
Chasing tails

Story of a princess and a knight

Kyrin_Thomas_4944 · テレビ
2 Chs


Hours have passed as Cersei has been giving birth to her child. She had a mental image of Jaime, who had golden hair and green eyes and an ideal king looks like, therefore she was certain that it was her twins . But you can all imagine Cersei's shock and disgust when she eventually gave birth and the baby had black hair. There was no doubt that this was Robert's child. The moment Cersei noticed her daughter's eyes had golden gleam , which she had previously revealed to him, she changed her mind about killing the child and decided that the baby's eyes would be her best feature. She recalled how much she had first adored Robert , but that feeling had long since vanished. Cersei changed her mind about killing the baby as she removed the hair covering its eyes, thinking that the infant's will be lioness . Instead, she decided to let his child live for this one time because a girl can't carry the Baratheon name anyway. her twin Jaime stood on her side smiling down at the babe but hurt it was Roberts she spoke don't worry my love next time it will be yours they shared a kiss before her irritating husband came in he was entranced at his only heir he looked down at me their was something in his eyes that for second gave me a thought of something different maybe we could no she shook the thought out of her mind I know why looks like that obviously wondering if she was named he probably wanted to name her after the wolf whore her anger seeping in she wouldn't have it her name would be Elaena she spoke he looked angry from being denied a choice but she knew him well anything to vex her is his way he sat her down walking off

Three years after the rebellion  the king eldest child grew alongside the bastard son of barristan Selmy Duncan waters

Overtime queen Cersei gave birth to her golden children throughout the years Joffrey myrcella Tommen everyone spoke that Elaena was her father come again taller and stronger than any woman should be confident and boisterous but voluptuous like her mother she's now 19 the king is said to be looking for her husband and a new hand as they plan to head to winterfell I can attest that life is not always simple, especially if your mother hates you at her core. It's not easy being 19 and nearly completely alone either. I am aware of both of these. I am constantly last in line behind my mother's flawless golden-haired beauties because she always manages to get her way the Red Keep's halls serve as a constant reminder, of not feeling like one of them. I enjoy being my father's favorite, but my grandfather and mother have pushed him to start looking for my husband . I had already an idea of who I wanted him to be but I know my mother or grandfather wouldn't allow it which means my dearest father would cower but I've stressed to him I would run away to become a great whore he slapped me for that but he knew I was unwavering so for the few times he became fatherly grabbing my hands, kneeling, saying he wants to see me content happy safe away from the snake pit, but he understood my love for this man I wouldn't name he promised he would enforcement anything, but just to get to enjoy beauty of the north and to see an old friend As the days pass while we prepare and get ready to travel to the north, I start to wonder if we'll be able to leave you in this desolate land. I rolled my eyes at my idiot brother , "Maybe the wolf boy will take you on the floor like the bitch you are." He said I became angry and grabbed his prissy hair and threw him by into horse shit. He looked toward his dog, the hound Sandor, thinking that would drive me away. My uncle Jamie grabbed me before anything happened throw me against the wall why do you go out of your way to provoke him ? You need to have more respect for your brother. Respect that little twat. I laughed u couldn't pay me enough for that he grabbed me tightly looking me in the eyes soon letting me fall against the wall After I finished my supper, I quickly set up tent and spent the entire night alone and angry. I slept for a bit before feeling something touching me and prodding my ass. I recognized him from the familiar smell of sweat on his skin like vanilla I turn around to face him, but he stops me. "What are you doing?" I ask, "How do you feel about meeting your future husband in the coming hours?" he asks, his voice irritated. I grinned, which seemed to irritate him even more. You think this is funny? He squeezed my tits a little harshly, and I replied laughing, "What will you do, my knight?" I'll steal you from that northern savage he pulled my hands above my head, just like the dragon did to my father's dear Lyanna. I smirked, finding this position rather tempting our mouths connected never leaving each other for a breath or anything our tongues battling for control I bite his lip, and he stares at me as if I'm the only thing he's ever wanted. He bites my neck, leaving bite marks. I put my mouth down to his ear, watch the marking I doubt my betrothed would appreciate it, knowing this reminder would earn what I wanted the entire time and he grips my waist, turning me around on all fours. Slips my dress up, exposing my arse to the cool air. squirm as his breath reaches my cunt, and he quickly dives in, sucking and slurping like He's drinking the finest wine, while he is doing that. He gets closer to my other hole I try to stop him by grabbing his hand, but he moves it out of the way and says, "I wonder he will make you feel this good." He then inserts his finger and begins to lick it repeatedly. I was unable to contain my moans and had to barely muffle them with my pillow. He kept trying to speak as I approached my climax while asking, "Are you enjoying your worship my goddess?"After that, I give him what he demands, drenching his face in fluids as I sit on my now-sensitive arse and reach my hand toward his breeches. Instead, he grasps it, kisses my knuckles, then up to my arm, and soon my forehead he rises, exposing his manhood through his pants He pressed my hand there and stated, "This is what you do my heart; no one else renders me like this." He quickly leaves. I take a deep breath and try to steady myself gripping my chest sweating from that encounter but also tears starting to form in my eyes as I wonder if this will be our final meeting like this .

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