
Chasing tails

Story of a princess and a knight

Kyrin_Thomas_4944 · テレビ
2 Chs

New place

We arrived to Winterfell, which was as stunning as I thought it would be, but my mother and brother stared at it like wasn't worth the shit on the road . Father hugs his old friend and introduces himself to the other starks as they laugh and cackle. As we all look at the king , I catch a glimpse of the heir. He is as lovely as they implied, with red hair and his mother's sky blue eyes. Father beckons me over after mother to introduce me , my lord Gods, she looks just like you Robert I extend my hand, and he kisses it. He presented me to Robb, his son and heir who was named after my father. We smiled at each other, apparently pleased with what we see. I turn to face Dunk, who caught my gaze, but he keeps his attention where a future king's guard should. On his king whose desire to see his deceased love had upset my mother who had sent her brother to look for the younger. Lady stark had told her children to accompany us to our rooms, so I asked politely, "If it's okay, milady, we'd like to sightsee before getting ready." Of course, princess, and we were shown the castle, the yard, the stables, and more. I noticed my little Myrcella blushing as Robb was speaking to her. And happened to see my annoying shit of a brother Joffrey boasting his glories to Sansa I shook my head and said, "One way or another, she'll have to wise up if she's to be queen." Or more specifically his Queen that golden haired shit apart of me I'll admit it: I envy. My mother adores them so much more than she has ever loved me. When she was younger, i asked when would my hair be like hers , my mother had lifted her up and told her, "Never, my doe. You have enough of me in those eyes."I thought angrily, That's the past." I saw a dark-haired man about my age and must be lord Starks bastard At least Dunk could fight with him; he usually couldn't because Bastard shouldn't hit highborn. However, he didn't care because he was the son of the Bold and he generally won when he wasn't trying to show off. Even when busy he stays on my mind maybe we'll be able to get some private time How does the Princess think of Winterfell? I grinned at Robb and said, "It's more than I expected, but the company is much more attractive than the walls." He had cheeks reddened a-bit most likely expecting those meek girls I thought I'd enjoy myself with him we made it to our rooms we'll be back soon to bring you for the feast I'll try to remember that I joked by the way I would like if u would escort my little sister instead of me he looked at me trying to understand me he nodded his head most likely disappointed


Life, a puzzle filled with undesirable outcomes, Or pleasing experiences Even when you chose not to acknowledge them my father said that to me once Everyone is acquainted with Barristan the Bold's my honorable father, but even honor has limits. During the Harrenhall Tourney, however, Barristan the Bold had an intense attraction with Ashara Dayne and slept with her handmaiden who somewhat resembled her. Who was Bastard daughter to Lewyn Martell, his own sworn brother when he told me, I was unable to contain my laughter. After the rebellion he answered back the letters he wonders what was he to do one day he told his new king. Robert chuckled and grabbed him by the shoulders, saying, "How the honorable have fallen, thinking of the Lord stark what will you do your grace." Father had asked he allowed him to bring me to court I took after my mother mostly her long blonde hair and light skin but with fathers sad blue eyes some say I could pass off as a Targaryen the King allowed me to live in court saying if he's anything like you selmy I'll have a new guard in no time I was page and squire to my father and Jaime I lived and trained with the Royals Joffrey has always been a little shit annoying me threatening me his mother made it harder not liking me or my father because were the only ones she doesn't have around her dainty finger I feel she really became weary of me when it was a moon after I turned fourteen I entered my first tourney father wouldn't be participating injured but still guarding his king so many people wanted to see the Bolds bastard if he was as good as the father and I didn't disappoint I knocked each of them down I prefer to play around a bit if it's done to quickly it's nothing to enjoy as I finished my fifth bout on my seventh lance I approached the box I was cocky if I could beat the next chosen opponents I asked can I receive the favors both queen and princess the king laughed this one Barristan would make any father proud a blow to queen's eldest son Indeed your grace my father looked down at me a King beckoned his daughter to come before him he pulled her into his lap, my sweet girl, to give your favor to him what does he have to do? She looked at me soon a great grin caught her face if I could beat the hound and Jaime then I will get such privilege even the queen was impressed by her daughters shrewdness but I laughed shouting is that it even now I look back not regretting It the hound landed solid hits in my shoulder knocking it out of place but I beat him in the 4th lap hitting his chest plate dead-on Jaime was difficult precise and better rider th is was but he wasn't expecting the switch of hands he fell to the ground the queen was clearly pissed by it soon her favor with her eldest daughters were on my lance I hopped off of my horse handing it off I jumped when I noticed my father was in the room you scared me Papa, your growing increasingly cocky and reckless like that sworn brother of mine I knew who he was referring to who he's trying not to call kingslayer since he knows how close we are. I thought I just put on a show for the masses or someone in the masses I walked around trying to avoid him but to no avail He spoke I was once a young boy but you know how this will end the Queen and her father wouldn't allow it but I love her I muttered. He nodded I know but letting her go is for the best for you both she'll marry soon and you will have a knighthood and a name and a keep the king has promised me you can yo wherever you please. Maybe meet someone I recommend my son live your life then if u want become a kingsguard we could always use your talent he patted my shoulder walking out When I arrived at the feast in the stands hours later, She looked so stunning when the stark lad led her into the hallway that I couldn't help but take a quick glance at her breasts, which were as large as ever. I laughed at how far her wonderful arse had come. She seemed to be having fun with him as they danced together. Perhaps they are already smitten with one another. Would make this thing between us easier for her at least one of us to forget

Maybe soon I'll have a chance to test him in the yard I nod to myself yes to see if he deserves her attention