
Children of Destiny: Jikan

作者: Kaiza_Akuma
Magical Realism
連載中 · 874 ビュー
  • 2 章
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What is Children of Destiny: Jikan

WebNovel で公開されている、Kaiza_Akuma の作者が書いた Children of Destiny: Jikan の小説を読んでください。...



When I was born again.

What she yearned for was power. A power that can subdue all those who ever disrespected, shunned, bullied or hurt her. What she cultivated was strength. A strength that can never be taken away from her even when she loses every possession of her... What she never wanted was depend on any one as its a sign of weakness. No matter the situation, she'll never bend to ask for help because she learnt it the hard way that at the end of the day we all are on our own.. .................... She was secretly a top-class assassin that many were in search of. The boss behind the biggest high class empire of businesses. And belongs to the famous medicinal clan that everyone respected and looked up to. Pity that no one inside the clan knows her true potential and abandoned her when in face of a mere danger. Expecting her to come beg them, but who is Qiao Xue? She's rather live poorly than bend infront of those who don't care about her. Her heart had long turned into ice, now she only wanted revenge. Pure revenge. ............... But his arrival was an exception. He made her feel which no one had made her feel so.. He was not any ultra rich businessman, neither any heir to a prestigious family-clan. In fact he was just a a C-level actor working as a background for many not so popular films. Then how did he catch the supreme Miss Qiao's eye? How did the two with different lifestyles, ambitions and personality met each other?

DefaDevil · 若者
4 Chs

K! Sweet Deceptions...

Powerful and ruthless, mysterious at the same time influential, he brings down every company that tries to cross the line with him. The Wei technology CEO has crossed his path this time and he wouldn't let them off. They had to do something. They sent the heir to replace his newly appointed psychologist and the only girl in the deadly RYS group to apply as a secretary. ..... What??? I am pregnant? Yes Ma'am, you are. Congratulations! . I can't keep this child No, You'll keep the child. This will become our greatest weapon against him. . . Mummy, why do we have to move from here again? We should just face whatever it is head on! The cute little boy said to his mummy What? Head on? with Ji Fei? I must be mad to do that! He'll eat us alive. He's the deadliest person on this planet. We need to leave! Get your sister Mum! Who exactly is this Ji Fei? I am! A cold voice sounded behind them. They all looked back to see a man in windbreaker. The Asura is here! Handsome uncle! What are you doing here? Didn't we promise to meet up tomorrow? Little Dumpling exclaimed Mr. Juice maker, what are you doing here? Do you know mummy? Little Fresh Meat was also surprised. What Handsome uncle? what Mr. Juice maker? We're done for! Long time no see Li Nuan.... He said with an evil smirk. I still owe you one more cute little cherry. I'm here to repay my loan Li Nuan: "..." PS - All Characters and Organizations used in this book is totally fictitious.

Att21 · 都市
9 Chs


  • 総合レビュー
  • テキストの品質
  • リリース頻度安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界観設定


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