
Chasing the Saudade

kiellix is ready to wait and chase after achi no matter how difficult the path is. No matter how tiring it is, he will continue to chase after yasczhy. And find the love that remains. "I will always chase you, my agape. I will chase you again and again and i will endure every tiredness i feel" "I will continue to chase you even i'm tired"

Kezu7i · 若者
1 Chs


"attorney, this is the case of Mr. Ruiz" Elina entered my office and placed the pile of cases I was holding.

"Thank you" I looked at her and quickly smiled at her.

I almost live here in my firm, I can't go home to my condo anymore because I have to read the cases I'm handling. I don't even remember my last wander, xarlame, Yvell and I rarely see each other anymore because they has their own life, but we still talked on the phone.

I can say that my life is good now, even sometimes I still remember the past. So I'd rather drown in my work than remember what happened before.

In order to move forward i need to set peace at my past.

I left everything, even him. Our memories will no longer part of my life, He is no longer included in the chapters of my life. I'm making my own story and he's not in it anymore. I am still learning how to go back and reread my own chapters without feeling like i want to set all of my pages on fire.

I try to be happy even for myself, i try to be happy even if i'm alone. I suffered a lot, i conquered everything alone.

Anxiety fucking sucks. You unintentionally make yourself sad, you feel alone even when you're not and sometimes you don't even know what's wrong.

"why are you here?" i asked xamiel when he entered my office, he sat in front of me and just looked at me. "wow, you're not with your twin"

"can't i visit you alone? Besides, i didn't tell her that i was going here" he chuckled.

"you're just going to piss me off" i slightly rolled my eyes at him. "what's with the look? I'm beautiful in your eyes again?" i said noticing that he had been looking at me for a while.

"who told you?" he rolled his eyes at me.

"what is it?"i raised both of my eyebrows at him. "do i looked haggard or what?"

"still not in love yet?" he smirked "I just thought of something, what if just the two of us love each other?" I winced at what Xamiel said, what this man says is disgusting. "I mean we're old, and we still don't have lovers"

"what the hell? Are you freaking serious? are you possessed or something?" both of my brows meet. He was asking stupid questions.

"i'm just suggesting" he smirked. "i mean we've known each other for a long time"

"i'd rather die alone" i said while frowning. "and duh... i don't want to fall in love" i heaved a sigh, and i suddenly remembered him.

"of course, because you still want him" i looked at xamiel, he was just looking at me, seriously.

"n-no" i denied.

people were created to be loved. Things were created to be used. The reason why the world is in chaos is because things are being loved and people are being used. I know that he didn't use me, we just need to set apart in order to heal ourselves.

"tell me you still love him, right?" xamiel said.

why are we only talking about him, did he just come here to ask if i still love him. But why do i seem defensive, it was like something was urging me to answer his questions.

"i have no use for that love" i said and turned my attention back to my laptop.

maybe love isn't what we've been told, maybe it's not all romance or attraction, maybe love is a friend. Someone who understands you, someone who'll be there for you, even at your worst.

but he was there even at my worst, he never left me, its just everything feels like i'm being choked, i can't think right, i can't breathe that day. That time, so i need to let him go.

"i'll go ahead, when you have time later message me lets go out, take the witch with you" he was referring to xarlame, his twin sister.

it's been a while since the last time the three of us wandered. I couldn't go anywhere because i was always in court, defending the defendants. I don't even know when my last break was. When i get home from the condo, i just go to sleep and wake up to go to work. Sometimes i just eat outside even if i'm alone so i don't have to cook in my condo.

i can still survive alone, i can't do anything because i don't have a family anymore besides oji.

i just finished reading every cases on my table, before going home to my condo. I messaged the twins that we will meet. Xarlame said she didn't have anything to do tonight so she agreed to let the three of us go out.

Yvell was busy because she was at work, but i still tried to message her even though i knew she wasn't available.

i just wore a white tank top and denim pants, partnered with my white sneakers. I also brought a checkered polo in case i get cold. I also put on light make up so i don't look pale even at night.

i put my sling bag on my shoulder when xamiel messaged that they were already downstairs at my condo, xamiel said that they would just pick me up. When i saw their car, xamiel opened the window of his car to tell me to sit next to him, in the shot gun seat.

"long time no see, bestie!" xarlame shouted when she saw me, she was sitting in the passenger seat.

"shut up, Xaly, your voice hurts my ears" xamiel complained as he drove.

"like i care" xaly raised a brow and rolled her eyes.

i was just looking out the window, it was still bright outside. It's still afternoon so it's not too dark yet.

We went straight to a restaurant because Xaly was complaining that she was hungry. We immediately ordered food and waited for it to arrived at our table.

"it's so delicious" xaly took one mouthful of her food.

"are you hell starving??" xamiel, said his eyebrows meet. "It's like you're not being fed"

"can't i just be hungry? Don't be so stupid twin brother" she rolled her eyes. "yachi, when did you become mute? why don't you try to speak?" xaly said with her mouth full.

"hey, don't talk when your mouth is full. You're still a model and you eat rudely" xamiel said and was obviously annoyed with his twin.

"both of you, just eat" i said, losing my temper. They had been arguing for a while, and i was getting annoyed by their voices. It seems i was wrong to agree to meet them.

"yes mom" xarlame chuckled.

we just finished what we eat, and we just talked at the restaurant because we didn't know where else to go.

"you went to achi's firm, why didn't you even tell me?" said xaly like a child throwing tantrums.

"why do i always have to be with you?" xamiel seriously said.

"duh, because i'm your sister" she rolled her eyes once again.

"is that so?"xamiel also rolled his eyes.

"fuck, stop arguing. I'm irritated by your voices " i massage my temple. My head hurts more because of these two.

"it's all because of him" xaly pointed at her brother's face.

"after this are you going somewhere else?" xamiel suddenly asked.

"yes, i'm just going to visit someone" i smiled at them before taking a sip of my drink.

"Who? Do you have a special someone?" xaly asked in shock.

"is your twin's brain still okay?" i asked xamiel, i just scratched the back of my head.

" we will take you where you are going" xamiel volunteered.

"no need, i'll just book a grab" i said.

"are you sure? you're alone and it's getting late" xaly said look worried.

"yeah, i can handle myself. I'm not a five years old" i chuckled.

we left the restaurant and i told them that i would go ahead because i had somewhere else to go. I booked a taxi and went to the flower shop before going to my destination.

"hi, its been a while when i visited you. I miss you so much" as smiled to myself.

i sat next to the tombstone and removed the dry leaves. I noticed that there were flowers placed next to it, as if someone was always visiting here.

"how are you there? Are you happy ? Because i... I'm forcing myself to be happy even without you" i smiled bitterly as my tears starting to fall. "you left me with a broken heart" i wiped my tears.

"i'll see you in my next life, you will always here in my heart" i stood up and patted the butt of my pants. "Bye, i love you"

i left the cemetery and was waiting for a taxi when suddenly someone spoke from behind me.

"alone? Can i be with you?"


"chance ball!" My team mate shouted.

Today is our district meet, even though I'm very tired, I still have to focus on the ball. Our opponent will win in just a few points, so we need to be more serious.

"take all your anger out on the ball!" I heard xaly shouted at the bleacher, so i automatically chuckled.

when our setter threw the ball to me, I immediately hit it and the point also went to us. My face is serious because I don't want to lose either.

At the end we lose, but it's fine because it's also part of the game. We are still playing for the next match.

"Congrats! achi!" Xarlame said happily as i approached to her direction.

"we lose" i chuckled and wiped my sweat dropping to my forehead.

"there is still a next game" she also chuckled.

She's my best friend since we're kids, we treated each other like a sister. We are always together and she's always watching my game to support me.

"that means... But me milk shake" she wrapped his arm around me and walk like a kid.

"I've already lost and you're going to buy me your drink"

I'm the one who serious and she's the clingy one to our friendship, and also the loudest.

"achi!" My coach called me.

they call me achi because that's what they hear oji calling me, so i just let them call me achi.

"Yes coach?" I went to coach.

"I see the determination on you, train more so you'd be my next team captain" he smiled and tapped my shoulder before leaving.

I was so stunned to speak, i can't imagine that coach really think that i'd be the next team captain.

"Oh my God!" xaly covered her mouth in shocked. "oh my! You who will be the next team captain? You should really buy me a milk shake"

"the coach just said train more" i rolled my eyes on her.

"right from your coach" she said like a child.

"Oh come on, lets go" i said while pulling her.

We decided to eat at the restaurant near at xaly's house, i live with Oji, my lolo. When my parents died into a accident when i was still a kid my Oji taken care of me and take all the responsibilities that my parents left. While xarlame she has a good family, they are all very close to each other.

"You're not happy being a next team captain?" She asked and pouted liked a child.

"I think i can't handle that responsibility" i let out a heavy sighed while playing with my food.

I can't always be positive, I can't give them courage because I don't have any either, I can't tell them powerful words. I'm just competitive in every game, but i'm actually happy because i prove to my self that i can be better.

"Gosh you're good... chi grab the opportunity you might regret it" she smiled sweetly.

She never get tired saying that to me, i think her motto in life was to grab all the opportunities in this world.

"While me, i don't have any sports or even a talent" the expression of her face became sad but she forced to smile.

"who told you that you don't have talent?" my eyebrows crossed "your talent is to pissed me off"

"Shut up!" She rolled her eyes but still laughed "yeah, because its my therapy"

"Fucking therapy" i shook my head. She also always says that teasing me is her therapy, if she wasn't my friend I might have hit her. "Its an honor to me actually"

"Anyway, i have a new crush and he's so hot" she even acted excited.

"Again?" I shook my head.

She always has a new crush, it's even seasonal. I can't count how many men she talked to in just a week. I also have crushes but not many, maybe only about twenty plus but they are all fictional.

"you're so rude, It's kiro the basketball player" she said while thrilled

"What?! Why him? he's a cheater" i complained to her.

That Kiro became Twyla's mutual understanding, my teammate. And she said that while they were talking, Kiro was also talking to another girl.

"I don't care" she rolled her eyes.

It's true that love is base on appearance now, but not for me. It's good if you find a handsome man, but that's not where love is seen.

"how about you? You still don't have a crush?" She crossed her arms and pouted. "you don't tell me when you have a crush"

"I still don't have" i smiled sparingly.

its true, I don't always tell xarlame when I like someone, It's just a crush, there's no need to spread it or tell it to others. it hasn't reached the point that where I'm crazy about the men I like, and that's not going to happen.

I don't want yo go crazy with a man just because of my feelings. I have Oji and even if he's the only one I can be with for the rest of my life, that's fine with me.

"I followed kiro to his instagram" xarlame smiled widely.

"You fucking did the first move?" I raised a brow to her.

"why? does it always have to be a man to make the first move" Her brows meet.

"no i mean, its just... Times are different now" i took a sip of my milk shake.

xarlame couldn't finish what she was eating because she was talking too much, she never ran out of stories about the man she liked.

"you want to go inside?" xaly suddenly asked me. Here we are now outside their house.

"no, maybe oji is waiting for me" i smiled at her at waved my hands to bid a good bye.

"just say hello to oji. Be careful" she smiled and also waved her hand.

their house will come first before ours, it's a bit far so i took xarlame first, i can't ride because it's already nighty. Our match ended late earlier, then xarlame and i ate outside.

When i reahed the house i saw oji watching a movie, it was a action movie and he was copying the main character at the movie.

Oji's house is also quite big, because he can afford it. That's why daddy left because he didn't want to ask oji for help anymore, as oji told me.

there are four bedrooms here and a fairly wide living room, just right for a single family or even two families.

"Im here, oji" i kissed him at the cheeks.

"My beautiful magomusume, how was the game?" He pinched my cheek.

"We lose " i pouted.

"Aw it's okay i know you did your best" he hugged me.

Oji was the father of my dad, Oji is Japanese, he can speak Tagalog well because he has been in the Philippines for a long time he stayed here when my mom gave birth to me. He decided to live here because he always wants to be by my side.

Then when the accident happen oji has become my guardian, he doesn't tell me what happened to my parents, he always says that he doesn't remember it anymore.

"i'll just change my clothes, oji"i said good bye to oji and he nodded, returning his full attention to what he was watching.

I call him oji because ojisan is the grandfather in Japanese.

I took a bath and arranged my things in my bag, and i also finished my assignments.

Even though I'm very busy with the trainings, I don't let myself lose honor because that's the only thing I can give to oji so that he can be proud of me. I study hard as i trained hard to be a good player.

I heard my phone rang so i immediately answered it, xarlame's calling.

"Why?" I asked on the other line.

[Remember kiro? the guy i told you ealier?] She asked excited.

"And so?"

[Where already talking!] i can still hear her stomping.

"That fucking fast, xaly?"

Why do i expect, of course she grab the opportunity again.

[Well yes, i grab the opportunity when he follow me back]

"Bull shit" i just scratched my head because of what xaly was telling me.

her tendency is to rush everything, then in the end she will also get bored and then look for someone new.

[do you want me to introduced you to someone?] She laughed. [i know someone who looks more hotter than kiro"

"No thanks, just talk... I hope you don't get bored soon"

[hey you're rude-]

She was about to justify but i already ended the call. She always denying everything even if its too obvious.

"Please forgive me!" oji shouted while he was dreaming

"Oji, you're dreaming again. Lets go to your room" i woke him up and it looked like he just felt asleep on the couch.

"son, forgive daddy please" he cried and hugged me.

"Oji, are you okay?" I tapped his back as he hugged me.

"aleczia?" He called me in my second name.

"Oji, lets go to your room" i accompanied him to his room, and i also fixed his blanket.

Oji always dreamt about my parents, then he will cry in the end. I don't know what's happening to him, I just think that maybe it's because he's old or maybe he still remembers what happened to his son. He must have been traumatized when he found out that his only child had an accident.

it's not that easy to lose a child, especially a parent. No one is perfect in this world but you will wonder why you were deprived of a child.

Oji said that daddy was the only one he had in his life but he was taken from him immediately, that's all I know about my parents and that's all oji told me.

"just put you name" xarlame was forcing me to write my name to a sticky note.

We are in a coffee shop now, xarlame is forcing me to write my name on sticky notes on a corkboard.

"why do i have to put my name?" i frowned at her.

"single people write their names, and if someone is interested in your name... The are the person for you" she said while playing her brows.

It was my first time to go to this coffee shop and then this happened.

"Are you kidding me?" i massaged my temple. "do you really believe in such things?"

"just write it down and you won't lose anything" she drank her coffee, still smiling.

"Fine" I only said to her.

I wrote my full name on a yellow sticky note, I even put a heart on the end.

Yasczhy Aleczia Kobayashi♡

"your parents must have known that you would never have a sibling, so they put all the letters in your name" she said while looking at the sticky note.

my name is said to be hard to read because of the spelling, so i just tell them to just call me 'achi' so they don't have a hard time, because that's what oji calls me too.

"won't you put yours?" I mean her name. "after all, you don't lose a boy friend"

"my name is written, and F.Y.I they are not my boy friend" she justified. "they're just mistakes"

"they" i said and shrugged my head.

She became quiet suddenly "achi..." She called my name

"Hmm?" I looked at her, and waiting for her to say something

"How do you manage training, and your studies at the same time?" Her facial expression became serious, and as if she was waiting for my answer.

"Well, I always put in my mind that those are my priorities" i said, and she was just listening.

"Isn't hard for you to do all that things? Even your course this college seems to be difficult" she said, looked problematic.

"It was really hard though, nothing is easy in this world" i slightly chuckled.

I read a lot because my course is bs Legal Management, so I have to study even though my head hurts, i'm also having a hard time because i also need to train, our game was near so i need to focus on that too.

xarlame and I are both third year college, I have to wait a few more years just to become a lawyer. I have a lot to take care of and to do, I also need to help oji because he is all I have.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Of course, you are good at handling things" she bitterly smiled.

"you can do that too. I'm here xaly" i assured her.

I consider xaly like my own sister. I also have other friends but I feel lighter with xaly maybe because we have known each other for a long time.

I'm also not friendly because I don't want a lot of attention, but I realized that I can't stop it especially since a lot of people will notice me because I'm a volleyball player. They will always notice me, they are free to judge me.

"Oji, lets eat" i said to oji.

Oji was in his room a while ago, I saw him writing something but I didn't pay attention to it because oji was always writing something.

"what are you writing, oji?" I was about to peek when he suddenly pulled it away from me.

"Nothing my pretty grand daughter" he smiled widely at me. "Lets go eat"

"Oji, unting kembot na lang magiging abogado na ako" i smiled at him while preparing plates at the table.

"I can't wait" he said happily and was applauded.

"I will buy what you want, oji" I said before taking a bite of the bacon I cooked.

I can honestly say that oji is capable buying expensive things, because a house this big is no joke. The allowance given to me by oji is also quite large, but even though oji is so kind, he gives me everything I want, he spoiled me a lot. so I want to be the one to give him what he wants.

I want to take care of oji, oji is not that old yet, so I can spend a long time with him. He was just around fifty seven years old.

"You don't need to, just be successful, so that when i die-"

He was about to talk but I didn't finish what he had to say "Oji!"

"I'm already old baby achi, and i know you can live without me" he smiled.

"Oji stop it!" i scolded him, but he just chuckled. "Don't say that"

"Promise me, what ever happens always remember that Oji loves you even though..." He let out a heavy sighed "even if I can't be a good father to your parents"

"we're eating Stop!" I can't eat anymore because of what Oji says. "You promise me that you won't leave me"

"I'm always there in your heart" he slightly chuckled. "Okay okay, lets eat first"

We finished eating, i washed the dishes after that i read the judicial review and the taxation.

i just to remove the brain from my head, after all. I don't feel like it anymore. I need to study hard for my self, for my future.

Court practices and bar ops. Even if i'm not in myself i still need to read and study.

"Oji, i'm leaving" I said to oji while he was fixing something in the kitchen.

"take care" he turned to me and kissed me on the forehead.

I left, I just commuted because I don't know how to drive a car, Oji has a car but every time he asks me to use it I hate it because I might crash it.

Oji sometimes drives because he can still drive. I want to learn to drive but it seems scary. Oji said several times that he would get a driver but I stopped him because I can commute.

Our training is always early, so I usually don't have breakfast, but I haven't collapsed on the court yet.

"Happy birthday, coach" i greeted our coach.

"thank you, chi" he smiled widely at me.

I was still a little early, they were just fixing the net so I just sat next to coach.

"come to our house later, i have a celebration" coach looked at me, smiling.

"am i the only one coach? how about them?" I asked and looked at my team mates.

"hmm... they said they had an outing so they couldn't come" the coach smiled sparingly. "Aren't you going to go with them?"

"i don't want to, it's overnight and i don't want to leave oji alone at home " i said and he smiled.

They invited me yesterday saying we were having an outing, but I immediately refused because Oji was alone.

I'm pretty close to my team mates but I'm just shy of them.

"You're such a nice kid" I smiled at what the coach said.

We warmed up before the game, I was already sweating, i'm just waiting for it to be over so I can rest.

"on wednesday again, prepare yourselves. You need to train more now" said the coach, we all sat in front of him.

We raised our hands "Champions!" me and my team mates shouted at the same time.

"Are you sure you won't really come?" Twyla asked one of my team mates.

"nope" i shrugged.

"just message us, we'll pick you up if you change your mind" she said.

"no, thank you. Just enjoy for me" i chuckled before they left.

They rented a van, they asked me several times if I had changed my mind because they said they wanted me to come but I just said again and again that I will not come.

"Coach, i'll go home first to change my clothes" i said to coach gab.

"that's okay, we're just at home" he chuckled.

"it's embarrassing for your other guests" i slightly chuckled.

I am closer to coach because he is like a father to me as well as to his wife.

"that's fine, my dear. Don't change" i was too stunned to speak when he called me 'nak'. I just nodded.

no one else calls me my dear, I wish there was. But I didn't have parents, nor did I see them growing up. But I'm happy even though Oji is the only one with me.

when we got to coach's house, I was a little nervous because their other relatives were here.

"H-hello " i greeted them all.

Felice and coach house is big even though there are only two of them who lives here.

"Chi chi!" felice, coach's wife, ran to me and give me a tight hug.

"how are you felice?" i asked as she pulled away from me.

"we're good, you have not visited here" she pouted.

Sometimes I visited their house when I wasn't busy, and Felice always sent me to their house because she said she always wanted to see me.

they don't have children so it's like they consider me as their child.

I'm just standing, I can't sit because I'm shy of the people here.

"Achi, eat first" said coach standing by my side.

"later, i'm ashamed of them" i chuckled.

"those will leave too" coach gab said.

"Felice! Gab we're leaving, happy birthday again" said the other lady who seemed to be the same age as felice.

"thank you" coach waved his hand.

When the guests left, I moved and sat on their sofa, I was relieved. But it was interrupted by those who entered, a man just my age.

He's really tall his skin was as if there were no holes, he looks grumpy but innocent.

He was wearing a black polo shirt with three buttons down and black pants, when I saw his shoes, my eyes widened. it's a Rivoli sneaker at Louis Vuitton.

He's not just handsome, he is also rich. he's like a fictional character, smooth skinned.

Oji can also buy shoes like that but it's just disappointing for the price and then it's just shoes though.

When our eyes met i immediately looked away, it feels awkward but I really want to look at him.

"Kiel" felice approached and the man kissed her on the cheek.

"where is uncle?" He asked and looked at my direction.

why me? i don't even know where his uncle is.

"I-i don't know" i said, felt nervous. He smiled looked amused.

"hey kiel, are you alone?" coach said with a wide smile.

"Happy birthday, uncle. Yes im the only one mom can't go because she had a meeting" he said and handed coach gab the gift he brought.

the coach thanked "by the way, kiel this is achi my player. And achi this is kiel my handsome nephew"

I slightly nod my head and he just smiled and still looked amused.

"both of you eat first" felice handed me a plate.

i stood up and took some food, i only ook a little bit because i couldn't finish it. I sat in the living room, kiel followed me to get food and he also sat next to me.

"how are you, kiel?" Coach asked while kiel was eating.

"i'm doing good" he said and took a bite.

If only I had known that this handsome guy would be next to me, I would have changed into better clothes. I was just wearing cycling and an oversized t-shirt while he was wearing formal wear.

"how was you study?" Coach asked again.

"Good" he said briefly, his full attention was on the food.

"how about you, achi? how was your studies?" Felice asked me so I suddenly returned to my right mind.

it felt awkward because there were only four of us here, and we were still next to each other.

"i-it's f-fine" I stammered.

"when will you train again, honey?" felice asked coach gab.

"at saturday" coach said.

"So you're a volleyball player, huh?" Kiel looked at me, I didn't think he would talk to me because he looked unapproachable.

"y-yes" i looked away, and he suddenly chuckled. This is too awkward to me, i don't know why.

The two of us were left in the living room, so I was quiet while he was busy on his cell phone.

"Coach, i'll go ahead. Happy birthday" i stood up and when I said goodbye and took my gym bag.

"take this, for your grandpa" coach handed me a tupperware full of food.

I just thanked because there was nothing I could do. I kissed Felice at the cheeks before leaving their house.

"where is your house?" I was surprised to hear a man's voice from behind me. He just looked at me seriously.

"it's just nearby" i said.

"you want me to take you home?" still looked serious.

"you have to, my house is just around the corner" i shrugged my head.

"Okay" he only said and turned his back on me. He got into his car and drove off.

as I said, I just walked home. It's still afternoon so maybe oji is just watching TV.

"Oji, i'm here" I came to him and kissed him on the cheek.

"how is training?" he straightened up sitting on the sofa and smiled at me.

"it is tiring" i sighed heavily and pouted.

"Take a rest , my pretty grand child" he caressed my hair.

"have you eaten? coach gave us food because it was his birthday" i stood up and went to the kitchen.

"i'm waiting for you to come home" he also stood up and took a plate.

even though I was full, I still accompanied Oji to eat so he wouldn't eat alone. After that I went up to the room and took a half bath.

[Gosh he's so handsome in person]

I was talking to xaly on the phone a while ago she was talking about her meet up with kiro.


[but i feel like we don't have the same vibes] i heard her sighed.

"so you fed up again?"

[No!, maybe it will go through the prayer] she giggled.

"Gosh, maybe i just also pray for you"

I'm used to it when xarlame calls, I know what she's going to talk about. I don't have a problem with that, she is my friend, my best friend actually and as long as she is happy, I will try to be happy for her. I just don't like seeing her cry just because of men.

"If he hurt you, i swear to God"

[silly, he doesn't looked like that]

the other men on this generation, they think about what they will feel rather than what women feel. So you're lucky if you find a man who isn't a clout chaser. The man who won't use you just because he has someone for comfort.

I'm not saying all men are like that. Maybe it's because I haven't interacted with men yet, so I don't know anything about it. I'm just basing it on the stories of my other friends.

I feel like no man can stand me, I'm a boring person.

I went to bed early because I planned to go to the library to review and to memorized. So I can read all my pile of readings.

"A repeal is absolute or total when the... crime punished under the repealed law has been... decriminalized by the repeal" memorizing, i just got a massage on my temple because i had been memorizing for a while. My nerve has also throbbed in my brain

I stood up and went to the book shelf to look for something new to read. I was stunned when I suddenly heard someone crying, I looked for where it was coming from and I saw a woman benting over and covering her face with her hands, i tried to stop her from crying.

I approached her and knelt down so that we were at the same level.

"Hey, what happened?" I removed her blocking hand from her face so I could see her face.

"I-im fine" still sobbing.

"What happened? Please stand up" I helped her to stand but she was too heavy.

"I-im sorry... I-i can h-handle myself" she smiled sparingly and wiped her tears.

"It's okay, here" I handed her my handkerchief and she accepted it.

"Thank you so much" she said while wiping her tears.

"I'm achi, you can tell me what happened" i caressed her back.

She stood up and smiled at me "i'm yvell" she offered her hands to me and i immediately accepted it.

"You want to talk?" I asked.

"i-i'm f-fine" she smiled again.

Her hair was messy as if she had been tweaked. Red eyes and nose from crying. she is brunette and a bit taller than me. She looks like an innocent child.

I took her by the hand and made her sit on the chair. I sat in front of her and arranged the books on the table so we could talk properly.

"What happened? Don't worry i'm not a bad person" i assured her.

"I know that" She giggled. "they chase me"

"Who?" I raised my brows.

"The bullies " her smile faded.

"why?" I grinned. "You don't fight back?"

I don't understand people why they have to bully innocent people.

"I cant, there are too many of the, " she said. "The girl thought i was flirting with her boy friend... Well, her boy friend was the one who approached me first"

what kind of brain is that? How immature, that just because of a man they have to hurt others. Is it really like that when you fall in love? you will do everything just so that person won't leave you.

can't we just accept the result? can't you just let it go because they really don't want it anymore? We can't force people just to stay in our lives. We cannot dictate their decisions. If they want to leave our lives, let them go. don't be desperate for people who have done nothing else in our lives but to hurt us.

"you know the truth, you know yourself what you are doing" i held her hand and slightly squeezed it. "but don't let toxic people step on you"

she cried again and nodded. "thank you"

"Do you have any friends so that you can go home safe?" I asked her.

"I don't have friends " she smiled sparingly as she sobs.

"I can be your friend" i smiled at her.


"how old are you?"

we're at a fast food now, I'm with xaly and yvell. Xarlame had been asking Yvell for a while. Yvell also answered each of xaly's questions.

"Nineteen " si yvell.

we have a big age difference, so I can say that she is still like a child.

"you're still young but why are you taller than us?" xaly furrowed.

She will just go to college while xaly and I are in third year college waiting to graduate, and to fulfill our dream jobs. Little by little, I will become a lawyer.

I studied early and I was accelerated several times so I had to adjust every time I studied.

"I actually know achi,i saw you once in the court" she look amazed.

I just smiled at what she said.

At her young age she has been through a lot, she was bullied even though she didn't deserve it. And no one deserves to be bullied.

"fuck, who are those? I will punch them in the jaw" xaly said angrily and was about to pounce but i stopped her.

"Shut up, xaly. You're bot helping" i rolled my eyes on her "hey, we're here. We are now your friends okay so don't be afraid" i looked at yvell.

"it's true i'll hit them all, we're here now. We'll take care of those bullies" xaly said and punched the air.

"You look stupid" I hit her softly. "Don't be scared, okay? We're here" i assured her and she smiled widely at me.

People have been staring at us for a while now because of xaly's noise, so I've been shaking my head in shame.

sometimes you don't need to listen to people's opinions, especially if they don't matter. And you don't need to be afraid of people who bully you, at first they are good but when you fight back, they will go away from you. They just chose someone they know who won't fight back.

other people's opinion is not important, what is important is your opinion, they have no right to destroy or interfere in your life, they are nothing but filth.

You need to think twice before you speak and respect people who supposed to be respected.

We always invite and accompany Yvell when xarlame and I go somewhere. I don't want to let Yvell be alone all the time, I don't want her to feel the way she used to feel when he was alone.

As long that i'm here i won't let her feel that again, what she is going through is not easy, she also told us that she also has problems with her family. She said her parents are separated so she lives with her aunt. And her aunt did not treat her very well.

How can she be so strong, i admire her for that. She continues to fight the trials that come in her life even if she is alone in life. Now that i am here i don't want her to fight alone, i'll be her friend and a older sister.

"achi, you're so beautiful" she smiled sweetly at me and fixed the remaining strands of my hair.

Xarlame put make up on me, I refused several times but I have nothing against her because I know she won't stop.

"i will also put make up on you later, yvell" xaly said while putting a eyeliner to my eyelids.

"why don't you do modeling? It suits you" Yvell sat by my side and watched us do makeup.

"Actually that's her dream" i said, while looking at my appearance in the mirror.

"it really suits you, i promise " yvell said seriously.

"it's difficult" xaly said "sit here" she tapped the chair.

when they finished, xarlame took a picture, I frowned at her because she didn't even inform me that she was going to take a picture.

"you didn't inform me" i rolled my eyes at her.

"i'll just send it to kiro" she smiled while looking at the photo she took.

"you're the only one who looks fine" i complained.

"can we just do it again?" yvell suddenly talked.

"that's right, we can rake a picture again... Why are you angry?" xarlame pointed at my face.

Xarlame adjusted the angle to find a good picture. "Nice"

After taking pictures, I check the group chat of my teammates. They were talking about our opposing team in the district meet. I'm sure I'll be busy with training, readings have already been piled up and then it's all training this week.

"Stressed?" xarlame peeked into my phone.

"Yeah,we will have training again" i scratched the back of my neck.

"can i watch, achi?" Yvell suddenly asked.

"You can, but in our fight itself. So i can focus" i chuckled.

"that's how she is, yvell. She doesn't want to watched her during her training because she can't focus" frowned when xaly said..

"Uhm, achi..." i looked at yvell.

"only you and your grand father live here? May i ask if where's your parents?" She said as if she really wanted to know "if you don't want to tell po it's fine"

"They already dead, yvell" i forced to smile.

"Im sorry , i didn't mean to-"

"Its okay, i already accept it" i cut her off.

I accept it because there is nothing I can do. Not all people have the same fate in life. but I'm still blessed because someone still loves me. I have Oji and xarlame.

but I won't lie, it hurts because what child would want to lose a parent. I feel envious when I see a happy family, I wish I had such a family, a parents. I wish I had a mother to take care of me, I wish I had a father to spoil me with things.

i want to feel and experience the love of my parents. The world deprived me of having a family, no matter how many times i asked God, my parents lives could not be restored.

"just you and your grandfather?" She asked again.

"Yes, we're still happy " i said, not looking at her. She must have sensed that I was a bit uncomfortable with what she was asking, she didn't ask again.

Someone notified me on my cellphone when I pressed it I saw that xaly had posted a picture of me that was a candid shot.

She's single, but still not ready to mingle

what's in her caption, i lightly hit xaly and she lughed at me.

"Delete it" i argued.

"my picture of you is you beautiful, so shut up" she kept on zooming in my picture .

She took a really nice photo of me, but I didn't like her caption. Some people commented on my picture, mostly men who commented.

Kaizoxuer: mine.

Seanairel: she's pretty, btw what's her name?

Ashtwyla: that's my idol in volley ball!!🤗🤗

"look there are so many people who have a crushes on you, thanks to me" she proudly said.

"post it too achi, you're so pretty" yvell smiled.

I don't post much on my face book, because I don't use social media very much. If I post, it's just a picture of me whenever I'm in training.

"yes, post it so my effort is not wasted" said xaly playing with her eyebrows.

I made my account public before I posted the picture. I put 'i didn't know' in the caption. When I posted it, all I saw was xaly's comment, My other team mates also commented.

XarlameYvaughn: finally she posted too:)))

XarlameYvaughn: i will throw a party, because it's my bff's first time to post

Ashtwyla: omg life changing

Jairahxin: shit you are beautiful future cap!

Ashtwyla:she is really my idol in volley ball!

Ashtwyla: heat me, i'll apologize..

i just laughed at the comments i read, its's also one of the reasons why i don't post because i know my notification will be full, it will be difficult for me to reply to their comments.

i replied to twyla's comments.

YasczhyAleczia: @ashtwyla it's just me.

Ashtwyla: @YasczhyAleczia shit first reply to my comment, MY IDOL FINALLY NOTICED ME!

XamielLouieji: love me back! @YasczhyAleczia

YasczhyAleczia: @xamielLouieji who are you?

XamielLouieji: you didn't love me anymore and now you forgot me@yasczhyAleczia

xamiel is one of my closest friends because of xarlame, because they are twins. He and xaly also became my high school classmate so we became closer to each other.

The difference between the two of them is that Xamiel is a bit quiet in person, while Xarlame is a non-stop talker. But this xamiel is also crazy, he's really a twin of xarlame.

I don't spend much time with Xamiel anymore because Xarlame said he is busy, he always goes out with his male friends. I have no problem with that.


i'll visit there, i miss oji.


did you think you were the one i missed?


of course, i miss you so much!!!!!!👁️👄👁️


"oji!" xamiel shouted and ran closer to oji to hug him..

"who is this?" he pointed ate me and i frowned at him "just kidding, i miss you baby achi"

Turns out I was wrong, he's loud even in person.

"Xaly,why did you bring your twin?" I frowned at xaly.

"it looks like i made the wrong decision" xaly shrugged her head.

He was about to hugged me but i pushed him immediately "ouch" he acted hurt.

"didn't you miss me?" He pouted.

"No" i rolled my eyes at him. He was making a lot of noise but I could tell that Oji was enjoying seeing him again.

"Oji, your grand daughter didn't miss me " he complained to oji, but he was just laughed at.

"She did not?" Oji said, and giggled.

"Yes oji, why did she became that grumpy?" he said while shaking his head.

"idiot" i hit him on his arm.

"Look oji she hit me on the arm" he acted hurt, oji just laughing at xamiel's stupidity. "Oji, why are you make fun to me? Fight for me"

"Anata wa omoshiroikara" Oji spoke in Japanese, and because of that xamiel's lips parted.

"oh my oji, i only understand english" he said while holding his chest, looked shock and utterly dumbfounded.

"Anata wa nihongo o hanasu hōhō o manabubekidesu" oji continued teasing xamiel, and xamiel looked funny as he obviously did not understand anything.

I also know how to speak Japanese, I can also understand because when I was young Oji taught me to learn Japanese words every day.

"Achi! what' is oji saying? Is he curing me?" he said while shaking my shoulder. "Hey, answer me"

"Shitakunai" i said in japanese.

"i don't want this, i'm going home" said xamiel, who was obviously crying. "You're bullying, xaly lets go home"

"Hitori de ienikaeru" I laughed even more when xarlame spoke Japanese.

because every time xarlame comes to the house she tells oji to teach her how to speak japanese because she wants to learn because she always watches anime.

"Pati baga naman ikaw? Magwowalk out ako. I feel so humiliated" Xamiel said like a child throwing tantrums.

"how are your studies, hijo?" Oji asked.

"finally oji..." Xamiel chuckled "it's fine, it's just tiring" he shrugged his head.

Xamiel is another one whose mouth won't stop talking, it's just that oji can tolerate him. I can't keep up with what he's talking about, my head hurts.

"you work hard, idol" xamiel suddenly appeared at my side, I was reading about a case.

"Shut up" i rolled my eyes at him "where's oji?"

"he went to his room, he said he was going to sleep..." He stated "i'm not done with my story yet" he looked disappointed.

I thought oji could tolerate him, but it seems that oji has given up on him, poor oji.

"goddamn i'm so hot" He looked at himself in the mirror and fixed his hair "with this face, you won't like me"

"stupid" xarlame argued.

"go ahead and complain, maybe you're forgetting we're twins. If i'm ugly, you're ugly too" xamiel smirked.

"What a shame" xarlame shrugged her head, in disappointment.

Xamiel is really handsome though so thats why many people like him and I am a witness to every woman chasing him, I didn't like him because I had no intention of liking him and a man either.

I don't really see myself being in a relationship, let alone liking someone I'm content with myself, I can live without a man except Oji.

"pretty, Yasczhy Aleczia" xarlame caressed my hair. I know it's necessary why she's teasing me

"yes, achi. you are very beautiful" said xamiel while playing with his eyebrows.

"shut up" i slightly rolled my eyes at them. "What do you want?!" I said losing my temper.

"let's go to the mall later" xarlame smiled widely at me.

i agreed because i had nothing else to do, my head was hurting because i had been reading for a while.

"Achi this dress suits you" xamiel picked up a dazzle color lace up slanting evening dress.

"I don't wear that" that I winced at the dress Miel showed me.

"achi please!" when xaly insisted on me and shook my shoulder.

"No!" Bahagya akong umatras.

"i'll pay for that, you just have you wear it" miel pouted.

I wear a crop top. it's not like what they want me to wear that I can almost see my chest when I wear it. I don't wear revealing clothes very much, because I feel it doesn't suit me. I wear a crop top but only once in a while, i don't leave the house much either.

"No! i don't want that" i shrugged my head.

"Please! it's our birthday next month, this is your gift to us" xamiel said as if he was desperate to make me wear it.

"Please" she and xamiel spoke at the same time and they pouted.

"Fine" i rolled my eyes at them and took the dress miel was holding "i'll pay it, just stop teasing me" i looked at miel with a wide smile.

it was like they won the lottery when I paid for the dress they said.

"I will throw a party on my birthday just so you can wear it" xaly play her brows.

I can really wear such clothes, I'm just ashamed of wearing them. Many people also tell me that such clothes suit my body, but i'm just shy.

Xamiel and xarlame really enjoyed looking for clothes for me, they only chose crop tops and dresses and xamiel paid for them as long as I just wear them.

"wear all that" xamiel smiled like a kid.

"Do i have a choice? I'll wear it soon" i also smiled at him.

"that's what suits you, achi" xarlame said.

I prefer shorts and oversized t-shirts, because that's where I feel comfortable. I always go to university and court, so there's no need to wear fancy clothes.

i'm always at home because i prefer being with oji than leaving the house.

sometimes I leave the house when Oji's friends visited our house, Oji's friends are a bit scary because there seems to be no emotion or reaction on their faces.

"Chi chi, use the car, so you don't have to commute" Oji said, we are in the living room now because he was watching a Japanese movie.

"I don't know how to drive, oji" I said while arranging my things in the bag, I'm going to the university tomorrow because I have a early class tomorrow and after that we have training.

"I'll hire a driver, so that I can be satisfied that you are safe" oji insisted.

i just nodded so that oji would stop. I also understand him because sometimes i also stay late when i go home.

"achi!" Twyla, our setter. shouted and threw the ball at me. I immediately hit the ball and it immediately hit the floor.

"Nice one!" My other team mate shouted.

We have training because the district meet is near again, our training is also quite strict because our university is private, It's just that coach is nice.

I was enrolled in La Salle because Oji wanted me to study at a well-known university, and it was also my dream to study here.

"Announcement, Ateneo will be our opponent so let's focus more on training" said the coach, we all sat on the floor and only the coach was on us, all of our attention was on the coach.

"we are full of training again" odile whispered to me, obviously not going to like what she was hearing.

"And another announcement that..." the coach smiled before continuing what he had to say "achi is our new team captain"

my team mates shouted and they were obviously happy for me, there was a trace of shock on my face, I didn't know what to say so I just smiled, i was too stunned to speak.

Our former team captain is graduating and she said she wants to focus more on her study because it's her last year.

They congratulated me so I also thanked them for their support for me.

"wow, cap. Your car is nice" eri said.

I messaged the driver earlier that our training was over, so he waited for me outside the campus.

"take care cap" my team mates waved.

I said goodbye to them, I picked up xarlame first because she said she wanted to experience having a driver and she also wanted to see Oji

"maybe you can pick me up every day" xaly chuckled. We didn't pick up Yvell because she said she was going to the house alone.

"as long as you also pay for the car's gas and the driver's lunch" i joked.

"i'll just walk" Her eyebrows meet. "i don't even have lunch for myself"

when we got to the house, xaly immediately ran to oji, it was obvious that oji was also happy to see xarlame again since it had been a while since xaly had been able to visit because she was so busy with her studies.

"Achi? Please explain this" she put his phone in my face.

I didn't know that they posted a picture of us earlier when we were still in training. I still haven't opened social media so I haven't seen it yet

"Congrats to our new team captain Yasczhy Aleczia Kobayashi" She read the caption "holy fucking shit, you're now a team captain?"

"Yes, just announced a while ago" I just looked at xaly who had a big smile on her face.

"why didn't you tell me right away?" xaly pouted like a kid.

I don't know if I will be happy, it seems too difficult to be the captain of a team. All I want is to play, because I've been playing volleyball since I was young.

"why don't you seem happy?" said xaly with one eyebrow raised. "do you want me to be the captain?"

"stupid... of course I am happy, i just can't believe it" I sighed and leaned on the head board of my bed, we were here in my room.

we just waited for Yvell because she said she was going to come to the house too after her class, because their class wasn't over yet.

"congrats, achi. When is your match? I want to watch you play" Yvell said excitedly, she was still in her uniform and obviously tired because of the sweat dripping from her forehead.

"on tuesday, we had our last training on monday so we were on the court all day" i let out a heavy sighed. It's our game again. i'm already tired just thinking about it.

" xaly, you're going to watch it, aren't you?" yvell looked at xarlame, while xarlame busy on her phone.

"of course, i don't miss that girl's games" she looked at me as if she was scolding me.

indeed, Xarlame doesn't miss my every game, she's been absent from her class more than my match. I also want people to support me, so i'm lucky that xarlame is there to support me every game, even not in the game she supports me.

"invite xamiel too, so that someone can feed us. " xarlame stood up and went to my vanity mirror.

"who's xamiel?" yvell looked at xarlame who fixing her hair at the vanity mirror.

"my twin brother, who liked achi" she laughed as if she was teasing me.

"what the fuck?" i winced at xarlame words, xamiel was really stupid when he liked me before.

"you have a twin? Is he also kind?" We laughed at yvell question.

"it depends" xarlame laughed.

"they have the same attitude" i chuckled. "they are both headaches"

I'm his only female friend. Because almost every girl who gets close to him, likes him. He doesn't want that. Xamiel is just too friendly to everyone, because he always has good vibes. It's not xiel's fault that many girls like him. His face just thickened.

"Nag confess nga sayo di'ba" she pushed me lightly. "he fell in love with you, should i call sis?" xaly, still laughing.

"You know..." I put my arm around her "even if he's the only one left in this world, i won't still like him either"

"Good decision" she winked at me. "even though i'm in your possistion, i'll do the same"

we just joked for a few hours and they went home, i sent them t our driver so they don't have to commute. even if xarlame didn't tell me, i knew she wanted to take them home.

we have training again today because tomorrow is our match.

"Achi" coach called me. "can you get the envelop to my nephew? I think is already outside"

i immediately nodded at coach "yes coach"

"thank you, dear" he smiled at me.

i left the court and looked around to find the so-called coach's nephew, as long as he was holding an envelope. And I saw a man wearing shades and a white polo shirt with three buttons down and black pants walking towards my direction but i ignored him and turned around again to look for the coach's nephew.

"Yasczhy" a man's voice called me. I faced him and saw that this was the man wearing shades.

"yes?" how the hell did he know my name. i raised an eyebrow at him before smiling.

he removed the shaded and i was surprised to see that it was Kiellix who was the coach's nephew, the fragrance of his smell is obviously rich, i was stunned, because i just looked at him for a long time, i didn't stare at him very much when i first saw him because i felt shy and awkward. His nose is pointed, his eyebrows are thick and his lips are red.

"are you done staring at me?" he laughed a little, and i noticed that he also had dimples on his right cheek.

"h-huh?" have i been staring at him that long? "what is it?" i asked him.

"here" he handed me the brown envelope.

"thank you" i took it from him and was about to leave when he suddenly talk.

"good luck" i looked at him and saw him walking away.

i didn't know what he was talking about, i immediately went back inside the court and handed the envelope to coach and he also thanked me. it's already afternoon, so our training is about to end, coach just talked to us about our match for tomorrow.

"Good luck to us, what ever happens lets just do our very best" i said and smiled at my team mates.

"we will win!" my team mates shouted.


"take your anger out on the ball again" xarlame reminded me that our match was about to start so I let xarlame sit on the bleachers.

"Good luck, achi!" Yvell shouted from the bleachers.

I'm already wearing a green jersey, representing our university and black cycling. My jersey number is now number 1.

"Go green spikers! Go! Go! Go!" shouted the other students who will support our team.

we prayed before shaking hands with our opposing team.

"I'm calling the team captain of both teams... Yasczhy Aleczia Kobayashi and Samara Sue" said the man speaking on the mic, the captain of the other team went to the front so I went too. We shook hands before returning to our team.

the match started, we won the 1st quarter, and the opponent won the 2nd quarter. My face is serious every time I hit the ball, we need to win so we can participate in the championship.

"Go, green spikers! Go! Go!" The students shouted.

"Go achi!don't play too hard, i'm falling in love!" Xamiel shouted, I looked at their place and glared at him.

"Go yasczhy!" Xarlame shouted.

I don't pay attention to every shout of the people because I have to focus on this fight. it's the last quarter and the score of both teams is tied.

the timer was about to run out and the last set was mine, I closed my eyes tightly and let out a heavy sigh before hitting the ball.

I hit the ball with my eyes closed, I felt my palm tingle and heard a loud shout from the people in the bleachers. I looked at our score and saw that we won, Twyla hugged me almost crying in front of me.

"Nice one, cap" twyla gave me a high five.

"Good job, green spiker" coach smiled widely at us.

After coach congratulates us, I immediately approached xarlame's direction and they hugged me as soon as I got close.

"Shit! you are great!" Xarlame hugged me tightly. "i m so proud of you!"

"i can't believe it, you are awesome" yvell just smiled sweetly at me.

"holy shit, i am too stunned to speak" xamiel covered his mouth "i'm speechless" I just laughed at their reactions.

"Hi miss! you play well" we turned to the man who spoke behind us, we don't know him but I can say he's handsome.

"Thank you" i smiled sparingly at him.

"Can i ask your name?" He again smiled at me "i'm not going to be your stalker don't worry. I just want to know"

I didn't intend to say anything but as usual xarlame got ahead of me again "yasczhy aleczia Kobayashi, the team captain" xarlame proudly said.

"It's too long" the guy chuckled.

"you asked" xamiel rolled his eyes to the man who approached me.

The man said goodbye and I also told xarlame that I would change my clothes first, and I also told them to wait for me outside the university.

many students greeted and congratulate me, and i don't want to be rude so I approached them too.

I changed into black high waisted short and a white crop top, I was going to wear pants but the weather was too hot.

"Shit" I whispered as I dropped the contents of my wallet, my I.D. I was going to pick it up but someone picked it up before me.

My eyes widened when I saw Kiel pick it up, I didn't know that he was studying here.

"So it's you" he said while still looking at my I.D.

"Uhm can you give it back to me?" I asked him. he also returned it to me. I was about to leave when he suddenly spoke.

"Nice game, i'll see you around" I looked at him, I thought he had left but when I looked at him he was smiling at me.

"Thank you" i also smiled at him.


our attention went to the men going in our direction, they looked like they were from another country. A man was wearing specs and his hair was falling over his face. The other has a medium complexion with well-cut hair. One of them is white and has slightly puffy eyes. They are all beautiful in my eyes.

"Hi, miss" puffy eyes man greeted me, i just smiled at them.

"are you the team captain?" the man wearing specs asked me. And i just nodded.

"I-i need to go" i smiled sparingly at them, before i left.

"where have you been? what took you so long?" Xamiel scratched the back of his head, obviously bored.

"I changed my clothes, I told you, didn't I?" I rolled my eyes at him.

the campus is quite big, and we wandered around a bit, it was still early and xarlame didn't want to go home yet. Yvell was the first to leave, she was no longer with us, she said she had something to do so she had to go home.

We were near the campus gate when suddenly someone called my name. "Yasczhy aleczia kobayashi!"

when we looked back to see who it was, it was the men who were with kiel earlier. A man smiled at me and it looked like he was the one who called my name, I also looked at Kiel who was obviously irritated by his friend.

"be careful..." The man's words were interrupted when Kiel suddenly hit him "all of you, be careful, finish what i'm saying bro"

"Kayo din" I smiled sweetly at them before leaving their campus.

"we will be careful, but kiel doesn't want to be careful" he pouted and even winked at his friend who was obviously irritated with him.

"Asshole" Kiel frowned when he said and left his friends.

we just walked to find something to eat, I didn't ask my driver to pick me up because xarlame and xamiel were with me, and xamiel usually takes me home first, because he wants to see oji.

"lets just eat here, i want sweet" xarlame pointed to a cafe, she also saw the cookies on the counter.

"i'm sweet, twin sis. You don't need any more sweets" xamiel joked making xarlame winced.

"dumbass, you are sour not sweet" Xarlame rolled her eyes before entering the cafe first.

to be honest, when we were together, we always went to the cafe because we like coffee and shakes, with yvell we can't go to the cafe because she doesn't like it, so we're the only ones adjusting for her.

This is the only cafe that xarlame and I always go to, this is where I wrote my name on sticky notes. When we entered, I immediately looked at the notes and looked for mine but it was no longer there.

"it's gone" I said before sitting next to xarlame.

"whats gone?" xamiel looked at me, confused.

"I wrote my name on a sticky note and put it there" I pointed to the wall with sticky notes.

we just ordered and waited for what we ordered to arrive, xarlame bought quite a lot of sweets, it looks like she really craves sweets.

"are you pregnant? i'll tell this to mom" Xamiel commented on the cookies on our table.

"does craving makes me pregnant? Can't i just miss the food?" Xarlame said.

I only ordered a shake because I'm not too hungry yet, and I don't want to gain weight because I'll have a hard time training.

we turned to the men who entered the cafe and saw that these were the men with kiel again, and kiel was also with them, frowning.

"Oh you are here too" the guy acted surprised.

"can we sit with you?" The guy asked. he seems to be the only one who talks to their friends.

"Sure" xarlame said, smiling.

Xamiel obviously didn't understand what was happening, so did I. they sat at our table, and kiel sat next to me, and the man wearing specs went to the counter to order.

when the man returned, he immediately sat next to one of his friends, I'm just watching them, they can talk better with xarlame because xarlame is also talkative. I don't know their names and I have no intention of finding out.

"Cap, what's your course?" The guy asked me, i still don't know their names.

"Of course" I winced at Xamiel's joke.

"Bro you are so funny. That's your last joke" the guy sarcastically laughed.

"Bs legal management" i said.

kiel on my other side is quiet, as if no one has the right to disturb him. He put on his black hoodie and put both hands in his pocket.

"Omg! We forgot to introduce ourselves, im sorry" the man acted surprised again. "I'm save... But you can call me save" he smiled and winked.

"Levi" The man wearing specs quickly smiled at us.

"Siv" the man said with his puffy eyes.

"maybe you already know him" save pointed to kiel who was just bent over and obviously sleeping. I just nodded at him.

"You won't tell us your names?" Siv asked,

Siv's face showed no emotion.

I looked at xarlame to tell her to introduce us, and she seemed to understand what I wanted to convey.

"I'm xarlame and this is achi, and xamiel my twin brother" xarlame pointed us.

"Kung anong kinahirap ng spelling ng pangalan mo yun naman yung kinaikli ng nickname mo" save chuckled.

I looked at the person next to me who was still motionless, as if he was fast asleep. He could have gone home and slept at his house, but he slept here at the cafe.

"Is he okay?" I asked save and pointed to kiel.

"Yeah, he's always like that. he doesn't sleep" save chuckled again.

among their friends save is the most talkative, i just don't know if siv and lvi are the same because i just met them now and maybe they have inner thoughts too.

I poked kiel's arm, and he slowly looked at me. He doesn't look like he just woke up, he just has his eyes closed.

"do you want to lean on my shoulder?" I said and patted my shoulder.

I'm the one who's struggling for him, he's been bent over for about an hour and he hasn't moved yet.

"What?" his eyebrows met.

"I am the one who is struggling for you" I sparingly smiled at him.

"I'm fine" he shrugged before bowing again. he looks very tired, but I understand because I don't sleep to study either.

I also felt comfortable with them, especially with Save because he told us so many stories to the point that his friends were scratching their heads because of how much he talked. Kiel, he doesn't seem interested in what save is saying. While they were talking, I took out readings to review a little.

they didn't bother me that's why I was able to read well. I felt Kiel move, I thought he was just adjusting his seat, it turned out he was watching me

"Intellectual Property Law" he read the paper I was holding. "so you're going to be a lawyer, huh" he took the paper and looked at what I was reviewing.

"what are the four main types of intellectual property?" he asked suddenly and looked at me which woke up my spirit.

"U-uhm, copyrights, patents, trademarks and..." I couldn't remember the other one so I looked up first to remember.

"Trad-" he was supposed to answer but I didn't let him finish.

"Trade secrets" i answered proudly, and he smiled a little. "do we have the same course?"

"Actually, that course was my first choice"

he said and handed me back my readings.

"What happened?" I looked at him, confused. We have our own world, no one cares about either of us.

"I changed my mind" he shrugged.

"so what course are you taking now?" I asked him again.

"Medtech" he looked at me for a moment.

We talked about our course, and it seems that he knows a lot about my course. And we also said goodbye to each other because it was getting late, it was good and the people working at the cafe didn't pay attention to us because we had been there for almost a few hours. If save hadn't been pulled he wouldn't stop talking.

When I got home, Oji seemed to be sleeping in his room, so I thought of cooking dinner for us. Oji always cooks the food, he cooks well and sometimes we eat Japanese food. After I cook, I just scroll through my instagram, My eyes widened when suddenly someone notified me.

Kiellix Scefareuz cullens started following you.

I first looked at his profile, he doesn't have many pictures. There are only two, and one picture of him is him sitting on the bench and looking into the distance, and the other is him sitting on the sand and smiling at the camera. He is even more attractive when he smiles because of his dimples.

I accepted his follow, and waited for Oji to wake up, Oji and I ate first and I also washed the dishes because I didn't want Oji to get too tired.

"achi, come here. we're going to do something" oji said happily and i immediately came over.

"what is that oji?" he was holding a big jar and papers.

"I will put letters in this jar, then the time will come when you have to read it" he winked at me.

"why can't it be read now?" I pouted.

"you can read it too, so don't worry" he smiled widely at me. Oji and I like to bond, sometimes we play chess or board games.

oji went back up to his room and so did I, I fixed my reviewers to read again. I was seriously about to review when suddenly a notification appeared on my phone and i looked at it immediately.

I almost jumped in shock when I saw that Kiel messaged me on Instagram, I'm still thinking twice about opening it, but I don't want to be rude.

Kiel Scefareuz

are you reviewing again?

Yasczhy Aleczia

Yes, why?

Kiel Scefareuz

do you want to review with me?

I was even more surprised by his message, I don't know if I will agree to review with him, but there is nothing wrong if we both review together.

Yasczhy Aleczia

Sure, but when?

Kiel Scefareuz

when are you available?

Yasczhy Aleczia

Tomorrow? You decide, i'm available anytime.

Kiel Scefareuz

Okay tomorrow.

Yasczhy Aleczia

Okay, see you. Kiel:)

I told him what time, and he said where. There again at the cafe we ​​went to where we first met him with his friends.

"Sorry, have you been here for a while?i accompanied oji to eat" I sat in front of him and smiled.

"who is oji?" he asked and waited for my answer.

"My grandpa" i smiled at him.

I wonder why he didn't bring anything, he said we will both review but he didn't bring a reviewer.

"don't you have a reviewer?" I asked.

I don't know why I feel so comfortable with him, I can tell him something that doesn't need to be said. And I was able to tell him stories that I couldn't tell others because I was shy.

"nah, I don't need a reviewer" he said and adjusted his seat, he was wearing a khaki hoodie now. I noticed that if he wasn't wearing a polo shirt, he was wearing a hoodie.

he doesn't need a reviewer anymore? Is he too smart? What will he do here watching me to study?

"I thought we were studying together?" I seriously said.

"I'll help you to memorize, I'm not doing a reviewer so I can't bring anything" i heard him chuckled.

"O-okay" i just smiled at him.