
Chess Mania ♟️

Henry: Oi Vicious have u registered your name for the chess competition?'

Vicious: Which competition?

Henry: U mean u don't know!, the whole school knows about it

Vicious: I don't....pls explain it to me

Henry: There's a interschool chess competition next to next Saturday that will be held in Oris school & since all are dumb & don't know how to play chess there are only a few participants from our school.

Vicious: Ah.... I see, then where should I submit my name?

Henry: To the PE mam ofcourse

Vicious: Alright.

*The next day*

Vicious: Uh mam

Pe mam: Yes, what is it?

Vicious: I want to submit my name in the chess competition

Pe mam: Oh.... So that's why u are here

Vicious: Yes mam

Pe mam: Beat me in a chess match and I'll register your name, but if u loose-

Vicious: Alright mam I am ready.

Pe mam: (in mind) *wth he looks so confident and doesn't have any fear in his eyes*. *Coughs* alright then come when the school get's over.

*After school*

Pe mam: huh there's not a single chance he will come-

Vicious: MAM! Where's the board?

Pe mam: (in mind)*WHAT!! he actually came*. Alright, but don't cry if u loose.

Vicious: We'll see that

*After the match*

Vicious: So what do u say huh?

Pe mam: (in mind) *can't believe he actually beat me*. Alright then Vicious was it you're in.

Vicious:*GASPS* Arigato Gozayimas Sensei!!!!!

Narrator: After the selection of Vicious a miracle hanppend, more & more people started to join the no. went from just mere 5 players to 12 player's.

*At Henry's house*

*Doorbell ring*

Henry:Coming!! Oh it's u

Vicious: Let's have a chess match right here.

Henry: What!? are u serious?

Vicious: Pretty damn serious.

Henry: Alright then.

*Vicious got checkmated 3 times but, deep inside he knew he held back*

Vicious: That was a fun match I'll see u tomorrow, just remember that I won't hold back next time

Henry: We'll see that. (In mind) *wth he held back, did he also held back when he faced mam?*

*Practice Session*

Pe Mam: Look everybody this will not be an easy competition people from different schools will also come so-

Shiva: don't hold back blah blah blah we all know that so can we get to the good part.

(Every one in mind)*same old Shiva i guess*

PE mam: everyone pick a partner & start practicing.

Vicious: Oi Henry let's settle the score from yesterday.

Henry: Alright then.

*Vicious brutally checkmated Henry 4 times and drew 1 match*

Vicious: My that was a fun match.

Henry: Indeed (in mind) *so when he said he wouldn't hold back he meant it*

Shiva: Oi Vicious play a match with me I am bored of winning so much.

Vicious: U got it.

*Vicious didn't held back but didn't one a single match out of 3*

Vicious: Oh my Shiva how are u so good.

Shiva: Cuz I play chess for fun.

Vicious: What!?

Shiva: I just started playing 3 months ago

Vicious: (in mind) *only 3 months and this good*

Kenny: C'mon Shiva we have to go.

Shiva: Coming.

Vicious: Just what is up with that guy.

*The match day*

Anchor: Attention everyone in this chess competition there will be six round, the one who wins 4 round will win bronze medal the one who will win 5 rounds will get silver and finally the one who wins all the rounds will get the gold medal and a trophy.

Shiva: Ah I wish I find someone strong this time.

Kenny: I bet u will.

Vicious: So when will be our pairings-

Anchor: Everyone your pairings has been done check it out.

Henry: Speak of the devil I guess.


*The pairings*

Black White Seat number

Kenny Vicious 46

Henry Aman 44

Shiva Hashwaltch 34

V Drake 29

Pragya Sam 31

Vishnu Brandon 39


Vicious: (in mind) *no way I got paired with Kenny he's Shiva's rival goodness gracious*

Pragya: Oi kid.

Vicious: Huh!

Pragya: I can see fear in your eyes. Don't be scared cuz winning is not important all the time sometimes u have to loose remember that.

Vicious: Al.. Alright.

Anchor: The match will begin any minute no so be prepared.

Vicious: Oh shoot I have to go.

*The Match Begins*

Kenny: Hey Vicious, got to hear that u play very well.

Vicious: Yeah..

Kenny: Don't worry, I'll go all out.

Vicious: What!!?

Kenny: You see I am not hear to loose.

Vicious: Neither do I

*The match was thrilling but at the end Vicious took the crown*

Kenny: (in mind) *no way I lost to him no no no this can't be happening*

Vicious: Don't loose hope, there are still 5 more rounds left.

Henry: U played well kid. (in mind) *unbelievable I gave him chances 3 time to mate me but still-*

Aman: Thx u are a great player.

Vicious: Oi Henry how did the match went.

Henry: Perfectly.

Shiva: Kenny did U win.

Kenny: No...

Shiva: Ahh.. so bad, and my opponent was so weak it was no fun.

Vicious: ( in mind) *he truly is built different*

Anchor: Excuse me ladies and gentlemen a player named V seat number 29 has cheated I his match so we have decided to ban him.

V: Unbelievable!! Nonsense bul#sh#t-

Vishnu: That's enough Kid.

Drake: Yeah firstly u cheated and now-

Kenny: Be aside let me handle this, Oi kid if u don't wanna be beaten up then get out of here or else.

V: Fine but I will not let anyone else play peacefully.

Anchor: Deep apologies for the interuption. Your next pairings are out go check it out.

*The pairings*

Black White Seating

Aman Shiva 14

Hashwaltch Pragya 24

Drake Henry 29

Sam Kenny 11

Brandon Vishnu 17

Vicious Ritchie 07


Ritchie: Long time no see Vicious.

Vicious: Oh it's u.

Hashwaltch: This guy's so intimidating.

Henry: You are a lucky guy.

Drake: How?

Henry: U got an extra free point because of that last player, I'm kind of jealous.

Shiva: Henry said u are not that good, man I need a challenge.

Narrator: Vicious and Ritchie are old friends and now they are facing against each other.

*Vicious easily defeated Ritchie*

Vicious: That was a good match. (In mind) *good match my ass, so this how Shiva feels?*

Narrator: The tables turned from the 3rd round for Henry because he faced.....

*The Pairings*

Black White Seat number

Shiva Brandon 43

Pragya Kenny 27

Henry Vishnu 21

Sam Drake 49

Vicious Aman 42

Ritchie Hashwaltch 56


Vicious: How am I black for 2 rounds straight must be some technical issues.

Henry: So that guy is my opponent he seems pretty damn strong.

Vishnu: Oi are u my opponent, pathetic I don't sense anything from u. I want to face that Pragya guy.

Henry: How rude!

*The Light went out*

Anchor: Apologies for the interuption, we'll fix it right away.

V: When I said I won't let play anyone peacefully I meant it.

Kenny: That b#s#ard again.

Narrator: Kenny beated the crap out of V.

Kenny: How did u liked that.

V: This isn't over yet I'll be back.

Kenny: We'll see about that.

Anchor: The light's has been fixed all of U may continue your matches.

Henry: I'll show this guy who I am after beat him.

Vishnu: *Yawns* So boring honesty u all are so weak, except that guy. (He is talking about Pragya)

*Henry terribly loses to Vishnu*

Henry: (in mind) *unbelievable that guy is on a whole different level, no he is a monster a monster who devours everyone*

Vicious: Oi Henry what's with that look on your face, did the match go well.

Henry: No it didn't I lost.

Kenny: Shiva needs to face that Pragya guy he is a monster.

Narrator: If Henry and Kenny had bad luck why not Vicious, you'll see in the next round.

*The Pairings*

Black White Seat number

Brandon Kenny 27

Pragya Vicious 38

Vishnu Shiva 56

Drake Ritchie 24

Aman Sam 21

Hashwaltch Henry 23


Shiva: This guy, This guy, This guy is the one he is the one, finally finally I found a strong opponent

Vishnu: I can see you getting excited, don't be so excited kid you are not going to win anyway.

Shiva: We'll see about that.

Vicious: Damn so this is the guy who beat Kenny, and gave a free lecture to me. He seems pretty intimidating.

Pragya: Sit down kid and let the match begin.

Vicious: As u wish.

*Vicious was in utter shock he couldn't believe he lost for the first time in this tournament*

Vicious: Unbelievable he is a monster.

Pragya: Listen kid, tell me one thing why do u play chess.

Vicious: Huh?! Idk.

Pragya: See kid, to achieve something u have to set a goal & only the one who is the strongest survives in this cruel world, make sure u remember that.

Vicious: Al.... Alright.

Narrator: As Vicious got defeated on the other hand Shiva was giving a tough competition to Vishnu.

Vishnu: U know what kid u are not that bad.

Shiva: This is so fun I finnally get to fight a strong player.

*Shiva & Vishnu exchanged blows but at the end Vishnu defeated Shiva & secured his title of the strongest yet*

Shiva: It was so fun I have no regret of losing.

Narrator: The next match will be a match of the strongest or I would like to say a match between two monsters.

*The Pairings*

Black White Seat number

Kenny Aman 58

Vicious Hashwaltch 26

Vishnu Pragya 07

Shiva Sam 29

Henry Drake 46

Ritchie Brandon 39


Vishnu & Pragya: Finally I get to face him.

Vishnu: I heard u are the most strongest player here, well that title is going to be mine.

Pragya: Everyone talks big before losing to me and u are going to be one of them.

Vishnu: Let's see that.

Narrator: The most awaited match was finally here the match between two MONSTERS.

*Both Vishnu and Pragya exchanged blows the match was like a never-ending sea there was no clear answer who would emerge victorious.

Vishnu: Damn u captured my queen but did u saw that coming.

*Discovered check with a fork to the rook and queen*

Pragya: I see u are pretty damn good at this, but I am not here to loose either.

*Counter check inorder to save the queen*

Narrator: This was the longest match in the tournament but at the end Pragya emerged victorious and took the title of strongest.

Vishnu: (fully exhausted) That was the match of my life I won't forget.

Pragya: (also fully exhausted) Neither do I.

Vishnu: Oi Pragya make a promise to me we'll face each other again at a different chess competition on a different board.

Pragya: You bet.

Anchor: This the final match everyone the final opportunity.

Vicious: I drew the last match i need to win this one.

Henry: Damn it I lost to that Drake guy.

*The Pairings*

Black White Seat number

Aman Ritchie 57

Hashwaltch Henry 34

Pragya Brandon 56

Sam Kenny 29

Drake Vishnu 11

William Vicious 50

Vicious: So where is this William guy.

Judge: Excuse me seat number 50 your partner is absent so you'll not get any point.

Vicious: Whyy!??

Judge: Sorry I can't do anything with that.

Vicious: Talk about luck.

*The Tournament is finally over*

Anchor: Ladies and gentlemen the tournament is finally over and now we'll announce the top 3 winners. So the third is-

Computer Screen: Error Error Error!!

Anchor: Huh What how is this possible!?

V: Perfect! Perfect!, this is so perfect everything is according to my plan.

Computer Screen: This Software has been hacked(on repeat)

Henry: How is this possible.

Vicious: So that's why the names were repeating.

Vishnu: This is bad.

Shiva: Huh! Where's Kenny?

Kenny: He must be here according to my guts.

V: Yes, yes see them trembling this is my power.

Kenny: Enough of you.

V: Wth how did you find me.

Kenny: I simply, trusted my gut. (Kenny knocked out V) Now u come with me u little brat, attention everyone I got the hacker.

Everyone: It's the cheater.

Anchor: Is he knocked out.

Kenny: Yeah, wake him up.

V: What how can this be possible, it's all because of him.

Anchor: Fix the-

V: I won't.

Kenny: What did u say.

V: Ok cool.

*V fixed the software*

Pragya: I must admit he is a smart hacker.

Anchor: We deeply apologize, and for this V guy he is banned for any chess match.

V: Whatever!!

Anchor: So the third is Shivaaa!!!

Kenny: U made it.

Henry: Atleast someone from our school won.

Vicious. What if I didn't won it was fun.

Anchor: The second is Vishnuuu!!

Everyone: Claps.

Anchor: And... The first is Pragyaaa!!!

Vicious: I expected that.

*As Everyone was going home*

Pe mam: Don't be sad cuz u didn't win there will be a another chess competition another year chances never closes.

Shiva: It means more strong player.

Kenny: If that V guy comes I am gonna kill him.

Vishnu, Vicious, Henry: The next time...I will defeat him.


I am just a newbie writer so if there are some errors or something I am really sorry for that. This is a one shot novel.

Vikram_Mandal11creators' thoughts