
Chosen For You

I'm Kade and I'm turning seventeen soon. On my birthday I get to take a personality test that determines whether I'll become a vampire, werewolf, or stay human. After that I get to meet other people which I've never done. I'm not sure why they keep us separated. I don't have a mother or a father. I know how a child is made though. Where are my parents? What happened? I don't know how I'm here. I wonder what it's like outside of all the white walls? I wonder why they keep us separated? I wonder who I truly am?

Zarksy · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Chapter 8

Jax's Pov:

Kade and I decided to keep our heads down for a while. We've caused a good handful of trouble already. I'm very sure that Amy reported us to the higher-ups. I knew we should've never asked her but my head was spinning and I didn't say anything. There has been more and more security each day. The people are armed with weapons.

Kade's friend Vivian has been extremely depressed and he's worried about her. I'm worried as well. If they took away her chosen why won't they take mine?

I'm ripped away from my thoughts as Amy says, "Are you alright?" I'm back at the kitchen table with Amy. "Uh, yeah. I'm fine." I return to eating the bowl of cereal that is sitting in front of me. "As long as you're ok." Amy smiles. She stands up and begins to clear the table as I finish eating. Kade isn't here this morning. He had "something" to do. Amy won't tell me what it is. And I couldn't ask him because he was gone before I woke up.

"Go get ready for the day. You have a normal schedule today." I get up and head to my room. I throw on some clothes. Then I notice it. A small piece of paper that looks as if it was slid under the door. I pick it up and flip it over. 'Save me -Kade' My heart dropped. He's gone? He's gone! He's gone.

I run out of my room and confront Amy. "Where is he Amy?!" The surprise on her face is obvious. "Jax, what are you talking about?" She wipes her hands on a towel and faces me. "Kade. Where is he?" I feel my blood rush around my body as my heart beats as my anger grows larger and larger. "As I said earlier he has a different schedule today. He will return tomorrow." I walk up to Amy. "Don't lie to me Amy." She puts her hands on the counter and leans back.

"Jax, why would I lie?" She tries to walk away but I grab her wrist. "You're just a worker. You do what you're told not what you want to do. If they tell you to lie you will. Won't you?" She winces as my nails dig into her skin. "Now tell me, where is he?" Blood begins to flow from where my nails had sliced into her skin. "He's being taken to East Wing. You can catch up if you hurry." I let go of her wrist and she wraps a towel around it to stop the blood from pouring out onto the floor. "Thank you."

I bolt from the room and into the hall. Our room is in North Wing. I run through the halls getting strange looks from my fellow wolves. Some humans try to ask where I'm going but I have no time to respond. Some even try to stop me but they end up on the floor the moment they get in my way. No one can or will stop me until I have Kade safely in my arms.

I turn the corner that leads into the East Wing. I don't smell him. Did she lie? I continue running but I can tell I'm getting slower. The longer I take the more likely it is for him to disappear. I turn another corner and his scent is now in range. I follow it till I see seven men walking with him. One man is in front without a weapon. The other six have weapons. Three on each side of him. He has shackles. A chain connects him to the man who is leading him.

I run up and two of the men point their guns at me instead of Kade. The whole group turns to face me. Kade looks terrified. I smell blood. He's hurt. How dare they?! "YOU DIRTY BASTARDS!" I feel my blood boil. It moves quickly. I feel myself grow to a new size. My shirt falls from my body, my pants rip but manage to stay on. My full form has finally emerged.

Kade's Pov:

Jax grows to a huge size. His face is now one of a wolf. The men who were aiming guns at me are now aiming at him. He's going to get himself killed. "Jax. Don't do anything." He looks down at me. The anger disappears as his eyes meet mine. He looks like a puppy again. A confused, loving puppy. The man leading my chain tugs at it. The thorns on the inside of the cuffs dig into my wrists once again. They begin to throb with pain.

I fall to the ground. Blood makes its way from my wrist to the ground. Tears of pain and frustration fall from my eyes to the ground. I hear a loud growl. Then a gunshot. I look up to see Jax in front of me. There's blood tricking from a gunshot wound in his chest. He grabs the chain and pulls it away from the man. All guns are aimed at him. He's trying to hide me from the weapons.

"Back away from the vampire." Jax pulls me closer into his chest. His fur is soft and blonde like his hair. He leans close to my ear. "My wound. Numb it. Please." He sits up again. "Why are you taking him?" I look at the wound. I lean in and begin to lick it to clean the blood. Then I start to lick it with my numbing saliva. "That is confidential information. Now back away before we shoot."

A low growl escapes from Jax. "Let them take me." A small gasp leaves Jax's mouth as he leans to speak. "Kade. No. I'm not leaving. I promised." I lift my hands so I can touch his face. "I know you can't hold that form much longer. Please. I need you to figure everything out. If we both get locked up it'll be over." He sighs. "Anything for you." Jax begins to shrink as he says. "Put the guns away. Take him and I'll leave. I didn't hurt anyone so I shouldn't be punished."

"That's the correct choice. We will not punish you if you leave immediately." The man in the front says as he motions for the others to put the guns down. Jax stands and lifts me with him. He's more human than wolf again. He kisses me on the forehead and runs away the same way he came. The man grabs my chain and continues to lead me away. I look back and Jax is no longer in sight.