
Chosen By The System: The Avatar's Journey

In the veiled embrace of an everlasting darkness, a fateful encounter unravels, where destinies converge in a celestial choreography of cosmic design. James, a man devoid of memory and senses, stumbles upon a profound purpose – to guide the unassuming Miller, a vessel teeming with uncharted power. Empowered by the enigmatic SYSTEM, Miller becomes a harbinger of salvation, though the shroud of secrecy obscures his true mission. With the hour of reckoning approaching, an epic clash between light and shadow looms. James shoulders the responsibility of mentoring Miller, traversing a treacherous path to prepare him for the impending collision. Their fates entwine, leaving the lingering question: will Miller's strength surge to vanquish the malevolent forces, or will darkness prevail, leaving hope shattered and the realm in eternal despair? Simultaneously, Miller embarks on an unending journey, fulfilling SYSTEM-assigned Quests, until a foreboding juncture emerges: "Your life force dwindles with each passing moment, unless you take a life." "Waste no time, for a dormant Killer Mode awakens if life reaches the precipice of nil." Venture through a captivating tapestry of destiny, as a narrative of bravery, sacrifice, and impending fate unfolds in this mesmerizing saga. ............................. Tags: Male MC, System, Supernatural, Action, Adventure, Werewolf, Vampires, Dhampir, Magic, Sci-fi, Fantasy, Thriller, Mystery Academy, Weak to Strong e.t.c. Exclusion Clause: Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is purely coincidental. The author, AbalandeFK, shall not be held liable for any coincidental similarities or unintentional defamation that may arise from the portrayal of characters, events, or circumstances in this work of fiction. The characters, names, places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. THE COVER FOR THIS BOOK IS NOT MINE. PLEASE DM IF YOU WANT IT REMOVED. NOTE: THE STORY OF MILLER STARTS FROM CHAPTER 10. CHAPTER 1 TO 10 TALKS ABOUT JAMES THEODORE AND A LITTLE HINT OF EARTH-16

AbalandeFK · ファンタジー
424 Chs

Ascendant Throsk'Bok


[You are now in Level 10]

[Second Evolution Starts Now.]

[Your Evolution into an Ascendant Throsk'Bok Begins Now.]

In an instant Miller started feeling pain all over his body. He fell to the floor instantly. His legs became weak. Weaker than it has ever being before.

His bones started to change mass, like some kind of physical force were altering them. He forced himself not to scream. But he also felt like this he wouldn't be able to hold it much longer.

He held his stomach with his two arms wrapped around it bending down and he started shaking on the floor.

Watson seeing this was concerned and scared at the same time. He had seen Miller behave liked this before although that last time he looked more and more aggressive. The time he saw Miller vibrating like this was when Miller was going Killer Mode.

'No the System said he going to Level 10. Why does he have to feel pain.' Watson thought looking at his friend.

Miller was rolling on the floor. It was clear he was feeling pain and he was trying to not succumb to that pain.

"Alex come help..." Watson couldn't complete his sentence as he looked at Alex.

Looking at Alex, one could see that he was become paler. Not just paler, his own body was also changing. Just like the way Miller's body was also doing. Alex's bones weren't cracking and repairing themselves like Miller's own deed. So to him it was less painful, but their was a problem for Alex.

He needs blood and due to his body changing somehow, he knows he needs blood sooner or later. No... Alex wasn't going BloodLust mood. He could feel power emanating from his own body. It was like he was getting a boost.

It was like Watson knew what Alex needed so he went over to Alex. Alex using his sharp fangs, dug into his Watson's neck instead of the palm that was presented to him.

"Thanks. Man." Alex said after taking some blood.

Watson looked at him with a disdainful look, but at least Alex was now feeling better. His body didn't feel much pain as it did. But he could still feel some kind of power growing in his body.

He bent down, his head facing the floor and gradually he also fell on the floor squeezing his own body.

"Hmmm." Miller almost screamed because of the pain. But he was able to hold himself at the last second.

Watson wanted to go over to check up on his friend. But he is scared that maybe Miller would turn into that monster and kill him.

Finally Alex pain had stopped and he stood close to Watson. Both of them looking at Miller as he kept on squeezing himself.

After a minute or so, Miller pain ended and a broad smile appeared on his face. He felt more energetic, much more Stronger than he had ever felt in his entire life before.

As he stood, both Watson and Alex looked at him a little surprised. Miller looked a little taller, like he had increased an inch or two. He looked more handsome and his physique look more muscular at least not like a gym pro. But at least at an athletic build.

At Miller's retina, these words popped which made him more happier.

'Finally...' He thought.

[Congratulations you have Successfully evolved]

[You have evolved to the second stage]

[You are now an Ascendant Throsk'Bok]

[Stage: Ascendant Throsk'Bok]

[LEVEL 10]

[HP: 100/100]



[STAMINA: 100]

[SPEED: 40]


[EXP: 0/800]

Miller instantly got confused. His numerical stats had drastically decreased, even though he could feel his body had grown stronger.

"I know what you are thinking." The System instantly said. "Previously your points were calculated based on how you were before you got attached to the System. But right now, it would be calculated according with the level of a Throsk'Bok. So Miller your strength didn't reduce. The numbers only reduced."

This was a clear reminder to Miller that he was once a weak fellow.

"Miller, keep looking at your notification. There is more that would make you smile." The System said.

Before Miller could look at them. Both Watson and Alex had ran to give him a hug.

"Hey. Guys. I am in the middle of something here." Miller said pointing at his eyes.

The two of them understood and went to sit back at the bed. Watson was the one who was more worried about Miller. Alex was also very concerned, but Watson was more.

Miller then Commanded the System to pop the other notification at his Retina. The system obeyed his instructions and thus green words flickered at his retina:

[Congratulations you have unlocked a new skill]


[Congratulations you have unlocked a new skill]

[Energy Manipulation]

[Congratulations you have being granted access to the Construct Forge]

"Wow." Miller couldn't help but say Wow. But his Roommates looked at his and was wandering what was going on. They could only see a smile on Miller's face.

"Can you explain my shadow skill. My Energy Manipulation skill or what about the Construct Forge." Miller asked the System out of total curiousity. He said this in his head so both his roommates still had no idea why a huge smile was on his face.

[The Construct Forge is a unique training space accessible to you within your consciousness. It simulates a paused reality where you can physically interact with various scenarios. Think of it as a virtual training ground that can accelerate your growth by providing immersive challenges and experiences. Your journey within the Construct Forge is designed to hone your skills and abilities, offering a controlled environment for experimentation and improvement.] The System didn't just reply, but it also displayed it on his retina.

"Unlike most of your abilities which are already in your body and you need me to Unlock them." The System said. "The Construct Forge belongs to me."

"Wow." Miller said again.

"Miller. This would help you to train at any moment in time. If you even stay longer than you expect in your Construct Forge. You would come back exactly to thesame time. It would look like your consciousness never left." The System said.

"That's cool." Miller said. "A way for me to train from the eyes of Werewolves and Vampires or anyone. That's really cool."

"Would you like to start your training now or later?" The System asked Miller.

Honestly, speaking Miller wanted to say No. But he knew he needed to get stronger. The System had told him so and he needs to do it.

"I want to." Miller replied.

[Construct Forge Activated]

At that instance Miller could feel like he left his own body. Only to land in a white room that was the shape of a cube. Standing at the center of the room was what looked like an Alien.

"Hi, Miller..." The strange looking Alien said.

[Construct Forge Successfully Activated]

Those words didn't pop at his retina like they used to do. It reveberated through the entire room and could be seen at the top of this alien's head.



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