
Chillin' in Haikyuu

Daniel chooses to not be like other reincarnators and wants to live a chill life so he decides to be reborn in Haikyuu. Just doing this for fun

child_of_God1 · アニメ·コミックス
26 Chs

Ch 7 Does the head fit the Crown

Sitting on the bench in a basketball court watching the school team practice was a schoolboy. Looking at the ongoing practice was Daniel. It was clear his mind wasn't at the court during that moment.

'What was that feeling I had?'

'I know this is the world of Haikyuu but why is my body aching to touch the ball again?'

Coming back to reality, he moved his gaze towards his hands.

'It felt so good, almost to an orgasmic level. Why doesn't this appear with basketball?'

'I tried to get that feeling back by practicing on my own but it never appeared.'


'Well, I was gonna stop anyway so no matter.'

Getting up to leave, he looked back at his teammates- no ex teammates. After playing with them for 2 seasons, some friendly feelings are going to spring up.

Sigh "I didn't want this either." Muttering as he walked out, his destination; House of Tosin.

Meanwhile at the Dorts,

A fair-skinned woman with brown eyes and straight blonde hair that parts above her forehead is seen with a laptop. Her hair has shoulder-length bangs that frame her face and the rest reaches her lower-back. Her voluptuous figure filled with a curvaceous frame with above-average height and noticeably large breasts all present on a slender woman who appears to be working on her laptop, Ms.Tosin.


She had just received a call from her baby's school . It was from a Mr. Liam, the school's volleyball coach, who apparently had seen Daniel's skills on the ball and wanted him on the team.

But she nonchalantly replied that Daniel makes choices for himself and her job is to support him with his decisions.

Liam, although shocked, relented and asked her to let Daniel know of the invitation.

She acquiesced in response and bade her goodbyes.



"I'm home" announced a voice from the entrance's direction.

"Hey, Daniel. How was school and practice?" Pausing her actions and looking up to see her son.

"Meh, not much." he shrugged and said nonchalantly.

"You okay?" Caressing his hair with worry filling her eyes.


"Very well, a coach from your school called." Choosing to trust in her son, she adjusted her posture.

"Hmm, why?" He was confused as his basketball coach never called home.

"He wanted to invite you to join the school's volleyball team after seeing your little display at the court." 'Ah, so that's what happened. Tsk.'

"Oh and?" Tilting his head, not aware of what his mother was implying.

"What do you mean? I told him I would let you know." Touching his head with the Itachi style flick.

"I see." He rubbed his head giving a dull response.

"And.. What's your decision?" She urged as she knew his worries.

Well I can go check it out if that's what you're asking." He acquiesced, knowing his mother's thoughts.

"You know that's not it. I'm saying are you going to actually play though?" She pouted as her son tried to put the responsibility on her.

"That we will have to see about." Shaking his head wryly, he turned to the stairs, preparing to retire.

His foot stopped midair in an attempt to climb the stairs.

"Mom.. My body reacted at school today." He hesitated then finally spilled the beans.

Wow, really? How" She squealed excitedly, leaping & running to hug him.

"Sigh. With volleyball" Hugging her back, he recounted his experience with the ball.

"Fufu~. It seems even fate is trying to pull you together." She giggled with her hand over her lips.

"Sure." Returning on his journey to the room.


The players are seen whispering among themselves at the sight of a new face.

"Woah, is that really him"

"He's so fine"

"I want him"

"So that's him huh"

In chorus they all thought 'The Uncrowned Prince'

However to this group of young ins, this wasn't just a new face. In fact he was very well known in the school, the 'Uncrowned Prince'. Apparently he got the title for 2 reasons, he never wanted to be a captain if he could avoid it but he was always acknowledged as, earning him the uncrowned and the prince title due to his age at the time.

Equipping his favorite basketball shoes, a figure overshadowed him. Frowning, he looks up to see a man, geared up in black Adidas sweatshirt and pants with joggers.

'So this is the coach huh.. Why does he look so shabby?'

"Hoho, you're finally here".

'Is this the brat? So handsome.' An ever so slight blush briefly appears on his cheeks.

"Yeah, so what now?"

"We're going to start warm ups and a few drills then, a King's Court style tournament.


"Alright let's start the warm ups" Clapping his hands to get the attention of the players

"Well I'll be on my way."

'Let's see if this prince is worthy to be crowned King'

30 minutes later.


"Alright. Let's make teams of 3 for a total of 8 teams and get this tournament going."

On team 7, Daniel and his 2 teammates are introducing themselves.

"Hello my name's Amelia" trying to initiate a conversation with the 'Uncrowned Prince'

"And I'm Kai" following in her footsteps also introduced himself.

Finally turning to face his new teammates, he observed their phsyique and mentally nodded

'It seems there are some hidden gems here'

"The name's Daniel" he curtly added, returning to his thoughts once more.

His teammates looked at each other and a wry smile made its way to their faces.

"Um Daniel, nice to meet you but how about choosing positions?"

"Is that so? Very well I will be playing defense only."

'Shouldn't guys like him want to play ACE instead and I play defense'. Slightly tilting her head in confusion.

'This guy.. He's different' Kai thought and narrowed his gaze at Daniel.

"Hmm? Will there be a problem"

"Well are you sure you want to go for libero"

"Is that what it's called? Then yes that's my decision."

Hearing his response, she widened her eyes and turned to look at the only guy.

"Don't worry Amelia, since he knows what he wants, let him have it."

Daniel raised an eyebrow at his comment but merely shrugged it off.

"What position are you going for?"


Hearing the coach yelling for their team to go up, the trio make their way to the court. Strangely, the whole court seemed to focus on them not trying to hide their gazes at all. Daniel, already used to this sort of attention was unfazed but the other two however, were not so indifferent. Fidgeting in their spot, they twirled their hair around with their fingers for the girl and the guy started tapping his foot and folded his arms.


Both teams went into their spots on the court but Daniel's team caused an uproar as they thought he would pick an offensive position but he surprisingly chose to play defense. Even the coach lost his composure and was about to have them change but he recalled the scary lady he had a conversation with over the phone and withdrew his already outstretched leg.

'Welp, here goes nothing'


The members of Daniel's team locked eyes with each other and they instantly came to a mutual decision.

"You serve". Turning to Daniel, they spoke in unison.

"Huh, uh sure, whatever"

Picking the ball up with his right hand, he walks slowly to the service line and takes a deep breath. Illusory smoke follows his exhaling motion creating a menacing figure into the hearts of the young elementary students.

"Kyaa so handsome"

"I want to have his kids"

... okay maybe not so much the girls.


Turning to face the opposition, he bounces the ball thrice and spins it in his palm. Throwing the ball up as he sprints, he jumps right before the service line…

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