
Child Of Hades: Son Of The Devil

The faction wars. Sixteen years long and with enough destruction to put all the world wars combined to shame. On this day, the children of Hades tore their way out of the twilight world, deciding they wished to forge their own path. But was that the true purpose of the war? Because on that same day a boy was born. a single being that holds more mystery surrounding him than any other child of Hades. Now, he is stuck in a battle between Olympians of great intellectual prowess and unimaginable physical ability, trying to find his own path when everyone around him forces him to go in one direction. He is the child of Hades: The son of the devil. And this, is his story. Update Schedule. 2 chapters a day everyday. Power Stone Reward System. 50 PS - 1 NEW CHAPTER 100 PS - 2 NEW CHAPTERS 150 PS - 3 NEW CHAPTERS ~D_RegalInsomniac

D_RegalInsomniac · ファンタジー
42 Chs

What Would You Have Done?

That night, Damian didn't get a single bit of sleep. He had been startled awake at every slight sound, trying his hardest to avoid being blindsided by Jang.

The room they were given was a spacious one. It had more than enough space to allow the two boys to push their beds to opposite sides of the wall to avoid even seeing each other. Damian had been reluctant at first to move something that wasn't his property, but one look from Jang and he found himself pushing that bed as fast as humanly possible to get away from the monster.

The next morning, Damian woke up before the alarm clock rang. He scratched his eyes sleepily and looked around the room groggily.

Jang wasn't around.

The bed on the other side of the room was empty and Damian felt grateful for the small mercy. He stood from his bed and moved towards his bag to get his bathing supplies. The sun outside the room shone directly on his feet and he winced as it burnt him slightly.

Once he had his supplies he then moved towards the door and tried to open it but Damian was shocked when it didn't budge. Damian put more strength into it, trying to pry the door open. But no matter what he did the door stayed shut.

It was locked.

"Hey!" Damian shouted as he tossed his bathing supplies to the side and tried using both hands to open the door, "Hey! Let me out!"

Damian banged on the door repeatedly, but there was no one around to hear him. He did this for a while before he finally slumped against the door and slid down to the ground in defeat.

He hated this.

He hated his weakness so much.


At the hot springs, Jang sighed as he submerged himself in the waters. The springs were just as amazing as the critics said.

"Hey, Jang. Where's that guy, Damian? He's your roommate right"

The person who spoke was a pretty boy - Hugo - with long blond hair and an impressive slim build. He was only sixteen years old, but news of his triumphs in high school sporting events had reached all around Japan.

He was currently leaning with his arms crossed on the edge of the bath, his back to Jang. His eyes were closed and his face was the picture of perfect content.

Jang scoffed, "I don't know. Maybe the creep slept in or something"

"You really don't like him, huh?" Hugo said, "I wonder what someone like you would do if he were to end up in the same room as his enemy"

Hugo opened one of his eyes and looked towards Jang.

"It surely can't be anything pretty"

"What are you trying to say, Hugo?" Jang snarled threateningly, "just come out and say it already"

Hugo kept his stare on Jang for a while before he finally closed his eyes and turned away, "Oh well. I guess it's none of my business. You have your fun"

Jang scoffed and then descended into silence once again.

At the side of the bath, several boys huddled together and looked on in despair at the other two.

"Damn, it's so unfair. Evolution can't be this mean to us!" One of the boys said.

"Those two have it all. Looks, girls, brains. How the hell did we end up like this!" Another boy cried while shedding premium tears.

One of the boys put his hands on the shoulder of the two boys who spoke, "Don't worry," he said calmly. His circular glasses glinted as he looked up, "This is only high school. In the future, anything is possible"

Silence greeted his declaration until one of the boys finally spoke up.

"But you can't even go into the bath without your glasses, Futobe"

Futobe coughed, "That doesn't matt -"

"And none of the girls like you"

"And you don't have any friends other than us. People none of the girls like either"

"And you're not athletic"

"Or smart"

"Or handsome"

"And don't they call you Pervert in the circles of girls? Yes. I think I've heard them call you that now and then"

Futobe was no longer on his feet. He was now in the water, floating face down.

"Gurgle~ Gurgle~"

"Huh? What was that, pervert? We didn't hear you"



Damian was seated against the wall of the room when Jang finally threw the door open. He looked at the clock at the side. 12:30 pm. Jang smiled.

"Good afternoon, Damian. Hope you enjoyed your sleep"

Damian didn't say anything to Jang, he simply grabbed his bathing supplies from the side and began walking out of the room. Jang's face contorted in fury and once Damian was about to get past him he grabbed him by his shirt and threw him to the ground.

"Are you trying to act cool right now, creep?" Jang snarled as he began walking towards Damian. Damian began picking up the things that had fallen when Jang threw him. He reached for his soap, but Jang lashed out and kicked it against the wall.

Jang grabbed Damian's collar and dragged him up, "You ignoring me now, creep?"

Damian mumbled something to Jang, but Jang didn't hear it. His left hand blurred forward and dug deep into Damian's stomach,



Damian fell to the ground while holding onto his stomach in pain. Spit dripped from his mouth and his eyes were red. Jang kicked him in the ribs.

"Come one then, champ. You think you're tough huh? You think you can act all cool."

Damian didn't say anything at all, he simply struggled to pull himself to his feet once again. He stood on wobbly legs while holding onto his stomach and ribs with his head low.

"I said come on, creep!"

Damian turned his eyes up and glared at Jang, and for a second, Jang saw fire in there. He took a step back, but then the second passed and fury replaced his fear.

"Who do you think you're looking at like that, You freak!"

Jang rose a hand to smash Damian's nose in.

"Jang," a voice called from the door and he paused.

Jang turned around to see Hugo standing with his hands in his pocket. Hugo still had the same bored expression on his face as he looked from Jang to Damian and then back to Jang.

"The teacher's calling you. Something about extra credit"

Jang glared at Hugo for a second before he finally threw Damian one last glare and moved to his bed. He grabbed a shirt and trousers and began making his way out of the room.

"You better watch yourself," he said to Hugo once he was beside him, "You're treading on dangerous land, pretty boy"

Hugo watched Jang walk away from his side-eyes. Once Jang was gone, he turned back to Damian and saw that he was already gathering his supplies from the ground again.

Damian got everything that Jang had thrown down and then stood up slowly. He used his forearm to clean a line of blood that was falling down his chin and then he began making his way out of the room.

"You shouldn't let him walk over you like that," Hugo said as Damian was passing him by. Damian glanced at him for a moment before he continued on his way.

'I know,' Damian thought as he closed his eyes tightly to prevent the tears he knew he wanted to shed.

'That glare' Hugo thought as he remembered the look Damian had in his eyes before, 'What would you have done had I not stopped you, Damian?'

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