A young man living in an underground city takes on the daunting to liberate his people from their skyless prison Update schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday
Pacing back to his camp Kosi stopped the second he heard barking noises coming from the camp. "Dogs?" he asked to himself as he walked forward slowly. For some reason he'd found that whenever a dog came near him in Lux it would immediately start barking at him. Regardless of their size or breed any and all dogs wanted a piece of him for some reason.
Staying within the deep and thick Jaran jungle he hid amongst the leaves as he nervously approached what appeared to be Jaran soldiers brandishing weapons with large black dogs on leashes barking and growling at his now captive team. Standing behind the Jaran soldiers was Paul standing with his arms crossed smirking as the Jarans held their guns to the kneeling captives.
Shaking in his boots Kosi felt his heartbeat thunder through his chest as he focused and took a breath. Vowing to never freeze up and give into fear like he did in the cave he looked down at his hand clenching it into a fist. "For Rue" he said to himself as his heartbeat began to slow back down.
Surveying the scene he saw seven armed Jaran soldiers and three holding large black Rottweilers on chains. Looking at the hostages he saw their bags and guns tossed to one side. Assuming that everyone's belongings were in the pile he looked over and noticed Jude not in the group being held at gun point.
Hoping for for best but assuming the worst he resolved to turn back and find reinforcements from one of the other teams. As soon as he turned he was nose to nose with James.Managing to stay silent he gestured for James to get out of his way who held up his hands signaling for Kosi to stop in his tracks and watch what was happening.
As soon as he turned his back to observe a crying woman ran through shouting at Paul. "How the fuck could you Paul!" she shrieked hysterically as she ran straight into his arms pounding at his bare chest.
Motioning for Kosi to get around to his weapon James shoved him to the side and walked through casually. "Wow hey there easy guys, Paul man you really fucked it this time. I can't believe you'd-" James said before being unceremoniously cut off by Jude leaping out of the air and landing on two of the men holding dog leashes causing the animals to get free of their leashes and bark uncontrollably.
Bolting to action Kosi quickly ran across to the pile of weapons and picked up a flash grenade. Dashing it into the crowd he ducked behind a tree and covered his ears just in time for it to go off and disoriente everyone else on site.
Reaching back around he was able to grab a gun in time to frantically take aim and fire at the Jaran soldiers managing to get a few good enough to compromise them. Reeking hell on their heightened senses the dogs immediately scattered and fled away. Noticing the opening while still groggy from thw grenade ringing in his ears Thomas managed to stumble to his feet and jump onto the prone soldiers.
Following his lead the hostages rose as best as they could and got what they could of tQhe Jaran soldiers holding them down. Watching on Kosis heart continued to pound as he caught Paul out of the corner of his eye attempting to run off into the wilderness.
Like a man possessed Thomas locked his gaze onto Paul and crawled out from under the pile and gave chase. As soon as they disappeared into the woods they were back with Paul screaming inaudiblely for dear life. Dragging him back as best as he could without his balance fully restored Thomas planted Paul onto his stomach then planted his knee into Paul's back.
Fueled by anger and adrenaline Thomas shook off the cobwebs and looked down at the prone captive Paul. "Fourteen! You feckless little bitch you just got done in by a fourteen year old. Yeah you caught us sleeping and sold us out but because you lack any sort of foresight or initiative or bravery you let a pile of weapons open when you should have known there were men missing. The fucking basics and you can't even get those right! Your an incompetent lazy walk behinder" he said frothing at the mouth right into Paul's ear.
With ten of the troops watching the wounded and disoriented Jaran soldiers Thomas had ten men get their guns and take aim. "Remember on this mission we conduct ourselves with extreme prejudice" he said as the hos troops nodded and shot the captive Jarans dead.
Seeing the spilled blood leaving the fresh corpses Kosis stomach sank as he ran off and threw up. "Private Blue! You need to toughen up if your going to make it through this intact up here" Thomas said pointing at his head. "Great work though we're all dog food right now without you" he continued nodding towards Kosi.
"Actually I couldn't have done any of thay without the villagers" Kosi said looking around noticing they were gone. "Oh guess they didn't want anymore of this than they could take" he said trying to peer through the forest looking for any sign of life nearby.
"Nevertheless your a good soldier, maybe even already great...which is more than I can say for you Mr Prause" he said turning his attention to Jude. "Where does it say in your training that you should be out here climbing trees and dropping on Rottweilers. They could have easily swiveled around and eaten you alive!" Thomas said poking Jude in the chest.
"Well sir that didn't happen and now we're all safe so that's all dealt with" Jude said with a shrug as he walked to retrieve his belongings. "Where were you by the way?" Kosi asked. "Oh I had to take a piss then I saw everyone in trouble so I climbed that tree" he said pointing at thin pine tree in the distance. "How the fuck he keep his balance on that" Kosi wondered to himself.