


sheila_oceania · ファンタジー
49 Chs


It is NAINARI who lowers his gaze sadly, as if recognizing it.

The young man's gaze rests on WASHI, his gaze is deep, as deep as TESUTO's, but that gaze disturbs her a lot.

She's seen that look before, but she doesn't know where.

By means of a wind, the image is erased by dissolving into it.

This causes much pain, anguish for everything that NAINARI lived, as if the emotions contained in that woman settled in her soul.

The memory of the birth of his daughter NANEKI was also painful.

Both had gone to the mountain days before, preventing that creature from possessing any stars.

They both loved each other very much and wished the best for their little fruit of love.

That night, in the sky, a very bright star flew through that broke the mother's heart.

NAINARI, looking at her beloved, who helped her in childbirth, breaks down in tears.

Both know that he will have to rest because they must leave as soon as possible, to try to flee from CHOSEN.

LEANDRO takes his young daughter in his arms, kissing the cheeks of his beloved NAINARI.

Soon, they hear noises not far away, LEANDRO, leaves the newborn in her mother's arms.

He must go and see, NAINARI takes his arm before he walks away, she, fearful, asks him to come back for her.

LEANDRO kisses her on the mouth, promises to return.

NAINARI, with a hole in his heart, somehow knows that won't happen.

At the mouth of the cave, in the middle of the forest, LEANDRO, can see torch lights that are on their way there.

It's as if they knew about the star before it was born.

He only moved away a little to make sure, he decides to return to the cave for NAINARI.

Late he realized that they were waiting for him, an arrow pierced his chest.

LEANDER, wounded, runs into the cave and using his firepower, blocks the entrance.

Heavily and sweatingly, death was catching up with him.

LEANDRO reaches NAINARI, who looks at him scared.

LEANDRO hugs her, asks her to be strong, she should not be upset because, her milk will sour, a slight joke.

He's sore, the arrow if I touch his heart, he has internal bleeding.

While helping her get ready to go out, he spits out blood.

He tells her clearly that, at the right moment, he will cover their eyes with a flash of light, she must leave and leave him there, without a doubt, he will follow her when necessary.

NAINARI kisses him, the taste of his beloved's blood, the last thing he will have of him, he knows.

When they are at the mouth of the cave, he will use his power to open it so that she can come out.

In an instant, the poison embedded in the arrow, makes him lose consciousness.

NAINARI approaches LEANDRO very worried.

At that moment, the cave fire spell was countered from outside.

Vanishing, she can see 10 CHOSEN sorcerers in front of her.

In NAINARI's mind, he can only see the body of his young lover who has died from the poison. Wide tears flow incessantly from WASHI's eyes, all that pain contained in NAINARI's soul, the seizure.

NAINARI, unable to move, is stripped of her little girl in her arms.

It is at this moment that she manages to react and tries to get her back.

It is then, when, the sorcerers give the threat that, if she wishes to go against the teachings of CHOSEN, then she will die next to LEANDER.

Otherwise, you have the possibility to see your daughter grow up and see her form as the pure blood of CHOSEN like all siblings.

NAINARI, full of grief, agrees to go with them, staying away from her daughter. Just ask for a favor, give him a name.

She remembers LEANDRO having said months earlier that, if she was a girl, she would like her name to be NANEKI.

The sorcerers say categorically that LEANDRO never existed, he is a ghost of the past, the latter, WASHI does not understand ... a ghost from the past....

Also, they tell NAINARI that, they grant her wish, the name of the girl she chose, she will carry, they leave, leaving NAINARI in the cave, crying next to LEANDRO's body.

WASHI feels burning in his body, not only in his mind, as if burning inside, his breathing is agitated, suffocated, his legs begin to fail.

Tears keep welling up.

He is placed on his knees, from NAINARI, he only perceives pain and above all knowledge.

end of chapter 28