
The Enigma

The three girls all evacuated the premises since the words that Adrian told them those harsh words. He looked at the bullied girl only to see that she is not releasing any type of emotion. He has encountered people like her before, but this is one of the few times that he made contact with their type of people.

Adrian called her type of people as an Enigma. He called them that because he cannot feel emotion from people like them because they do not give off or produce emotions. She is definitely one of such individuals as she is not even emitting fear when she was being bullied.

"You did not need to do that as they will soon lose interest after a few minutes." The bullied girl stated.

"You say that but deep down you wanted someone to save you. Also, they just ticked me off about what they said. You can view it as them irritating me and not me saving you from them." Adrian stated as he started to walk away.

Adrian decided that he needs to put that girl under surveillance as she released an aura that is not entirely human. Adrian could feel that the resentment bottled up in her would soon explode if nothing were done.

She did not thank Adrian and just returned back to her classroom. Adrian did not care as he already knows the ways of an Enigma. They tend to not care of their surroundings because of their absence of emotion. They are different from sociopaths as they really do not feel anything from any type of interaction.

"Is that the person that you want me to get data on?" Whiz asked via the earpiece.

"Yes, I want to know all information about her as she might be the one causing the ruckus in the school." Adrian replied.

"I thought that you did not want to waste time here and return back to the base to get another mission?" Whiz asked as he heard Adrian and Jihan's slight fight.

"That was before that I learned that she was an Enigma." Adrian replied which made Whiz question him about the term that he used.

"What do you mean by Enigma?" Whiz asked.

"It is like a special kind of people that cannot show emotion or express them. They are the perfect type of people to become beings of mass destruction if they obtain the supernatural powers." Adrian stated.

This is the reason why Adrian is wary of the Enigmas but at the same time let them be since they very rarely obtain supernatural powers. If she really is an Enigma that obtained supernatural powers, then she is a threat if she suddenly explodes from repressing her emotions.

Just because Enigma's do not convey or show emotion does not mean that they absolutely do not feel it. They are people to so they can observe and copy the emotions based on their surroundings but that does not mean they can apply it immediately.

Enigmas that observe emotion can only copy emotions that are shown in a blatant manner. That means that they can only copy emotions like anger, glee, and depression. If it is simple emotions, then they are not able to replicate it even if they observe them.

"In other words, they are the perfect candidates to become Depraved. Like what happened to places that are visited by the plagues." Adrian stated which made Whiz go silent.

"You are much kinder than I thought you are." A female voice suddenly stated which made Adrian's guard go up as the owner of that voice has a strong aura.

"I think it is common courtesy to introduce yourself before speaking to someone." Adrian replied as he has an idea of who this woman that suddenly appeared actually is.

"Did my cousin not tell you about me? Our family is also investigating this case which is why I am here. I am called Ji-Ho. You do not need to introduce yourself as I already know your name. Not your alias but your real name. I also know what you are, Child of Gaia." Ji-Ho stated.

"It is great that I did not need to introduce myself then. Also, it seems that you already knew of her abilities but did not even inform us about it." Adrian stated.

"I do not work for both of you, and this is not a cooperation. You are investigating the strange occurrence here while I am also doing the same." Ji-Ho stated.

"You are also here to keep us in check if we do something out of line." Adrian added which made Ji-Ho smile.

"It seems that you are quite mature despite being just introduced to this side of the world. But let me warn you in advance, if you need to investigate during the night then you must inform us ahead of time." Ji-Ho stated.

"Like you said, I do not work for you, and this is not a cooperation. Anyways, see you as I am late for my next class." Adrian stated as he walked away.

"He is not easy to deal with." Ji-Ho stated as someone from the corner revealed himself.

"You are right, my lady. He is also very perceptive as he could feel that I am in the area as he looked at my direction a couple of times." The young man that seemed to be Ji-Ho's attendant stated.

"Well, I could at least leave my cousin to him without much worry since he is the perceptive type. Did you manage to record everything he said about the Deviants that were what he called an Enigma?" Ji-Ho stated.

"I was able to perfectly record it as if he wanted us to hear it perfectly." The young attendant stated as he handed a recording device to Ji-Ho.

"He probably planned it all along when he noticed your presence lurking about in the shadows. This is why I do not like perceptive type people but cannot help but admire them." Ji-Ho stated as she too returned to her classroom.