
Choosing the impossible difficulty.

Lux, just an average guy living a normal life who wants something to happen just like everyone else. Until it actually does. God tells humanity that their world will be destroyed and they will all be moving to different realities. But first they will have to adapt to the possibilities of powers and monsters existing. What will happen when Lux picks the hardest difficulty and has to try and fight for his survival. I would appreciate it if readers would leave reviews, add this to their reading lists and vote for it. Recommend it to your friends to increase my readers. If you do then it means more people can read it. Also, I have another novel called, Tortured Before The Apocalypse which I will also be writing at the same time as this current one so please check that one out as well.

L_6 · ファンタジー
52 Chs

Level 122 - 130

Level 122 (Stage 2): The completely white platform led to a drop with nothing in front of it. Lux looked over the side and realised that there was another platform directly underneath him but if he was unable to swing onto it then he would drop to his death. He hung off the side of the ledge and sung forwards, he jumped and rolled onto the platform without taking any damage or having any slip ups. HE noticed that the platform was smaller than the previous one and looked below it for another new platform. There was a smaller platform but it was big enough for Lux, he dropped onto it with a bit of difficulty but noticed the tiny, slither like, thing that could not even be called a platform anymore and did not know if he would be able to get to it without falling. He tried to calculate the distance between himself and the platform and believed that he had enough balance and control to land on it but he had no clue what he would do once he got onto it. Just as he expected, he managed to land on the slither of a platform but was stuck without anywhere to go. He looked around but there was nothing, he looked underneath the platform but it was to no avail until he saw a light coming from inside of the bottom of the platform. He hung off the side and put his head through the opening in the bottom and pulled himself through. He was on a red platform and the hologram told him that he was on stage three.[Full Control] reached lvl.3

Level 123 (Stage 3): A completely red surrounding was all that Lux could see. There were no obstacles but Lux knew that it would not be as simple as that. He took a step forward but almost fell as when he looked down there was an endless drop, he realised that he could not see the hole in the ground before he stepped on it. This time he had luckily survived but he might not be so lucky next time This meant that if he was not careful, he could fall to his death at any time. He got on his hands and knees and started feeling around for more floor that would fall out. He eventually had made a safe path and gotten to one of the walls, he touched it and it collapsed into a bridge that led to another room. In this room was two doors, one was larger and more evil looking, and the other was regular sized with a peaceful aura around it. Lux was distraught at what to pick as there seemed to be a lot of traps so far which led him to going through the larger door as he did not trust the other one. [Full Control] reached lvl.4

Level 124 (Stage 4): A hologram popped up and told Lux that if he had gone through the smaller door, he would have been able to get to the end of this dungeon but his [Full Control] skill would not level up anymore. Lux though that he had made the right decision as he wanted all of his skills to be at the max level before he left the tutorial. He found himself in front of another set of four doors but this time they were surrounding him. Lux seemed to be in a maze of some sort with doors everywhere. He could not look over the top as something was stopping him with no sign of budging. He decided on just walking through doors in a straight line and not detour at all. This went well but along the way there were traps such as arrows flying out at him, lava dropping from the ceiling, trapdoors opening and weak undead monsters appearing in close quarters. He managed to get to the end of the maze and left through the final door. He stepped out and could see another platform, until he couldn't. He saw his vison start dropping and realised that he was falling through another trap door. He saw that there was some wall in front of him and punched forwards which stuck his arm into the wall. He pulled himself up and realised how fortunate he was for being able to survive that certain death. He got up onto the green platform and was informed that he was now on stage five. [Full Control] reached lvl.5

Level 125 (Stage 5): Lux was in front of a long strip with a lot of moving objects going along it which he seemed to have to fit through or dodge. The first thing that cam at him was a moving wall with a quite thin rectangular shape in it. Lux jumped through it right as it was about to hit him and saw another wall coming towards him but there was a circle hole this time. There was also a small moving box that was going from left to right to get in the way of Lux. He jumped over the obstacle and through the hole. A wall with a hole smaller than before and this time it had arrows flying out of the wall as well which meant that he had extra things to dodge and be aware of. Thanks to his increased dodging ability, he was not hit by a single arrow and jumped smoothly through the wall. Around fifteen moving obstacles were going from left to right and front to back and they were covered in powerful flames. Lux jumped over some of them and dodged past others but got through unharmed. He saw that there were only a few more walls left but this one was moving insanely quickly towards him. It was in the shape of a spider and just for fun he tried to imitate the shape, and to his surprise, he managed to get pretty close. The next wall was extremely slow and far away and the room was quickly filling with water. Lux managed to run as fast as possible to the wall instead of waiting for it to come to him and he front flipped through the hole. The last wall was on without a hole, Lux was puzzled until he decided to just make his own exit and punched a hole in the wall. This led him onto a yellow platform and he was told that this was stage six[Full Control] reached lvl.6

Level 126 (Stage 6): The yellow platform started moving down and arrived quite low. Lux could see another yellow platform at around the same height that he was at previously. Once the platform stopped moving, Lux heard a barrier behind him start moving and a block appeared in front of him but it was slightly elevated. He jumped onto it and another one appeared again, The barrier was still coming and he realised that he needed to be fast and as quickly as he possibly could, he sprint jumped from block to block. He was getting higher and higher but the platform still seemed so far away. He started to go even faster as the wall was trying to creep up behind him ever so slightly. Even though it felt as though it would never end, he finally got to the platform but realised that the wall was still going. It was then that another blocked appeared in front of him. The platform was a false sense of hope but he could see an orange one about the same height and distance away as the previous one was. He had no trouble getting through this part as well as it was just a repeat of what he had just done. Once he reached the orange platform he was told that he was now on stage seven[Full Control] reached lvl.7

Level 127 (Stage 7): This level was very straight forward and actually quite short. Lux was informed that he had to walk from the start all the way to the pink platform ,over one hundred metres away, on his hands and only his hands. This meant no stops from walking and no standing up normally. He had to use his newest skill to walk in a way he had never previously done before in a life or death situation. He practiced on the orange platform and got a feel for it but there was not enough room for actual practice. Lux would have to go for it with no actual experience and hope for the best. If he failed then he would just cease to exist without even a proper death. He trued to go slowly at first but realised that it was more liable to making him lose balance. This led to Lux almost sprinting on his hands as to not fall. While being incredibly stressful, Lux did not even realise that it had finished by the time it was over but was relieved that he managed to do it. While on the pink platform he got a notification telling him that this was stage eight. [Full Control] reached lvl.8

Level 128 (Stage 8): He dropped through the platform this time and realised that the whole level was underwater. Lux was stuck to the ground with slower movements and less power due to him being out of his comfort zone. He was able to breathe which was a good thing but it was still difficult. The entire level was just very thin, electric wire that would instantly fry Lux on contact. This meant he would need to manoeuvre all of the level without being touched a single time. This would be hard as there was very little room in between wires and Lux was inexperienced in the the water. He trusted his [Full Control] skill and made his way over to the first wire. He swam underneath it but there was another one directly in front which meant he had to curl his body over it. He kept on swimming through the level and dodged all of the wires on the way. He eventually made it to the very end and there was a shining blue light coming from the wall. He pulled it open and all of the water disappeared. Lux found himself on a blue platform and was told that this was stage nine. [Full Control] reached lvl.9

Level 129 (Stage 9): The blue platform had a table with a pill on it and a wall with a hole small enough for an ant to get through. There was a note by the pill that just said 'Small', Lux put two and two together and realised that the pill would make him small and that he would have to do the entire level while being tiny. Lux did not trust it one bit. He looked under the table and saw a small but not impossible to get through gap in the wall, it would not be visible if you did not look under the table but it seemed like a better option. Lux picked up the pill and smelt it, "Almonds huh? Fucking cyanide, are you kidding me? God damn it tutorial, even I'm not that dumb" Lux threw the pill and went back to the gap. He used his skill to control the muscles in his body and contracted all of them to fit through the gap. Once on the other side he realised that there was nothing but another room with a drop to a multicoloured platform. It seemed like the creator did not put a lot of thought into it as they presumed that people would just accidentally kill themselves with the pill. He dropped onto the platform and was notified that he was on the final level of the dungeon, stage ten. [Full Control] reached lvl.10

Level 130 (Stage 10): Unlike the previous levels where Lux did not want to fall, this time he had to. The level was an insanely long drop with a portal at the bottom. There was nothing he could do to prepare, so Lux jumped into the abyss. Arrows flew at him which he swiftly dodged in the air while free falling. Obstacles appeared in his way that he needed to dodge. A door appeared in front of him but he just smashed right through it and kept dropping. A very neatly formed, unmoving body of water was floating mid air until Lux crashed through it and caused an immense splash. He could finally see the portal though and dive bombed right for it. He reached it and went soaring right through with no hesitation. He had finished the Dungeon and was able to get a new skill. [Full Control] reached Full Mastery