
Cheating Wife System

A woman being tormented and isolated by her unfaithful husband recieved another chance to make things right

abysscar · ファンタジー
9 Chs


[*3rd person POV*]

In the middle of an apartment in India there could be seen a beautiful woman sitting on a chair beside a table, She had an extremely beautiful face with a pretty fair skin complexion.

Anyone who could see her would probably think she was some sort of an actress or a model. Her silky long black hair amplified her beauty even more as she used her hands to tuck the hair behind her ears.

She was wearing a normal nighty which hugged her body tightly and showed off her erotic body, Her boobs were firm and juicy while her ass and thighs looked extremely fuckable.

But despite having such a perfect body her face held a sad expression, Her eyes were filled with disappointment and there was no life left in them.

It was all because of her husband, During her younger years she had fell for him because of how amazing he always was and went out of his way to make her feel special always. She had fallen head over heels for him.

Yet, It was the biggest regret of her life as she sat there in the empty house. Her heart filled with emptiness and her eyes heavy with emotions.

After being married to him, She had thought her life would become a slice of heaven as she got to marry the love of her life but everything changed with time.

He slowly isolated her from all of her friends and family without her noticing since she had completely out her trust in him, She didn't realise her own situation as one by one everyone started to leave.

Until she could only rely on her husband, Even then it wasn't that bad since he made her feel loved and appreciated. But the more dependent she became the more distant he became.

After she was completely dependent on him, He started to stay out more and more with other women and she even caught him cheating several times.

She wanted to leave... But she couldn't, She had nowhere else to go. That was when she finally realised her own situation and back in the present she sat at her table.

She didn't have any money nor did she have anyone she could turn to, She clenched her fists as she didn't want to accept this reality! But she knew there was no hope left...

[* Host has been selected for the Cheating Wife System *]

Suddenly a small translucent blue screen appeared right in front of her face, It floated in the middle of the air and she looked around confused.

'Huh?' She thought to herself as she pinched her arm to see whether she was dreaming, But the pain was real and so was the projection in front of her.

"What is this?" She asked herself not expecting any answer but the blue panel reacted to her voice and quickly answered.

[* The universe has heard your cries and decided to give you a chance to take control of your life again *]

She looked at the text and couldn't help but feel her stomach churning, This was the very thing she wanted a small ray of hope. Yet the feeling of taking the risk made her shiver with anxiety.

However the memories of her past where she hadn't met the man and was living a happy life started to appear in front of her eyes and all of the fear was overcome by adrenaline.

"No, Now is not the time to be scared! That bastard ruined my life! I will make sure to have my revenge"

She clenched her fist, She was willing to do anything to get away from her husband Raj.

[* Sanjana POV *]

"What do I need to do?" I asked the system, My adrenaline was pushing me forward as I was willing to do anything to escape this sad fate of mine.

[* You will be given tasks to complete which will be related to cheating, You will be given rewards for completing the tasks *]

Reading this new panel made me excited about the future, Although I used to be a loyal woman I still had desires especially more since he had his fun with other women while i was left out.

'This is going to be fun~' I thought to myself as i accepted the deal and opened up my first task to see what I have to do today.

[* Exhibitionism 1 - wear skimpy clothes and flash strangers while pretending to be innocent *]

'I-In public?' I immediately thought to myself as i saw the text, I had lived my entire life as a conservative woman always covering up so the thought of wearing clothes like that outside disgusted me.

Although I was disgusted, I was also slightly turned on as my nipples had become hard and my pussy was starting to get wet. I was becoming a woman that i previously used to look down upon.

"What are the rewards for the quest?" I asked while looking at the blue panel which quickly responded.

[* Reward :- ₹2000 + 10Exp *]

"So much money for such an easy task? This might really be the way to escape from my fate!!"

'Fuck it~ This is going to be exciting~' I quickly got up and walked over to my wardrobe and started to search through the clothes, Most of them were long clothes that covered my entire body.

But then I found what i was searching for, I picked up a black mini skirt that reached halfway down my thighs and a pink crop top that I used to wear when I was younger.

"Am I even going to fit?" I started to put on the clothes as the button of my skirt barely held the skirt wrapped around my big ass while my crop top could just barely keep my boobs covered.

I looked into the mirror and there I was looking like a cheap slut with no self respect, But I didn't care anymore i wanted this excitement and I was going to use this opportunity to the fullest.

[A/N - This was so much fun to write lmk what you think of this novel and give me suggestions of what you guys would like to see]