
Chillin In The World of Pokemon

Just_jesse18 · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs


After spending time with may parents i went back to my room to test my abilities. I first used observe on the eggs.

Name: ?

Species: Magikarp (egg)

Gender: Male

Type: Water

Tier: Egg

Loyalty: 0

Name: ?

Species: Gible(egg)

Gender: Male

Type: Ground/Dragon

Tier: Egg

Loyalty: 0

Name: ?

Species: Happiny (egg)

Gender: Female

Type: Normal

Tier: Egg

Loyalty: 0

After checking on the egg, I used the unlimited resources skill to take out a incubator for the eggs. What i did not know that the unlimited resource cheat would take me into another dimension. A forest where i would just think and the environment would change and the resources would appear. I first thought about incubators for the egg and after a second it appeared.

They still did not have a incubator in the kingdom, they must have used pokemons to heat up or cloths since the eggs that i have here are bundled with them. Carefully placing the eggs inside the incubator i placed it at my side.

Now i am very excited. I will be meeting my legendaries now. Just need to think about a bigger environment for my rayquaza to roam and in the next second i was standing on a meadow wide and big enough for even groudon. I took out my rayquaza pokeball and took a deep breath.

I was about to toss the ball but i forgot one crucial thing when summoning a pokemon.... a catchphrase, well its not really needed but i wanted one. My inner child was in full action thinking about a nice catchphrase whenever i bring out my rayquaza. It needs to be cool and not cringey. It needs to be badass fitting for my pokemons. After a couple of seconds of thinking, i finally found my desired catchphrase.

I tossed the ball while saying " Lets have fun, Rayquaza." That was the coolest line i could think of in the spring of the moment.

And let me say she was freaking huge. She was about 12 meters tall. She was beautiful with her shiny metalic scales. After she was released she let out a massive roar which shook the dimension. After the roar, she bent her huge body so that her head was near my body.

She was majestic. And i was speechless. I could only reach out my hand and try to stroke her head. It was very smooth. I had a huge smile on my face as i continue to stroke her head.

" Your one beautiful princess are you. Hahahaha. From now on your name will be Tiamat. The last owner of that name was a dragon goddess  " I said and she hummed as a response. " Come here to my side and let us meet your sister."

She came at my side and laid down as i stroked her head.

I thought about the catchphrase for suicune. After a few moments, i thought of something. Picking suicune's pokeball i uttered a catchphrase for her.

" Let them drown in your water, suicune." As i tossed the pokeball. She was atleast 3 meters tall. With her shiny blue coat, she was beautiful. I could not help but smile. And slowly reach up and scratch her neck. Suicune also bent down so that i could reach as i was only about 1.5 m.

"Aqua, your name. For you are a ruler of water." I said slowly scratching her neck. " Both of you will be older sisters from now on." I said as i showed them the 3 eggs. They went closer to the egg and sniffed, after having enough and hummed as if accepting the role.

I wanted to see how strong they were so i thought about a place to train. The next second the meadow was filled with cardboard ratata target practice where you can see in any shooting range. I called tiamat and asked her to do a hyperbeam. She slowly stood up and powered up a hyperbeam. And man was it huge. I could already feel the power that it held. I think that hyperbeam can destroy sinnoh. Before things could escalate, i hurridly thought for the eggs to go back to my room. Once the eggs vanished, tiamat was ready. She fired her hyperbeam to the cardboard ratatas.

Annihilation, was the only word i could describe tiamat's hyperbeam. The wind from the blast was so strong that i was almost blown away. Thank morgan, i was holding on suicune. The place was on utter destruction. The destruction was so wide, i could not even see the end of it. The only place that was not destroyed was the land on the back of tiamat.

Getting out of my shock, i could see a proud expression appear on tiamat's face. Cant really blame her, anyone would be proud if your attack would bring absoulte destruction.

" You are one strong girl are you, I bet you could bitch slap any legendary out there, and maybe fight arceus for a couple of minutes." I said while stroking her side. " But soon ill train you so that you could match him or even surpass him. Same to you aqua."

" Now its your turn to show off, aqua. Use blizzard."

As suicune attacked using blizzard, i could only stare as the place turned into an icy hell. Slowly but surely the place turned into an ice wasteland. I had a proud expression on my face. I may not have trained them but they are my pokemons. And soon they will grow even stronger. I could not help but hug both of them.

After the moment with them, i spent my time grooming suicune and petting rayquza. We played catch and even rode rayquaza with suicune. We destroyed the place with rayquazas attack, and flooded and iced the place with suicunes. Overall it was a fun experience filled with destruction, floods and ice.

After having our fun it was time for me to go back. I wanted to let them stay inside the dimension so they wont be cramped inside the pokeball  but both insisted to always be by my side. Well on this case they wanted to be on my neck. They said they wanted to protect me from the dangers. They knew i was stronger than them and nothing could harm me in this world, but they kept on insisting. So i let them be. I returned them to their balls and exited the dimension.

My inner chuuni was awakened HAHAHAH

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