
ChatGPT Harry Potter in the style of Edgar Allan Poe Fanfic

A Harry Potter fanfiction written by Chat GPT in the style of Edgar Allan Poe.

Echo_Fox · ファンタジー
1 Chs

ChatGPT: Edgar Allan Poe style Harry Potter fanfic

Once upon a midnight dreary, in the castle of Hogwarts School,

Harry Potter, tired and weary, paced the halls, feeling the fool.

He heard a sound, soft and slight, from the forbidden corridor,

An eerie whisper in the night, that left him feeling unsure.

He crept along the dim-lit halls, with wand at the ready,

And as he turned the corner, he heard a sound both loud and heady.

It came from the Chamber of Secrets, deep beneath the school,

A noise that made his heart skip beats, and his mind start to rule.

He entered the chamber, with fear and trepidation in his heart,

And there he saw a sight that made him shake and fall apart.

A figure, draped in shadow, stood before him, tall and grim,

A presence so unnerving, that Harry's fear surged to its brim.

"Who are you?" Harry cried out loud, "Why do you haunt me so?"

The shadowy figure only sneered, and spoke in a voice so low:

"I am the ghost of Hogwarts past, who wanders through these halls,

I come to warn you, Harry Potter, that danger to you calls."

Harry, now more scared than ever, stood frozen in his place,

As the ghostly figure faded away, without a trace.

He knew then that he must be careful, for his fate was yet uncertain,

And he vowed to stay on guard, with his mind and heart unburdened.

For the shadowy figure's warning, had sent a chill down his spine,

And Harry knew that he must stay alert, at all times and in all climes.

Thus, the tale of Harry Potter, and his encounter with the ghost,

Became a legend, told in hushed tones, by those who knew it most.

And though the years have passed, the memory lingers on,

Of the night when Harry Potter, met the ghost of Hogwarts' dawn.