
Chapter 3

The knock on the bathroom door startled her. Who is it she asked? Its Aunt Sylvia dear i am just wanting to make sure you are ok. I'm fine, I'll be out in ten minutes. With that she climbed out of the tube and proceeded to get dressed in an outfit that would knock Max on his ass. As Cassidy came down the stairs she saw max waiting for her. As max watched cassidy come down the stairs his heart jumped into his throat. Max are you ok cassidy asked. Yea i'm good replied max are you ready to go? Ready whenever you are. Max let Cassidy take his arm as he leads her out of the house and to the car.

He opened the car door for her and after she slid in he walked around and got in behind the steering wheel. I made reservations at your favorite restaurant. Max was hoping to get a smile out of cassidy and he did. As they were driving he looked over to where she was and noticed her dress seemed shorter than before and he could feel his pulse racing like a teenage boy catching his first glimpse of a pair of long elegant female legs. He looked away before Cassidy saw him but it was too late she noticed he was starring. Cassidy couldn't help but feel a little ping of guilt for wearing the dress because she knew what it would do to him. So did you let your fiance know where you were staying tonight max? As of an hour ago

Simone is no longer my fiance and she is packing her stuff up as we speak. What happened came Cassidy's reply.. Well i called to tell her I would be staying here for a little while longer and she got upset and demanded I come home now. I got tired of her demanding ways all the time so i told her to be out of my house by the end of the week and that Allison will go by there tomorrow to get my ring from her. Cassidy wanted to ask who Allison was but felt it wasn't her right to. Cassidy in case you are wondering, Allison is my Assistant.

Why do you have an assistant? I thought you were just a factory worker when we were together? Still not wanting to tell her what he really did for a living, he decided to tell her a little white lie. I got moved up to a manager position and that is why I have an assistant. Cassidy looked out her window and realized Max had taken her to La Blanca restaurant. Max pulled the car up to the front of the restaurant and got out of the car. He walked around to the passenger side and opened Cassidy's door. After she got out max handed the keys to the vale attendant then extended his arm for cassidy to take. Cassidy didn't hesitate to take maxs arm as they walked in.

They were shown to their table and seated. "What can I get the two of you to drink?" Asked the Waitress. We will have two white wines please max replied. As the waitress went to get their drinks max and cassidy mauled over the menu even though they already knew what they wanted. Cassidy spoke up and said to max you remembered what I drank after all this time. Of course I remembered how I could forget. At that moment the waitress arrived with their drinks. They placed their orders then sain silence for a good five minutes before max finally asked how are you coping with everything that has happened this past week. I'm doing as good as anyone can. I mean I have not seen my father in the last four years except for this past week that he was in the hospital.

Max wanted to ask why but he knew deep down now was not the time to ask that. Why do you think your father wanted me here for the reading of the will? Cassidy shrugged her shoulders and that told max all he needed to know and cassidy didn't know either. I'm sorry I wasn't here for the funeral yesterday but with the way things ended four years ago, I didn't think you would have wanted me here anyways. That's ok max Aunt Sylvia was here and mom flew in but you know how she is. SHe put on a good act for everyone like she really cared about dad.

If she really cared about him she wouldn't have left him and me for that matter to go chase another guy who had more money and could give her more. Growing up she tried to play the mother of the year at different school functions and any other activities I was involved in until she moved out of the state and for a year or maybe two she'd call once a week then it went to once a month to every couple months. Dad finally put his foot down when she was only calling on holidays.

It got to the point that I would have dad tell her I wasn't home because I didn't want to talk to her. I got tired of hearing about the newest guy in her life every time she would call. I would have been happier if she hadn't shown up yesterday at all. So much for wishful thinking. Max just sat there wishing he could pull Cassidy into his arms and hold her. She was very emotional while talking about her mother. It never crossed his mind the entire time they dated that her mother could have been so cold hearted when it came to her only daughter.