
Chill Life To The Top

War had enveloped the entire world,Many countries had faced total destruction. Rosé a Lieutenant Colonel was sent on a mission by one of his Superiors where he was ambushed by the enemy soldiers,In a bloody battle he lost his life,He was reincarnated in a new world. A world which had different races living together,A world where magic reigns supreme ,A world where all kinds of different Monsters and creatures exist ,A world that has a Strange and mysterious Tower full of mysteries,Follow Rosé’s relaxed journey in this new World . {I’m writing this for my satisfaction so do not expect much and please excuse my grammar as I do not read a lot of books or novel, so I have no clue on how to write one to begin with.} {In process of rewriting the chapters!}

Rosee_Iamm · ファンタジー
45 Chs

June’s Trial

*The next day *

Rosé was woken up by ghost who was sitting on his chest and licking his face ,He got up and kissed him on the forehead before heading to freshen up ,After freshening up Rosé sat on the couch in room and enjoyed some warm tea that Mia prepared for him.

After his drinking his tea,He head to his private training room ,Mia followed behind him ,He walked into a room that was 36000 square feet in size ,The walls of the room were yellow in colour as they were made out of reinforced and enchanted 'Yunyx' which was the strongest and most durable metal in the world,The walls could withstand about 10,000 strikes from a metamorphosis Rank warrior.

Rosé asked Mia to stay outside the Battle podium ,He climbed onto the podium and activated the Arcane runic Barriers around the podium,He then summoned his 200 Stone golems who were at the calamity rank ,Mia who saw them was Amazed because she could feel the intimidation of the golems through the barriers and knew that they were much much stronger than her.

Rosé gave them the command to attack him with everything they've got ,One of them rushed straight towards him clenching his fist ,Rosé doged the attack with minimal movement and countered by slightly swinging his arms towards the golem,but before his had could touch the golem it was blown to smithereens by the gust of wind that accompanied his counter attack,Rosé looked at this and thought "Omni seal my sats to match the stone golems till when i am training",She replied "Yes master,Give me a few minutes",Rosé thinks "Alright".

While Omni was sealing his stats ,He stood and watched the pieces of the stone golem gather around regenerate into its original form,Omni spoke "Master I have completed the seal ,Your stats now are all at 30 thousand which is equal to the stats of the stone golems,you may continue your training",Rosé thinks "Thank you Omni".

He then signals the Golems to charge at him ,All 199 golems charged at him from every direction,They engaged in a gruesome,Brutal and destructive battle ,Rosé formed gloves made of arcane mana and smashed through all the defences of the golem with brute strength,completely destroying them ,he skillfuly doged all thier attacks with minimal movements while counterattacking,After Fifteen Minutes of continuous failure ,The golems regrouped and divided them self's into 4 groups,The first group conjured Arcane Mana swords and shields while the second group conjured Daggers and the third and fourth conjured Wands,They then organised themselves into a formation.

Rosé smiled at them and said "Well don't keep me waiting,Show me what you'll have prepared for me".The First group charged at Rosé while the second group used shadow magic to hide themselves away ,The Third group provided support by firing spells, deforming the podium and putting him at disadvantage while the fourth group used Arcane Buff magic on the first group,increasing thier overall combat abilities by 20 fold.

Rosé smiled looking at this and used the Arcane Buff magic on himself ,Making his combat ability equal to that of the fist group ,He then unleashed his majestic wings and coasted them with Arcane mana ,Rosé and the First group the clashed at full power.This time the battle was extremely difficult for Rosé and he was unable to avoid all the attacks from the Golems because of thier excellent formations and team work ,Rosé had received many serious wounds but they didn't bother him as they healed almost instantly,He was thrilled and extremely excited,They continued their brutal and bloody battle for an hour and thirty minutes,If it was up to Rosé he would have continued fighting but because he had work to do he stopped,Rosé opened a portal and sent all the golems back .

Rosé then walked down the podium which had already repaired itself of all the damage it had received,This was because of the result of Rosé's Arcane runic inscriptions.He walked to the awestruck Mia ,Rosé took the towel from her and wiped off all his sweat ,He then smiles and pat her on the head and says "Let's go", He walks out of the room and heads for the Thermae(Imperial Bath complex )with a flushed Mia following him.

After a nice and relaxing bath Rosé went to the dining hall to gets some lovely breakfast ,After eating he head to his office and dealt with all the paperwork pending and then head to the Shadow Knights Training ground ,Today June was going to test all the candidates that had applied for the shadow Knight order after they passed the Army trials .

Rosé entered the Training room that was full of special training equipment ,He was greeted by Noah,The trail's had already begun ,June was testing out the affinity of all the candidates present and was on the last few candidates .Rosé sat on his throne and smoked a cigarette while he watched.

There were 400 candidates participating in the Trial ,there were 250 S Ranks ,100 SS Rank and 50 SSS Rank .After the everyone's affinity was confirmed They were all handed a special piece of equipment they all were told to enter the special capsule which were present in the room.

'The Mind capsule' that is enchanted by Runic inscriptions and A combination of multiple Magic schools,The purpose of the capsule was to put the candidate into a minimally conscious state ,The capsule creates a scenario of Dangerous situations with the help of a combinations of Runic inscriptions and Magic Circles .Every candidate will receive a different scenario and will be judged on thier actions ,awareness,decision making,judgment and many more factors.The illusions that are presented in the capsules are so detailed and realistic that it feels like the scenario is actually occurring in real life,All the scenarios that the candidates are going through are displayed on the a large screen through [Transmission Magic].