
Chronicle of An Otaku: Book of Wish

Anffann Ali, a boy from our world, is a known otaku in his high school, the go-to guy at school if you want to get goods or the latest known information about ACG, but this notoriety comes with its drawbacks as he's bullied by the richest boy in his school, which makes his life hell. One day, he receives a strange notebook that allows him to make wishes. How will he react? What will he wish for? Join him in the twists and turns of the Zero Akatsuki universe. Produced and edited by Akatsuki Production

Daoist_zero950 · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs


// ??? apartment //

In a room plunged into the dark, we can see a desk with a PC setup for gaming and streaming with many screens on it, and on one of the screens, we can see many windows still open.

On the first screen appear a text editor, a translator program, and a publishing webpage.

On the second screen appears a Visual Novel titled Rewrite playing.

The space next to this desk is occupied by many bookshelves filled to the brim with books, mostly manga, light novels, and other otakus literary material.

In another corner near, is another PC more music-oriented with an amp with several custom instruments like a keyboard, guitars, and bass.

And finally, the last piece of furniture is a glass shelf exposing katana replicas like DMC Yamato and Metal Gear Rising IF Muramasa only to mention one of the many exposed

Not far from all this is a bed, with what seems to be the owner of this room sleeping on it who suddenly opens his eyes and gets up from his bed with a panicked look and starts to look around him with difficulty breathing, he throws himself on a pill bottle on the bedside table next to it and swallowed two pills at once, after a moment he calmed down

??? : *Catch his breath* Shit, again.

He said to himself while drinking from a bottle of water near him

This guy is a 17-year-old boy, with mixed skin, black hair, and brown eyes.

He starts looking for something in his bed, finally finding a pair of blue rectangular glasses, then takes the smartphone that is on the bedside table.

??? : 6 o'clock ?! *sigh*. Well since I'm already awake, might as well get up and prepare for school.

After finishing all his morning's necessities and having a hearty breakfast of chocolate cereal and orange juice, our protagonist leaves his apartment wearing a Roselia limited hoodie with his backpack and earphones in his ears listening to Roselia's songs.

??? : Listening to Yukina's voice is the only thing that can brighten my day

// A random high school with an uninteresting name //

After a few moments of the bus ride and a few minutes of walking our protagonist arrived at his school, It was a general high school like any other.

As he got to the school grounds and was heading to his first class of the day, something got in his way.

??? : Look at that if it isn't the otaku freak, Anffann.

In front of him are three guys who look pretty ordinary at first glance you can see they don't have good intentions toward our friend.

Anffann: Roland, Theodore, Marcus, what do you want from me, dumb heads?

Anffann asks with a voice full of resentment and contempt

Roland: Oh look who's annoyed.

Theodore: Don't be like that freak, we're good friends right?

Theodore puts his elbow on Anffann's shoulder while answering him sarcastically

Anffann: As if.

He brushes off Theodore's arms from his shoulder

Marcus: You know what we want, get the money out.

Anffann: As I tell you many times I'd rather die, I worked for that money.

Roland: Oh, you're still resisting, don't you remember what happened last time? Boys get him.

Theodore and Marcus grab the young man by his arms to immobilize him as Roland begins to punch him in the guts before the eyes of the other students who can only watch helplessly.

Roland is the stereotype of the arrogant rich kid who loves to do what he wants, his father is a rich businessman but also the president of the board of directors of the school group where Anffann goes, so he can practically do whatever he wants and sows terror in all the school as he pleaded.

Nobody can do anything against him without being under the threat of being expelled, being framed for things they didn't do, or being attacked by him and his lackeys. The only one who resists him is Anffann.

Anffann is a child of one of the overseas islands from the former colonies and now a new state of the mainland from where he gets his mixed-race heritage.

From a young age, he has grown up to be wary of the outside world always act in a low-case profile, and always be prepared for any situation.

But like to share his hobby and passion with the people around him.

At school he's known as a veteran otaku since he has a YouTube channel talking about these topics, becoming the go-to person when people want to keep up to date with the latest manga and anime, he sometimes takes orders from people for goodies or rare merchandise only found in the more obscure corner of Akihabara, since he had done a term in Japan and make many contacts there.

Of course, the echoes of the boy's little business did reach Roland's ears, who wanted to take the total monopoly of it

Of course, Anffann resisted and was threatened with many things like expulsion but he was an honorary student, this status was awarded directly by the government, thanks to an aid program whose objective is to give better education to the deserving students of the poor overseas states by making them come and study in France with a scholarship.

Anffann works hard to receive this scholarship to permit himself to have a better future and to repay his parents who sacrificed many things for his education and those of his siblings.

As long as Anffann has good grades, is present in all his classes, and passes his exams, he can keep his scholarship and status. It is his protection umbrella so to speak. So the only way Roland and his lackeys have found to make him submit was to beat him without letting any evidence of their involvement.

It lasted for almost one and a half years. When one of the daily sessions landed our friend in the hospital and the academic institution and government launched an investigation, but even with Anffann's testimony Roland was only warned thanks to his father's intervention with a lawyer.

The constant beatings caused the boy to suffer from panic attacks, which he had to contain by taking medication at regular intervals.

Since then Anffann has taken more precautions than ever, now he always keeps two recorders on him, one visible and the other hidden, to keep evidence in case of extreme necessity.

After beating Anffann for a while, Roland and his lackeys leave him on the ground looking satisfied. But the boy on the ground doesn't show any sigh of pain or fright only a passive face.

All the spectators also leave, all having a look of pity for the boy lying on the ground full of bruises and contusions.

Anffann: Humans are cowardly and insightful creatures.

Anffann struggled to get up but made it to his classroom before the teacher of the first class arrived and pulled out a first aid bag to treat his injuries like a trained nurse. All these years of patching himself make him understand the human anatomy so he knows what to do and then another normal school day begins,

Even since the boy becomes the target of the school tyrant, nobody interacts with him more than necessary, now his customer makes their order on his website or by private message.

Before all this, he had a circle of friends composed of 2 girls and 3 boys named Marine, Susanne, Léo, Arthur, and Ben

Anffann meets them during his third year of middle school when he arrives on the mainland and immediately get along with the group of friend who have known each other since childhood. But when Roland begins to target the boy, the group decides to not be involved with him since Anffan decides to antagonize Roland and his goons.

Anffann never blamed his friends for avoiding him because he thought he was the only one responsible for his act of rebellion against Roland and others not being involved in his problem. However, he was still a little disappointed that his so-called brothers-in-arms did not support him even at a distance.

During the lunch break, Anffann eats all alone in the school refectory, everyone avoids his table like he's a ghost, which even if he doesn't show care makes him a little sad.

Anffann: I envy these MCs who have faithful buddies like a fatty boy, and cheer him whatever the situation of the latter is.

At the end of the day, the boy went home immediately luckily today the bully didn't wait for him at the end of school so he had a peaceful way back home

When he arrived in front of his mailbox at the entrance of his apartment building, he opened it to find a large white envelope with only his name on it.

Anffann: What is this?

When he opened the envelope he found a black notebook with no inscription on the cover. He flipped through the notebook to see white pages and only the first two pages were black with something written on them.

When Anffann arrived in his room he took out the notebook he had received in the mail and began to read the first page, which appeared to be written in Norse runes.

He tries to decrypt to have this :


Rule of the Wish Book


Before being able to continue reading, it is advised to the holder to link the book to him by placing a drop of blood in the square below.


Having deciphered the first line of the notebook, Anffann looks at it with an incredulous expression.

Anffann: A wish book? And I have to sign some blood contract and then what, sell my soul?

Anffann's critical mind thinks that what is written in the notebook is a kind of joke and not worth taking seriously.

But his otaku and fantasy thinking can't help but find the notebook intriguing and seems to want to test if it's real.

Having his day ruined by Roland and the others, he decides to let his otaku mindset take over and do what it says in the notebook, taking some of his blood from one of his wounds received earlier in the day and dropping it in the square where it is destined.

He suddenly feels like sparks going through his body and the rest of the runes translate right in front of his eyes as if by magic leaving him speechless

Anffann: Holy Shit ?!

The boy starts to read the rest of the rules which are as follows

- The bound notebook can appear to its owner at will

- All the rules of the Wish Book must be written on the black pages of the notebook.

- All the wishes must be written on the white pages of the notebook.

- The more specific the wish the better.

- All modifications made on a wish already written and realized can be realized under one condition: The owner will lose access to the notebook during a variable time according to the weight of the modification.


The Original One

Anffann: In short, I own an artifact that can change reality at my whim.

Several thoughts go through the boy's mind at high speed, like asking to be rich and give his parents a life without missing money, or to take care of his problem with some pests.

But before anything else, the boy decides to test his notebook by adding some extra rules for protection like :

- Making the notebook visible only to him

- No one other than the owner can use the ability of the notebook.

Anffann: That should do the trick for now.

He says to himself when something falls out of his bag, it is a small brown book with Book Gate marked on it. It is the collectible Wonder Ride Book from the Kamen Rider Saber toy series, Book Gate which allows access to the bases of the Sword of Logos organization.

An idea came to his mind, and he started to write in the book

"The Wonder Ride Book Book Gate in my hand can allow me to travel anywhere I want in the omniverse by opening the book and thinking of a place and time desired. Time in the home universe will be stopped when traveling between dimensions. The owner can only bring people who are loyal to him with him"

Suddenly the little book in Anffann's hand began to glow discreetly without attracting attention around him, the boy noticed that the book no longer had its plastic texture but had a more metallic surface.

Anffann: It worked...

The boy is shocked because part of him was still skeptical about the whole thing but now that all those prejudices are out the window, his otaku mind is racing to see where he could go with his new power.