question?" Elena said,

Stefan sighed, "In all honesty, I was just making sure you were safe. There's this "animal killer" that's out there hurting people, you have Vicki getting hurt. I was just doing my best to help you" Stefan said with genuine concern and Elena sighed,

"I-It's fine, and with no disrespect I just don't need your protection." she said as she shrugged with a nonchalant look, "And I know it's wrong to say to you especially after I've seen how you've looked at me in the classes… but I feel safe around Malakai." she said.

Stefan looked at Elena as he tilted his head and his eye twitched a little bit, internally he was raging towards Malakai. A man who was merely toying with the Elena's feelings…

Stefan clenched his fists a little and Damon was grinning eagerly from the side,

"I understand" Stefan said as he smiled, "But listen uh… our Uncle doesn't take too kindly to visitors and I know you've heard if you found out where I lived" he said with a slight laugh, "You might want to get out of here before he gets home" Stefan said and Elena just nodded.

"Thanks for understanding Stefan" she said as she was going out the door,

Stefan nodded, "Thank you for stopping by, Elena. Nice to see you".

Damon looked left and right as if expecting a goodbye too, "Great meeting you Elena" and Elena nodded as she was gone now.

Damon closed the door and then turned to see Stefan wasn't there, "Welp… I'm going to drink".


In the Mystic Falls Town Square,

Elena and Bonnie were busy handing out pamphlets whilst Elena had paused and stood over towards the side and called Malakai,

"Hello?" Kai's voice rang out from the other side,

Elena smiled, "You coming to the Night of the Comet today?" she said,

"Yea-" and there was shuffling in the background and constant banging,

Elena frowned and then she heard what sounded like a punch and cries, "-Yea I'll be able to go, just got to clean up some things on my end." Kai said and Elena kind of frowned,

"W-what was that I just heard Kai?" Elena said and Kai furrowed his brows on the other side, "Some horror movie that Gen had put on to scare me, and it's about Vampires isn't that ironic?" he said with a chuckle and Elena nodded and accepted it,

"Alright bye, I'll pick you up later from your house" Kai said,

"Alright bye" and Elena hung up the phone as she walked back over to Bonnie and continued handing out pamphlets,

Bonnie smiled as she looked at Elena's grin, "So… how'd it go?" she said,

Elena looked back at Bonnie with a smile and laughed a little bit,

Bonnie looked at Elena's smile and turned to her fully, "Look, I think I judged him prematurely and too hard and I apologize" Bonnie said and Elena simply put her hands on her hips as she looked at Bonnie with a smile and tilted her head, "Bonnie your fine… I understand you being worried about me." she said as she hugged Bonnie,

"Will I be invited to the wedding in the future?" Bonnie said and Elena simply laughed,
