
Chronicle of Arcane Author

Oliver never imagined that the world of his favorite novel would become his reality. Transmigrated into the enigmatic and perilous realm he once only read about, he now inhabits the body and identity of Lysander Aurelius, a name that carries both prestige and peril. In a world teeming with ancient secrets, mythical creatures, and political machinations, Lysander must navigate treacherous paths and unearth long-forgotten mysteries to survive. Struggling to adapt to his new life, he finds himself entangled in a web of power struggles, hidden alliances, and dark prophecies that could spell doom for the entire realm. Armed with knowledge from the novel and his sharp wit, Lysander embarks on a journey to master his newfound abilities and protect those he himself and those he cares about.

Takanome_7 · ファンタジー
21 Chs


Two weeks had swiftly passed as Lish immersed himself in rigorous training, honing his skills with relentless dedication. His muscles ached pleasantly, a testament to his hard work and determination. One morning, as he emerged from his room, a maid approached him with a message.

"Young master, the countess, and the family head request your presence at breakfast," she announced respectfully, her voice tinged with deference.

Lish nodded in acknowledgment, noting the return of his father, who had already settled at the dining table. Despite the soreness lingering in his body, Lish decided a revitalizing shower was in order. He reached for a fragrant bar of lavender-scented soap, relishing the soothing warmth as it washed away the remnants of fatigue.

After his shower, Lish donned a luxurious bathrobe, its fabric plush against his skin, and carefully selected an elegant attire befitting the occasion. His choice fell upon a tailored black suit adorned with subtle silver embroidery, paired with a crisp white shirt and a silk tie of royal blue, exuding an air of sophistication.

"You are here, Lish," his father greeted warmly, glancing up from his breakfast of perfectly poached eggs and buttered toast.

"Welcome back, Father," Lish replied with a smile, taking a seat and helping himself to a plate of freshly sliced fruits and a croissant, still warm from the oven. He savored each bite, the flavors bursting on his palate.

After a moment, Lish cleared his throat, drawing the attention of both his parents. "Mother, Father, today I plan to attend the auction in Stardale," he announced calmly. Stardale, renowned for its affluent residents and opulent gatherings, held a certain allure that beckoned to him.

His father raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued. "It's unusual for you to express such interest in social events, Lish."

Lish shrugged casually. "Perhaps it's the anticipation of starting at the academy in a month and a half. I suddenly feel the need to experience more of the world outside."

His father nodded thoughtfully. "Very well, you may use your premium card as you see fit. However, take a guard with you," he added firmly, mindful of his son's safety amidst the high society.

"Of course, Father," Lish agreed, turning to his mother who smiled warmly in response.

The breakfast continued in a light-hearted atmosphere, filled with gentle banter and familial warmth. Lish listened attentively as his parents discussed recent developments in town, while occasionally sharing anecdotes of his training sessions and plans for the future.

As the morning sun filtered through the windows, casting a warm glow over the dining room, Lish couldn't help but feel grateful for these moments of tranquility and connection with his family. 

As the evening descended, Lish meticulously gathered his essentials in his spacious lounge, ensuring he had everything he might need for the evening's excursion. His attire, chosen earlier with care, exuded a blend of sophistication and understated elegance, reflecting his status and taste.

Outside the lounge, a sleek black limousine awaited him, its polished exterior gleaming under the soft glow of the street lamps. The car, a symbol of luxury and prestige, boasted tinted windows that shielded its occupants from prying eyes, while plush leather seats offered unparalleled comfort. It was a vehicle befitting his family's stature, designed not only for style but also for security.

Surrounding the limousine were four formidable bodyguards, each dressed in immaculate suits tailored to their impressive physiques. Their presence was reassuring yet unobtrusive, a testament to their training and readiness to protect their charge at all costs.

"Young master," greeted the security team in unison as Lish approached, their voices deep and respectful. They stood with quiet confidence, their focus solely on ensuring Lish's safety throughout the evening.

Lish couldn't help but reflect on the contrast between his current situation and the simpler days of his past life when such security measures would have seemed unnecessary. Life had indeed taken unexpected turns, leading him to embrace precautions he once deemed superfluous.

"Is everything prepared?" Lish inquired, turning to Gunnar, the S-rank hero assigned to guard him for the evening. Gunnar, renowned for his unwavering dedication and combat prowess, met Lish's gaze with a reassuring nod.

"Yes, young master. We're ready to depart whenever you wish," Gunnar affirmed, his voice steady and confident.

"Let's proceed then," Lish said with a decisive nod, acknowledging Gunnar's assurance. He entered the limousine, settling into the plush seat as the door closed behind him with a soft thud.

Inside, the atmosphere was serene, insulated from the bustling city outside. Soft lighting illuminated the tastefully appointed interior, creating an ambiance of quiet opulence. Lish glanced out the window as the car glided smoothly through the evening traffic, anticipation building for the prestigious auction awaiting him in Stardale.

He remembered that the auction would start at 8:30 p.m., which meant he still had plenty of time to arrive. As the car glided smoothly through the city streets, Lish's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. He contemplated his recent training, the challenges ahead at the academy, and the mission to acquire legendary artifacts at the auction. 

"Taka, what is my current stat?" Lish inquired, addressing the system embedded within him.

The system responded promptly:

[Name: Lysander Aurelius 

Age: 14 years 

Strength: 15 

Speed: 14 

Agility: 12 

Mana: 40 

Blessing: Locked 

Bloodline: Locked 

Mission: Enter the academy in the next two months, and get every stat above 20 before the academy. 

Reward: Avatar 

Mission: Obtain two pieces of legendary artifacts at the auction next month. 

Reward: Wisdom glasses (can be integrated into the host body) 


1) Beam (a densely concentrated energy) 

 Progress: 70%]

"My stats have improved drastically," Lish mused, a sense of satisfaction washing over him. "If I continue at this pace, I am confident I can raise my body stats above 20, even though it will come with intense body pain. It's thanks to the growth booster potion I consumed two weeks ago. Right now, I should focus on perfecting my Beam technique to 100%. I must have at least two techniques in my arsenal before going to the academy. It is a basic necessity if I want to survive the initial trials."

He considered the significance of mastering his Beam technique. In the competitive environment of the academy, being equipped with versatile and powerful abilities was crucial for survival and success. The thought of pushing his limits excited him, fueling his determination to excel.

Before long, the limousine came to a halt in front of a magnificent building. The architecture was grand and imposing, with towering columns and intricate carvings that spoke of wealth and prestige. The entrance was adorned with lavish decorations, and the warm glow of chandeliers spilled onto the red carpet leading inside.

As Lish stepped out of the car, a team of staff hurriedly approached, their uniforms crisp and their demeanor professional. They greeted him in unison, "Welcome, Young Master Lysander Aurelius."

Lish acknowledged their greeting with a nod, his gaze shifting to a distinguished man who stood apart from the staff, walking toward him with an air of authority.

"Hello, young master. My name is Daniel, the organizer of tonight's auction," the man introduced himself with a respectful bow, clearly aware of the difference in their statuses.

"If there is any item that catches your interest, I can arrange for it to be directly delivered to you," Daniel offered, his voice ingratiating. Although many wealthy individuals attended his auctions, it was rare to have a member of such an influential family present. Daniel understood the value of forging connections with the Aurelius family, knowing it could greatly benefit his career and social standing.

Lish surveyed the surroundings, noting the luxurious ambiance and the discreet security personnel stationed strategically around the venue. The staff moved with practiced efficiency, ensuring that every guest received the highest level of service. It was evident that this was an event of considerable importance.

"Thank you, Daniel," Lish replied, his tone measured and polite. "I appreciate your assistance. There are a few items I have my eye on, and I look forward to seeing what the auction has to offer."

Daniel's face lit up with a smile. "It is an honor to have you here, young master. Please, allow me to personally escort you to your seat."

As Lish followed Daniel inside, he couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. The auction house was abuzz with excitement, filled with nobles and dignitaries, each hoping to acquire rare and valuable treasures. The atmosphere was charged with the thrill of competition and the promise of opulence.