
Chronic Reincarnation of a weedman

Chronic a weedman from Compton California dies but, due to unresolved issues was given the chance to live again in another world. being reborn for him is a blessing in its own way but, how could he continue life without the only magic of his former world Earth. during his time dead he makes a deal with the god of life and death Anu Bis to have weed seeds brought to him upon his blessing ceremony before the statues of the Gods when he turns 12. Armed with the magic of weed he will work towards his goals of his past life. Only now he will be in a world with actual magic. can Chronic make his dreams come true or is life going to be just as hard as on Earth or harder.

Ricky_Wrisk · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Battle Training Begins 2

Thirty kids stood on one side waiting to fight Chronic, while twenty more from the town waited to watch the fight. Chronic waited on the other side sizing up his opponents, taking mental notes of all the weaknesses he has seen "This is going to be easy" he thought. Four minutes passed and the trainer returned with a woman wearing a white robe with the symbol of the church, it was an eight with the infinity symbol placed on top. It looked like 4 circles reaching towards one spot and in each circle was a symbol, the top had a fire symbol, the left had a wind symbol, the right had a water symbol, and the bottom had a nature symbol. "Okay, before we start I'm going to say this once and only once so listen up. This is an unarmed match so anyone caught with a weapon will be punished for the next ten weeks stuck cleaning animal dung out the barns. no magic is to be used Chronic, the other kids don't have access the way you do. This is a battle royale so everyone can fight whoever you want. You will have ten minutes and not a second more, once that time is up I'll declare a winner. you will be watched by myself, Lady Freya, and Sir Fenrir, we will take mental notes and talk to you about where you need improvement, you will start when I say "Go!" understood" the trainer said. "Sir, yes Sir" the thirty one kids participating said in unison, "Good now, get ready and Go!" shouted the trainer.

Immediately, the thirty kids had Chronic surrounded and started closing in slowly, trying to be as intimidating as possible before attacking. Using a psychological technique they had been taught for weeks to make your opponent feel fear, unfortunately for them their target is Chronic. Taking a deep breath in he started running at the closest kid who panicked and tried to grab him, a mistake he instantly regretted as his hand was grabbed and twisted causing his body to turn slightly. he screamed as his elbow was hit breaking it, moving on to his next target Chronic jumped and kicked him in his oversized nose. the other kids out of fear took a forced step back, a couple in the back ran from the field no longer wanting any part of this fight. the remaining kids looked at each other and nodded before charging at Chronic. that was a mistake as he jumped up and kick two in the chest knocking the wind out of them, pushing off them he launched forward into a spinning axe kick. the heel of his foot breaking a collar bone on contact, as he pushed away into a backflip landing on his feet and moving to his next target. However, seeing what just happened to their classmates, the remaining kids all started to run away. in under a minute the fight was over, seeing this the trainer shouted "Enough, clearly Chronic is too good for you training here. Still I'm disappointed in you all, I mean he's just one kid and made twenty five of you quit in under a minute. Hell, he's five years old. That's only half your age".

"So, why don't you show them how it's done then" Freya said with a challenging smile. "Yeah, why not? besides, I wanna see what my boy can do against someone with a bit of skill" Fenrir chimed in mirroring the same smile as Freya. "You're kidding right?" asked the trainer, "He is just a child, don't you think it's too much for him?" asked the Woman as she cast another healing spell. "Mom, dad, don't bother he's scared too" Chronic said looking at the trainer wanting to see his response. Feeling his anger build the trainer said "Okay, watch closely kids I'm going to show you what happens when you fight someone who is superior to you" as he walked out onto the field. Now Chronic couldn't be more happy, if he wins his dad can't deny his request to be taught by him. "Same rules, except now it's a one on one fight. Lady Freya if you'd be so kind as to take my place and call the start of the fight" the trainer said looking at Chronic as though he wanted nothing more than to break his spirit. "Go!" shouted Freya and the trainer moved first, running forward stopping 3 feet away from Chronic and kicking out his leg. Easily dodging the kick he threw a side kick to the knee of the trainer, thinking it couldn't possibly hurt him and not expecting this kid to aim for his knee the trainer let it connect. It wasn't until the last second that he knew he fucked up, with a loud bang and cracking noises his leg was broken. not one to miss his chances, Chronic threw three punches one to his throat, one to his head, and one to his stomach. The trainer blocked the first one and the second but, that third punch knocked all the air out of his body and the fight was over.

"Enough" called Freya as the trainer hit the ground, "Well, what have you kids learned?" Fenrir asked looking at them all. "That Chronic is a monster who can't be beaten" they all said in unison looking at Chronic as though he was the Demon Lord reborn. "Not even close, what you should have learned from this is not to underestimate your opponent. Your trainer had more experience, more reach, more strength, and more speed yet he lost to a 5 year old kid" Fenrir said. "That's not to say Chronic wasn't brilliant, he stayed calm and took every opportunity his opponent gave him. You should all remember this fight, because in real life and death battles there is no second chance" Freya added. "So now I can train with you Dad? Please, you said you would train me if I kept your secret and beat the other kids." "Fenrir dear, what secret is Chronic talking about? I won't even get made so, just tell me and you might see tomorrow" Freya said with a snarl that she covered quickly with a forced smile. "Seriously, Chronic? you just had to say something, damn brat. Freya, please calm down it's not even serious, I just spent that money in our sock drawer on some ale. For us I might add" he said coughing out that last part so as not to further provoke her. "We will talk about this later, for now I've decided that starting today Fenrir is going to teach here to make sure you all learn how not to die in a fight" Freya said looking at Fenrir warningly "As for you Chronic, I will teach you myself, and while we're training you can tell me everything your father hasn't, right?" she asked with her hands on his shoulders. Fear exploded out of him and Fenrir started pleading to Freya for mercy, knowing Chronic will tell her everything especially when she really wants to know.