

Catastrophe breaks the thousands of years of foundation of entire humanity and bring them to extinction. It wasn't man made nor natural but something more bizzare from unknown milky-way, a meteorite of some destroyed plantery system as large as Urasia!, came forth and from the sky as if it's going to rip apart whole blue sky. Due to this unknown, countless countries along with its citizens were wiped out. When push came to shove, remaining humans joint created a last circle of society to face off the unknown. Past turning into dust, present crumbling in front of their eyes, future were uncertain. With the Crashed Meteorite from unknown milky-way, it brought, something, something like a parasite, which soon mixed in within the wind, turns into a disease which mutated many deformed some and what's remain gained some supernatural ability, but threat of the Unknown is still there. Wanna know more then stay tuned with me, cuz, I have a long way to go......

VelRiose · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Trapped Within Cold Cave

"Ah! Oh! Damn it! Ouch! No, no, no not on head, yaaaaaa.... Ouch, Aaah!" Rio! Continuously falling into this groundless pit of hell, surrounded completely in Darkness.

Blackness halts his vision from blurry to blackout, after being hit numerous times while falling. He wandered in many directions, while his figure was tossing and turning, never to find safest place, at last, after many ups and downs, he held a rock tightly with his right hand.

But luck is a big bitch, it turned around and the bodies of those huge Dark Beak Crows fell on him randomly, didn't let him grasp a single peace of breath. He fell down simeltaneuosly with all the heavy weight pounding him down.

Luck really not his best friend, unfortunately back of his head gets hits on some random rock stone gazing out from these giant rocky mountains, covers whole sides with only one way escape, from where he fell before. Fainted as blackness stirred his brainwaves. Like a soulless puppet he fell seems like a crushing paper can squeeze to pulp with some pressure, if gripped tight.

*Stomp! Thud! Stomp! Thud!*

His body collided with rocky sharp stones many times, many fatal injuries occurred in his hands and claws.

In that pitch Darkness many boulder of broken land of above crashed on the ground. One after another pile of mountain of grasses, once a loving face of nature, palm trees, apple branches, alongside mud, rusty, dirty land has fallen to this nonchalant rumbling and ground shaking noise reverberate more with the deceased Crows Gang and half or more dead heavily breathing this Being of unnatural phenomenon. At long last he has fallen on the rubbles then rolled on left side of all the debris, finally peacefully fainted.

It's been like forever, but five days has passed away since the battle at top of the mountain which ended up in fatally wounding Rio!, alongside deceased Gang of Crows and also showered by snow as temperature turn below zero, filling the pit hell, the aftermath of dreadful battle.

"Ahu, ahu, ahu! Cough! Cough! Cough!" Snort! too seems this snowy weather has jammed his nostrils. Couldn't able to grasp any breathable wind, a pressure formed within, lungs, throat, brain immediately comply tactics to counter this but situation of his gotten worse, so does his face turns red, on forehead some blood veins popping up, saliva gulp down, couldn't breathe, eyes rolled back showing yellow sclera, sweats dripping off as his whole figure burning up.

Seems near of deaths door, flashes of some figures in white appears in his mind, tried to catch or get glimpse of such person, at last, like last line of life, a pair of gill's open on front of his lungs like fishes has. The pair spread some liquid out once it opens, some sticky ones. Then once he inhales, the gill's close, on exhaling opens simultaneously.

Snow has turned this dark place upside down into a white marble floor, quite a nice scenery if one wants to say. Still sinking from the wide entrance far above of this place, as soon as he control his breath, still laid on his left, his four legs still jammed due to numbness of cold, so does his hands of freezing.

"Damn this rotten place. Filled with rotting smell of my oposers and humidity. Damn this place Seems just like a cave of some uncanny monster's territory. Huff! My nostrils won't work but I didn't know, I also have gill's just like fishes, thanks to them, I can breath now. Huff! Huff! I think many of my bones has fracture or crushed, luckily wounds has closed, otherwise lukemia should have taken affect on me. All n all this cold weather is a blessing in disguise for me. Aah! Can't move, don't know how long will it take for my body to heal. Huff! What's those things....?"

Rio! Inwardly thought of situation he has been in now, suddenly a shiny thing blinking from beneath the surface of Snowy small rubbles hill. Once the overgrown snow fell aside it blink like saying, 'catch me if you dare.'

He tries to moves his figure to slid towards the blinking light, like has charms him, even being hurt pain wraps him all around his veins almost shouted. "Aaaaah!"

Halt his movements, laid on his back grasping heavy breaths. "Huff! Huff! Huff!"

*Grrrrr! Thud! Grrrrr! Grrr!*

Suddenly the hill size snow mountain with a rumble like avalanche has taken place, fallen all over the place even buried him slightly under snow, mud and dirt. "Pfft! Phew! Phew!!! garbage, shit, shit..." Some dirt found its way inside his mouth, well even has enormous monstrous body, due to low strength and in weak state he is in couldn't move a muscle. Luckily due to this low scale avalanche that shiny thing now in his reach.

This shiny thing is part of one of that dark beak crows gang, stitched within its lifeless figure opposite of its heart. The corpse slid on his right hand side, so he slides there. After within his reach, muster all strength in his left hand after rolled, took turn and pluck out that shiny thing.

He looks it eagerly as to what is this? But to no avail understand. Within him like something usurp deep, some white figures or some scenes plays again in his brain.

The uncanny visions shows him something important, and once it ended, he knows what he had to do. Visions are blurry, figures were white, although he didn't much understood but gotten enough idea of how to use this shiny palm size orb in green miasma.

Without wasting time, he closed the gap between his arm and face, put inside his mouth and gulp it down under his throat. After some ten or so breaths, his body release a warm black aura along with some sticky things which came out from his skin's.

Tiredness and fatigue made him closer to shut his eyes covers then endless troll of sleep taken over him, he fast asleep. After sleeping, his body glows in green miasma from beneath, encircled by dark aura. All the Mana in surrounding areas rushes happily to become part of such monster. As a strange sky blue aura concentrate on his forehead rest follows his heart.

After a chilled night, a warm day welcomes in a way of some shiny rays of sunlight embrace this land of shadow, pierced from the entrance on far above, once a bountiful garden. The silhouette of such Grasshoppers Scales lit up the moment sunlight traces its way and bounce back on near wall reflection of blurr scales shadows were shown.

"Woaaaah! Woah! Hmmmm! Ummm! Tch! Tch! I'm feeling hungry. Huh! Strange where did all those wounds gone? Wow, extraso! So, so good. I'm feeling so good. What a feeling this is. Huff!" Gets back on his feets, even jumped several times to measure his current state.

Well, overweight of his figure resounded in this place more once he started jumping in joy of rid of those fatal wounds. The noise erupt from his jumping reverberate in that weird dark place. Once he found his excitement past the resonating sounds echoes throughout this spooky place, reach his ears, he stopped jumping, and carefully examined the place he currently fallen into with precise.

Unknowingly his monster eyes can see through darkness easily as eating pie. He scanned the area and watched the ceiling has been filled with snowflakes, maybe due to continuous snowing, must be weather is sobbing for the dead ones.

Suddenly something caught his eyes and he moves further ahead, "What's this" he walks and stopped near the pile of snow hill, underneath stuck, such heavy snowfall, those big dark beak crows rotten flesh and some other shining orbs of differ patterns as well hue.

He find a strange energy coursing inside his veins, like wants him to unleash his all strength at once, so he took a step back, spread his four legs, moves upper half to right to pose some popular TV Shows character and closed both hands together like creating some energy balls, spoke aloud, "Mighty Sun Ray" but even after waiting for three to four breath, swoosh! other than some cold breeze blowing, nothing happened.

"Damn I feel embarrassed! Huff! How does those characters were able to unleash such profound strengths. I can't do it. But wait, may be that will work. Hee, hee." well, first felt disheartened but soon another crazy idea pop up within him, but to accomplish that he needed his personal weapon, his own twin daggers, but haven't aware off whether daggers still there in his elbows or lost when he has fallen.

He put both hand straight then curves upwards, his eyes gleaming in excitement, cuz his Daggers came out from their shelter hangs in front of his eyes in mid air. He quickly caught them a wide grinning smile flatten on his long beak which he licks with his snake like tongue twisted in two from front. Then started slashing the rumble in front.