
Christopher Gonzalez

Christopher Gonzalez is a powerful Billionaire CEO and owner of an illegal drug empire who was content with his distant and isolated life till he is forced to marry to keep his name and face off the eyes of single ladies and elite family preying into his affairs. Gabriella Thompson is a high school graduate who worked part time to assist her father in making ends meet, but is faced with the punishment for her father's mistake as she is held captive and eventually forced to marry this heartless CEO to save her father and sister. With time, will Christopher learn to love Gabby or will their marriage end as it is stated on the contract?

Sophia_Ekelose · 都市
34 Chs


Gabriella felt relieved by Mary's words of encouragement, but she couldn't help but notice the continuous use of "we" in Mary's statements. It intrigued her, and she mustered the courage to ask, "Mary, I appreciate your support, but why do you keep referring to 'we'? Is there something I'm missing?"

Mary's expression softened, and she took a deep breath before sharing her own story. "Gabriella, I, too, was sold to Mr. Christopher by my father when I was just twelve years old. It happened after the death of my father, when my mother, who was never the best role model, resorted to selling herself for money. She met Mr. Christopher at an upscale bar where she worked as a stripper."

Gabriella's eyes widened with a mix of shock and empathy. She couldn't fathom the pain and betrayal Mary had endured. It was a stark reminder that she wasn't the only one whose life had been shattered by Christopher's actions.

Mary continued, her voice filled with a mixture of sadness and resilience. "My mother used her connection with Mr. Christopher, leveraging his wealth to sell me to him. She spun lies about our financial struggles, claiming she couldn't provide for me after my father's death. She pleaded with him to let me work for him, to warm his bed. However, I never had to fulfill that role. It's been ten years since then."

Gabriella's heart ached for Mary and the unimaginable circumstances she had endured. She realized that Mary's use of "we" was a way of emphasizing their shared experiences as victims of Christopher's control. The connection between them grew stronger, fueled by their shared pain and desire for liberation.

Tears welled up in Gabriella's eyes as she reached out and gently held Mary's hand. "Mary, I am so sorry for what you've been through. No one should ever have to suffer like that. Your strength is truly inspiring."

Mary's gaze met Gabriella's, a glimmer of hope shining through her eyes. "Thank you, Gabriella. I've worked for Mr. Christopher for ten years, but together, we can find a way out. We may be trapped now, but we don't have to stay that way. We can support each other and fight for our freedom."

Gabriella felt a newfound connection with Mary, recognizing the shared pain they both carried. In that moment, their paths intertwined, and a flicker of hope ignited within Gabriella's heart. She realized that they were not alone in their struggle against Christopher's control.

With determination in her voice, Gabriella spoke, her voice steady yet filled with conviction. "Mary, you're right. We don't have to stay trapped. Together, we can find a way to break free from this cycle of control and manipulation. We can support each other, empower each other, and fight for our freedom."

Mary's eyes sparkled with a mixture of gratitude and determination. "I've been waiting for someone like you, Gabriella, someone who refuses to accept this fate. With your strength and my experience, we can devise a plan to escape Christopher's grasp."