
child of despair

darkness surrounding me consuming my sole fuelled by dragon fire

waifuHunter · ファンタジー
3 Chs


Booom crash bang lora is suddenly woken to the hole town being violently shaken she leaps out of bed stumbling her way through the temple to seen what is happening. Using the wall to prop her up as dust is poring from the ceiling cracking and crunching creaking under the pressure clawing her way to the entrance she is stunned at the site of her town in ruins. as smoke bellows from the mountain ranges but 60 kilometers form there town.

lora know she must investigate but more importantly she must tend to her people. Using her unhuman speed and strength she zips through the town saving everyone in site digging citizens from collapsed buildings and rubble gathering the survivor's in the town square. she asks everyone to gather around her. As she unsheathes her sword lora praises the goddess of love and extents her sword into the ground and calls for the blessing of vitality to cleanse her people of pain. A divine light beams down from the heavens healing the towns foke. Now loras eyes are fixed on the mountain ranges smoke still bellowing into the sky blackening the sun lora Sheaves her sword and without a word begins heading to the mountain ranges not knowing what is to come.

population 187