
My Name Is Ethan Hansley

Here is what happened last time on Chasing The Moment

I sit in my room at home and feel a bit sentimental. My mom and I talk about my younger sister that died. I ask my mom if we can stop at the old house and pack the last of my stuff up. We leave for the airport and arrive at the college grounds. My mom and dad are happy for me to be at college. I find out that the jocks here are just as bad as the ones at home.

I ignore the jock screaming at me. So, I pick up my backpack and suitcase and start to walk away. I hear someone screaming frantically;

"Watch ooooout!"

As I turn, I feel something hits me hard on the side of my face, and I fall to the ground. The next thing I know, I see a woman hovering over me. And with the sun's rays shining through her blond hair, it's causing me not to be able to focus on her face. She puts her hand at the small of my neck and says;

"Here, let me help you up."

She helps me to sit up straight. She looks at me intensely and asks;

"Are you okay?"

As I sit up, that is when I can see the somewhat fragile, intelligent expression on her naturally beautiful face. But, it is then that I notice her long dark lashes, revealing her intense piercing blue eyes looking back at me. I put the face, eyes, smile, and voice together. I wipe a little blood from my nose as I smile back at her and ask;

"Ava? Is that you?"

She looks at me confused and quickly responds;

"Ava? No, sorry, my name is Lilly. You must have a slight concussion. How are you feeling?"

"Umm, okay. Thank you for asking. Are you sure your name -"

She quickly tries to change the conversation, so she points to my neck and asks;

"Are those what I think they are?"

I try to cover them up and say;

"Well, those...ummm, I don't want to talk about what happened."

She smiles again and asks;

"Do you want to try and stand?"

"Sure." One of the guys standing in the crowd walks over to help Lilly to get me to stand up. As I stand on two feet, I sway a little and say;

"What the fuck happened?"

The guy next to me answers;

"One of the jocks threw you with a football against the face. My name is Bentley."

"What the fuck? Why? It doesn't really matter, as those assholes won't get me down. My name is Ethan, so by the way."

I see Lilly's reaction on her face upon hearing me saying my name. Bentley extends his hand in greeting towards me and says;

"Well, what a nice way to meet new people."

I shake his hand as Lilly starts to giggle at Bentley's comment to me. I reply;

"If I knew I this would be so easy to meet new people, I would have jumped in front of a car as we arrived."

Everyone bursts out laughing while the crowd starts to walk away. Lilly quickly says;

"Look, I have to go before I am late. But are you sure you are okay?"

Bentley smiles at her and says to Lilly;

"You know what, I think he needs your number to call you just in case he feels a bit off later on during the week."

She ran her hand through her hair as she looks at him and replies;

"Now that was a smooth move coming up for someone that you don't know. You must be a good wingman at parties?"

"Well, are you asking me or telling me?"

She looks at him, not knowing what to answer. Bentley continues;

"I have been told that a few times in my life before."

She shakes her head playfully to the both of us;

"See you two around...maybe."

We both stare at her shapely ass in those sexy denim jeans while walking away. Bentley slams me against my arm and says;

"Did you see that girl, she's a freak, and she is fucking hot."

"Yeah, I saw her. But I think I know her."

Bentley looks at me confused and replies;

"Well, either you have a concussion like she said, or she forgot who you are. Either way, it seems that you weren't important enough to remember."

"Hahaha, that's hilarious, Bentley."

He points to my bags and asks;

"Do you need some help with those?"

"Yeah, sure. I need to get to the reception and find out what my room number is."

"Cool. Let me help you carry that suitcase, and I will take you to the reception."

"Thanks, Bentley. That is a unique name. How did your parents decide on that name?"

He laughs a little as we are walking and says;

"Well, that is a funny story. Mom wanted a girl, and my dad wanted a boy, and then they ended up with twins. So my dad named me after his favorite car, and my mom did the same to my sister."

"Okay, that's a little weird if I may say so."

"Yeah, I know."

"So, what is your sister's name?"


"Wow, okay."

"You will get to meet her. She is actually around here somewhere."

He looks around to see if he can not find her as we walk into the lobby. We stand in a que and wait for the receptionist to finish with the guy in front of us. I hear the receptionist screaming;


I walk up to her and see her smiling friendly at me as I say;

"Good day. My name is Ethan Hansley."

She takes her clipboard and runs through the list of names. She gets to mine and says;

"Ah, Mr. Hansley, Ethan. Room number 211."

"Thank you. Where is it?"

Bentley behind me interrupts and says;

"Don't worry. I will show Mr. Hansley where it is." He motions to me with his head while saying;

Come, it's this way. I'm in 206."

"Awesome, thanks." I look at the receptionist as she hands me my room key, and I tell her;

"Thank you."

She screams loudly;


I move around, and I follow Bentley up the stairs. He asks me;

"So, where are you from?"

"Utah, and you?"

"Arizona. So, what made you decide to come to this college?"

"Well, besides that both my parents went here as well, I want to follow in my mother's footsteps to become a lawyer."

"Nice. So this is me, and three doors down is you."

He hands me my suitcase back. We fist bump, and I say;

"Thanks again for the help."

"Sweet. Once you are settled in, come find me, then we can check the place out."

I walk down the hall to my room. And as I open the door and walk in. I see in the room there are two beds, two desks with chairs, and two closets. As I stand around looking around the room, I see a short dark figure quickly getting up from his bed. With some metal music playing in the background. He stares at me through his long raven black hair and asks in a coarse voice;

"Who the fuck are you?"

"Hello. I am your new roommate. My name is Ethan."

"Roommate? Really?"

"Yeah. Exciting isn't it."

"Exciting? I told them that I want to be alone in a room. Doesn't anyone listen to anything anymore?"

I stand there feeling a bit uncomfortable. The dark figure shakes his head and points to a bed on the other side of the room, and says;

"Whatever. That is your side of the room, and this is mine. You don't talk to me or disturb me at all, do you understand me?"

I ignore him and put my suitcase down on my bed. I stand unpacking all my stuff and getting my space ready. Once I am all unpacked, I sit on my bed for the first time and think, this is not too bad. Not too bad at all. As I am bouncing on the bed to test the springs, a squeaking sound comes out of the bed. The dark figure quickly says;

"I thought I told you not to bother me? So what the fuck are you think that sound it doing?"

"Really? I am testing it out. So I will never be able to make any sound in this room while you are here?"

"Now that is the first intelligent thing I heard you say since I met you."

I shake my head, stand up and say;

"See you later."

As I walk out, he says;

"Take your time."

I slam the door closed. I stand in the hallway and think that I need another roommate as I am going to kill this guy if this shit continues. My phone starts ringing. I take it out of my pocket and see it's Benjamin. I answer it;

"Hey, Benjamin. How are you?"

"The question is, how are you?"

"I am okay. I just got to the college grounds, and I feel like killing people already."

"Dude, get something to drink, and you will feel better. Trust me."

"No, thank you. The last time I drank, I woke up with two naked girls in bed after having sex."

Some of the people stare at me as they walk past me. I give them an uncomfortable smile and head downstairs. Benjamin asks me;

"So, have you seen Kelly yet?"

"No, dude. I haven't."

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