
Chapter 2

The past 18 months were the most exciting, exhausting and enlightening time of my life. The things I've learned were well beyond just the skills of the template and the usage of the gifts I've received through my daily check ins. Lydia created an entire self-sustaining dimension for the tutorial, with real people who have their own sophisticated power system with magic and martial arts adding to my already broad repertoire.

During my time in this world I borrowed Kakashi's anbu-code and traveled the world under the name "Fox". During my travels I did mercenary and assassin type work making many friends and enemies alike from both the light and dark side of the world. I made many mistakes but they only made me wiser and allowed me to apply myself better than before.

Using my anbu-captain training I also ended up making my own version of "Shadow Garden" in this world. The only difference between me and Cid was that I was lacking his luck. I remember dealing with countless traitors and otherwise backstabbing bastards, making me realize that I was underestimating the human heart and still not treating this whole thing as serious as I should be.

Part of me still treats this like some sort of virtual reality experience making me forget that death here would still mean the "game over" and this time I'm certain there'd be no second chance. At the end of the day all of this fuelled my already monstrous growth, making me a monster among many Supernatural type worlds. I still don't know where I'll end up though. According to the information implanted in my head it will be a random one among my favorites.

[Congratulations for making it through the tutorial. Commencing transmigration to your final destination.]

The announcement window was accompanied by a blinding light.


(POV Kunou)


All that was running through my mind was this one question. I just couldn't understand why they keep on coming after me. All I ever wanted was a peaceful life with mama but these villains keep on coming after us. Today was a rare day off for mama, therefore she took me out on one of the many festivals the Japanese celebrate in the name of the Shinto gods.

A lot of laughter and a lot of fun later I lost sight of mama. My anxiety went through the roof and I could feel the tears accumulating in my eyes. I want my mommy back.

As I start sniffling I find myself far away from the festival on an empty plaza. I could hear my heart thump since I knew where this was heading. My past experience is telling me that running away is no option and my meager Senjutsu skills are telling me that I'm surrounded by people without good intentions.


(POV Kakashi)

Once the light faded and I regained my vision I instinctively suppressed my presence and jumped atop of the trees surrounding me. Once I'm in position I use my shadow clones and scout the area.

It didn't take long for one of my clones to pop itself. After receiving its memories I immediately rushed towards the plaza. The clone saw a few thug-like idiots surrounding a little girl. Looking at them, they most definitely don't have any good intentions.

The encircled girl seemed to start to panic but before she could do anything a handsome young man with short black hair and blue eyes stepped out of the encirclement. He wore a combination of a Japanese school uniform and ancient Chinese attire.

It didn't take long before I realized where I was and who I was looking at. I'm in Highschool DxD and this tall young man was Cao Cao which makes the blond little girl with fox features probably Kunou, daughter of Yasaka also one of my favorite waifus, wink.

Just one more reason to help the little one. Her life was pitiful enough without a father and a busy mother. Countless attempts at her life because of politics and selfish brats. I didn't hesitate and put my clones into position. Interfering here will undoubtedly mess with canon but I couldn't care less. While the knowledge of the canon gives me an advantage, this isn't a novel anymore, it's my new reality; a reality I would enjoy to the maximum or die trying.


(POV Kunou)

"It is nice to meet you princess of the Yokai Faction. My name is Cao Cao, leader of the Hero Faction and I'm here to take you with me." The gall this bad man has. To call himself the leader of heroes while committing the crime of kidnapping. Not that I was naive enough to scold him out aloud. Only an idiot would provoke a stronger person, especially if they are bad guys like him.

I tried to be strong and keep my tears in but frustration, fear and anxiety got the better of me making tears stream down my face as my emotions were struggling down a vortex of darkness.

The man named Cao Cao smirked evilly, he seemed to enjoy the despair I felt. My state of mind was getting worse and worse as he came closer. Halfway through I just closed my eyes and prayed 'please, anyone. Save me.'



Seeing little Kunou in such a bad mental state broke my heart. I decided that enough was enough. Using hand signals I make sure that the clones struck together with me. We all had a hand on our tanto, the White Light Chakra Sabre. I wasn't going to dick around too much; their deaths would be clean and surgical, this included Cao Cao. I was gonna screw over canon with this but f*ck it.

Getting in position I signaled, 3.. 2 .. 1.. GO!

*Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud*

The sound of heads falling to the ground was echoing through the lonely plaza. A total of 43 people died in that attack and not one was able to react; including Cao Cao. All he could do was make a face of astonishment, as he picked up my presence.

He was killed before he could realize the nature of my presence. The fact that he was able to perceive me even a tenth of a second before his death was a testament to his skills and talent. Not that I care about his death.

Dead is dead and he'll probably stay that way. I have the feeling that he might be brought back via Valerie's Sephiroth Graal though. Meh, problems for the future no need to bother with them now.

Using Ninja-style fire magic that I created during the last 2 months of my tutorial I dispose of all the corpses. Only after I've cleaned up everything did I dare to talk to Kunou.


"Hey little one, you can open your eyes now." I tried to speak in a soft tone to reassure her. It seemed to help. She stopped trembling and sniffling and timidly opened her tear-stained eyes. Seeing her in such a state makes me question whether or not my decision to kill them all so quickly was the right one; they deserved some pain.

Those sick bastards took pleasure in what they did so much in fact, I could sense it without even trying. Some even displayed lust and other disgusting emotions towards her. Makes me wanna puke.


(POV Kunou)

"Hey little one, you can open your eyes now." Hearing this I reluctantly and hesitantly opened my eyes. In front of me was a silver haired young man, probably less than twenty years old. He was wearing clothing that would be typically seen on shinobi.

I could feel it, this person was very strong. Even with my minor Senjutsu skills I was able to tell that, granted he stood right before me. His presence was like a blinding sun. It was difficult for me to comprehend how one person could hold so much power.

The man's presence dwarfed even Amaterasu-sama by a huge margin. It was incomprehensible to me how he achieved that, especially given his young appearance. Amaterasu-sama may not be in the top 10 of the world's powerhouses but she was still high up there; otherwise how could she become our patron.


I stood there, watching the plaza. All of the bad guys were gone and the only evidence of their presence is the slight smell of blood that is lingering in the air and the ashes flying in the wind. The silver haired man must've done it, but how. A single person just killed 40+ enemies at once.

I was so busy contemplating what happened and analyzing my surroundings that I gradually forgot just how scared I was a moment ago. The constant switch of high strung emotions was exhausting me mentally and I could feel myself getting very tired all of the sudden. From one second to another I could barely hold myself on my feet and started swaying left and right.

The unknown man suddenly appeared before me, hugging me and whispering into my ear "it's okay. The bad guys won't be able to hurt you anymore. You did well holding out as long as you did, please rest now." I could feel tears welling up again as I closed my eyes and allowed myself to fall asleep in the arms of this kind stranger.


(POV Yasaka)

"Kunou, where are you?!" Oh no, not again. I could feel the shift in the surrounding ki through my Senjutsu making me realize that it was once again one of those days. To think that even on our own turf I can't protect my daughter. I could feel tears welling up in the corners of my eyes but I quickly forced them down. Now is not the time to wallow in self-pity, my daughter is waiting for me!

I quickly contacted all my private guards, realizing some of them were missing. 'Great another traitor'. I couldn't help but growl in frustration. The missing ones are all confirmed traitors and a bounty would be issued the moment I get home. Not that it made me feel any better.

As more and more time passed my anxiety shot higher and higher and my hopes went lower and lower. Half an hour passed and nothing, how could that be. I even tapped into Kyoto's leylines to help locate my daughter but I couldn't find her! The only way this was possible would be space displacement.

Exactly an hour after Kunou went missing I finally got a ping through the leylines. I rushed towards it without a second thought. I could hear my guards cautioning me against it but I couldn't care less at this point. Kunou is all I had, losing her would be worse than death.


When I finally reached my baby daughter's location I saw her soundly sleeping in the lap of a silver haired man. His mere presence was making my instincts go haywire. How my daughter could just soundly sleep on his lap despite his overwhelming presence is a mystery to me.

I took a deep breath as I walked closer to him. "Who are you and what are you doing with my daughter?" I could see him raise an eyebrow at my authoritarian behavior but answered regardless.

"I saved her from a bunch of punks that called themselves Hero Faction. They had cornered her here with 43 men."

I could feel my teeth itch. These goddamn traitors and those idiotic fools, I wanted to do nothing more than to slaughter them all. As my feelings went out of control I was absorbing a lot of ki from my surroundings. The unrefined ki was full of malice and corroding my thoughts and emotions making me one step before a rampage.

As I was losing myself more and more in the anger the silver haired man with a face mask frowned. After a moment of hesitation he said "Shadow Clone" making an identical copy of himself appear.

"Go and help her vent."

Not a second later the copy appeared before me and delivered a powerful punch on my abdomen. The sudden shock and pain were the last fuses needed. I just let go and allowed my instincts to take over and beat up this bastard.


Updates will be very irregular. Writing is supposed to be my hobby, not a chore or duty. Hope you still stick around :)

Boerkycreators' thoughts