
Chat Group Owner in a Crossover World

A man from Earth was transmigated into a fictional World filled with anime characters. _______________ I'll try to update two chapters every Wednesday and Saturday. 《Disclaimer》 I don't own any of the works used in this Fanfic as they're belongs to their respective owner.

just_bruh · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Chapter 1《Shirou》

{Welcome Host to your own created world!}

A feminine voice sounded from nowhere as I look around my surroundings confusedly. "What does that mean? And who created what world? And more importantly who are you?"

There's a silent for a few minutes before the voice sounded again, this time directly into my mind.

{Are? Why are you asking me? Aren't you the one who created the world? Seems like you're forgetting something because of the truck.}

What is this woman even saying? Who created a world? I'm not forgetting, I even didn't do anything at all.

"Are you not getting a wrong person?" I asked as I'm absolutely sure that this woman was referring to the old man I saved earlier.

Why you ask? Because she mentioned a truck there. And that man was almost being hit by a truck if I'm not saving him.

{Arere? Wait a moment please... Um, so what's your name?}

"It's Noah."

{Are are are? Seems like you're right, we got the wrong person here.}

"Well, now what are you going to do with me?"

{Wait a moment I'll ask my superior first.}

'Well, that's that. Now where am I?' Thinking this I looked at my surroundings more carefully this time.

'A hospital room? Is this kid sick before I entered his body?' While I thought about this, the door of the room opened revealing a man with brown hair and wearing a priest outfit.

'This? There's no mistaking it. He's Kotomine Kirei!' I thought when I saw the man. Then, that's mean... I'm in Nasuverse? Shit! I'm fucked up! If Alaya know about this then...

"Oh, I see you've woke up. Here, you were unconscious for three days, so you should be hungry by now." The man said as he gives me a bread and a bottle of water.

"Thanks." I said and received them. Huh... passed out for three days, it's likely due to this that I'm so hungry.

As I eat the bread, tha man asked me about my name. "My name is-" Then suddenly before I could answer him, my head hurts like it was hammered by a giant boulder continuously making me screamed in pain.

"Ahckk!!! What the hell is this!" Memories of someone started to flow through my mind as the pain increased. Unable to take the pain anymore, I eventually passed out... again.

"Ugh... What a mess." I said out loud the moment I woke up as I'm still trying to organize this memories.

I'm Shirou. That's for sure... I even gotten the memories of him before the corrupted Grail accident occured.

And if Kirei is the one who visited me here then, I could say that this is a different timeline from Stay Night.

"Hm... What do you mean by that, shounen?" A voice sounded from besides me. Shit. I forget about Kirei being in here.

"Ah... No, it's nothing." I said but seems like Kirei was thinking something else as he said, "I see, you felt the guilt of being the only one survived this disaster, am I right?"

This seems to be good enough reason for him not to suspect me anything suspicious so I nodded my head while showing a guilty expression on my face.

"Yorokobe shounen, for I am going to adopt you. Don't worry, I'll tell you how to get rid of your feeling later."

Wait, he's going to adopt me? There's must be something behind it. I'm very sure of that, there's no way by any means someone like Kotomine Kirei saving someone without a shady reason behind it.

"Oh right, my name is Kotomine Kirei, a priest. Now, what's your name shounen?" He asked after introducing himself to me.

"Shirou, and can you give me a time to decide it?" I answered him with my new body's name as having a name Noah while this body is a Japanese is a little strange.

"Well, you can think about it thoroughly wether you decided to be adopted by me or to enter an orphanage is your decision. Anyway, I'll go now, and also you'll be able to discharge from the hospital in a week."

Kirei stood up as he exited the room. Ha... Troublesome. And why is that woman took so long just to ask her superior?

{Oh sorry about that, I don't want to interrupt your talk with him.}

Right after what I spoken, the woman voice sounded again in my mind.

{Anyway, because you're the one who transmigated here, my superior said that just think of this as your fortune, and also you'll still get what the original Host should get.}

"And what is it?" I asked expectantly as a phone materialized in front of me. It was a phone from that brand that use bitten apple as their logo.

{With this my job should be finished as you've got the gift of the original Host. Good bye and good luck on your new life!}

With that, the woman's voice faded into nothing. 'Well, now what is this phone can do?' With that thought in mind, I unlocked the phone.

It's like any normal phone from this brand but without signals and battery bars. And this should be the gift that woman mentioned. Chat Group. That's what written on the screen under an icon of a universe with a chat cloud on it.

"Well, isn't this interesting." I said as I clicked the icon and brought to the Chat Group main Home.

There's a total of four main menu of the Chat Group. Group Server, Personal Server, Quest, and Shop. Other than that, there's addition of Help menu and Status menu.

However, the Group Server, Personal Server and Quest was dyed grey while the other is blue. This can be concluded as these menus couldn't be used at the moment.

At least, the shop can be used, but this was also useless if I don't have any points or whatever it is.