

Today would be another busy day, he had three important things that should be taken care of, first he had to go to the shelter to pick up the puppy, he had spent the whole night thinking about how to name it. Finally when he was tired of the weird ideas he thought of Soleil, it meant sun in French and that described perfectly the small guy, he had the color of the sun and a shining personality, well he wasn't sure yet but from their first encounter he had felt that.

Then he would receive a text to confirm if he and Em were granted permission to travel to the US, it shouldn't be a bad surprise but he was still ready to do it again if it was refused just in case.

Finally he would receive the package of Adidas, he was impatient to see what their new collection Bilal told him about looked like.

After breakfast he told Em to change from her pajamas, today was Saturday, as she didn't have class he decided to take her see Soleil right away.

"Where are we going ?"


He said while smiling from side to side, he looked just like a kid that was told he was going to Disneyland, so excited that he couldn't sit still.

Half an hour later they were in the car and headed toward the shelter, he parked it in front of the shelter and opened the door for Em.

"Big brother what is this place ?"

She could hear barks and meowings coming from inside which made her perplexed.

"Follow me."

He smiled, grabbed her small hand and pulled her inside.

They arrived in front of the receptionist, she was the same girl as yesterday.

"Hello !"

"You came back so soon, everything is ready for the adoption, did you bring a cage for the dog ?"

Em looked at her brother confused.

"Yes everything is in the car's trunk."

Yesterday he had made a quick stop by a pet shop to buy all that was needed such as dog food, a cage for the trip home, a leash and such stuff before going to pick up Em from school, he didn't want to do it this morning as it would give hints to Em and waste the surprise.

"Fine then follow me please,"

Saying that she stood up looked over at the small Em that she couldn't see because she was hidden by the high desk and said

"She can't be you daughter right ?"

It was the second time she was mistaken as his daughter, this time he was even perfectly shaved and dressed so he shouldn't look that old.

"She is my sister, Emma. Say hello."

He smiled, he didn't care being misunderstood but that would mean he had a daughter when he was 12 years old...

"Ah hello, I'm Emma. You can call me Em like everybody else."

She blushed and hid half her body behind Sam, she was still shy with strangers and hated it when she was asked to introduce herself.

"Awww how cute ! Nice to meet you Em ! I'm Nadia."

She extended her hand and Em shook it lightly.

Then they followed her into a different room from yesterday, in this room there was only one cage sitting on a table. At first Sam was afraid that Em would get frightened by the dogs barking when they went into the room but it looks like they had a good procedure.

Sam went in front of the cage and smiled, he put his palm on it again and the puppy barked cutely and licked his palm, it looked like it had already remembered his smell.

Sam looked back at the entrance of the room where Em was standing and looking at him cutely and motioned her to come closer. As the table was too high he carried her and showed her the puppy.

"Ahhhh how cute ! What is his name ? Is it a boy or a girl ?"

"Hahah it's a boy, his name is Soleil and he'll be living with us from today onwards."

Em looked back at her brother with big eyes and her mouth wide open, she couldn't believe what he told her.

"Living with us ?"

"Yes, with us at the apartment."

He smiled and Em almost fell down from his arms when she turned around and jumped to hug him.

"Hahah yesssss we have a dog !"

She jumped away from Sam's arms, pulled a chair climbed on it, then on the table and crouched in front of the cage to look attentively at Soleil.

After a few seconds she looked at Sam and said

"Can we take him out of the cage ?"

Sam didn't know as well so he looked at Nadia, all the paperwork was done so the dog was already his but he wasn't sure if he was allowed in here.

She nodded so Sam approached the cage and put Em away, it was still a dog after all so he preferred being bitten himself than Em.

He opened the door of the cage but Soleil stayed inside, he walked slowly and got his head out first, after checking around for awhile he finally decided to take a step outside of the cage. Sam put his hand in front of him and waited for him to get closer on his own.

On the side Em was looking at the scene with a big smile, Soleil walked slowly toward Sam and started to rub his back against Sam's hand.

"Awwww so cute ! Can I try too ?"

Em was already getting impatient, she was just impatient to take the puppy home and to spend all her time playing with him !

She approached when Sam told her and put her hand in front of Soleil, he looked at it for awhile before licking it.

"Ahhhh it tickle hahah."

Sam left Em to play with Soleil and headed toward the car to bring the cage he had brought, he had brought the best quality to avoid hurting Soleil in any way, he had money now anyway.

It was around 10:40 AM when they took Soleil and left, Em insisted to keep the cage on her lap instead of behind the seats.

They arrived home and Sam opened the cage, at first Soleil looked afraid of the new environment but with Em leading him around he started to feel confident very fast and finally started running around after Em.

Making sure that everything would be alright Sam headed in the kitchen to start doing lunch when he heard the system.

[Congratulations master.

The system decided to double your reward since you completed the mission 5 days faster than expected.

3000 EV's has been added to the 7203 EV's you already had.]

'Wow that makes it more than 10 000 ? I wonder if I can buy something cool with that amount...'

He disregarded the amount of EV's he had as he didn't want to waste them now, he would think about buying anything when he felt like he really needed it, he kept doing lunch, he was still waiting for two things this afternoon, since the postman hadn't left a letter to say that he passed already it meant that he would bring the package sent by adidas sometime this afternoon and he hadn't received a text about the authorizations to go to the US.

For those that can read phonetics Soleil is read this way : /sɔ.lɛj/

For the rest just tap Soleil prononciation on YouTube and you’ll find it :)

Hahahshhscreators' thoughts