
Chapter 45: The Piano


Chase fell asleep against Grey's shoulder on the ride home. When she awoke, it was nearly two in the morning. She stretched sleepily and Grey smiled in the darkness. He would never tire of her being in his arms.

"We're almost home," he whispered against her hair.

Chase's eyes fluttered open. "I can't believe I feel asleep."

"I think you needed it. Can I ask you something?"

She looked up at him through her lashes. "Of course. I don't have any more secrets."

"What was your name before you changed it?"

"Emily Shaw," she said in a rush. It'd been years since she'd referred to herself as that.

"Emily," he repeated. "I like that."

"I liked it, too. But I'm not that girl anymore. Emily is dead."

"Is there a particular reason you chose Chase?"

"Not really. Maybe it was subconscious."

"How so?"

"I've always felt like I was chasing something. I chased my freedom, my career."

"I want to help you any way I can."

She smiled softly. "You already have."