
Charming Idol’s Shameless Choreographer (BL)

The most loved K-pop idol, Lee Yong, had exhausted his creativity and reached a block. When he was frustrated about his inability to write music anymore, the new choreographer entered the company. The flirty perverted choreographer became his muse pretty soon. When he realised his love for the choreographer, he denied it for the sake of his career. When the adorable man confessed first, he rejected the choreographer cruelly. But later, he did not want to see his man being pursued by others, and he was determined to get his man back. Choi Haneul hid all his schemes and revenge plans under his shameless perverted behaviour as he entered the entertainment company. Taking revenge was his main job while being a choreographer was a side hustle. He was attracted to the boyband's leader, and he noticed the leader was also stealing glances filled with desire. Hence he started to crave more than the glances. Choi Haneul closed his heart long back and never wanted to be in a relationship. But he wanted to open his heart to the idol and be in a relationship. With all hope, when he confessed, the idol rejected him cruelly. So what would he do when the charming band leader tried to win him back? Or will he choose his revenge over love which comes with many terms and conditions? While the tug of war was going on between the choreographer and the band leader, band members smartly chose the choreographer’s side and ate melon seeds every day as they watched one drama after another instead of helping their leader. *************************** Choi Haneul: I wanted to try the steak from that new place. But all the tables are booked for a month. Lee Yong: Surprise! I invited the chef to cook the streak for our first date this Friday. Choi Haneul: I will come to eat, but it is not a date. Let’s invite others as well. Band members: Our choreographer is the best!!!! *************************** Choi Haneul: I wanted to watch that new movie. My free time and the movie screening time are not in sync. Too bad! Lee Yong: Surprise! I have already made arrangements. We will watch the movie in my flat for our first date. Choi Haneul: I would like to have cheese popcorn while watching the movie, but it is not a date. Let’s invite others as well. Band members: Yay!!! We are in for the movie night! *************************** Choi Haneul: I really wanted those dancing boots, but it is out of stock. Lee Yong: I knew you would like it. So I bought it for you. Choi Haneul: Thanks. Let me pay for it. Band member: Ouch, leader! Does it hurt too much???? *************************** Lee Yong: Where are you going all dressed up cutely? Choi Haneul: My first love is coming to the school reunion. I want to meet him. Lee Yong: Well, you are not going anywhere but my bed today. Band members: What?????? *Ding Dong* Choi Haneul: My first love is here to pick me up! Band members: Woooo hooo!!!!! *************************** Join the journey of the stubborn idol and the shameless choreographer to see what they would choose? Will Lee Yong choose love over his career? Will Choi Haneul choose love over his well-crafted revenge? P.s: The cover belongs to the rightful owner, and it will be removed if the original owner asks to do so. WARNING: THIS IS A GAY LOVE STORY WITH EXPLICIT CONTENT. IF YOU ARE NOT COMFORTABLE WITH IT, SPARE THE NOVEL. Discord: https://discord.gg/jSQxjwPV5s Instagram: lazii_ladii

vjey · LGBT+
112 Chs

Pent Up Frustration

The unoccupied apartment on the tenth floor was getting a new occupant, but it stayed empty for so long. Many ghost stories were going around about that flat, but none of it was true. The hall of the apartment was filled with boxes. Even though all the luggage came two days back, it was not at all sorted yet.

A lazy person decided to live on the boxes till it became vital to unpack.

The state of the furniture was even more pathetic. Apart from the bean bag in the hall, everything else was still kept as it was delivered. It was not even unwrapped and simply piled in the corner of the room.

For the most part, covered with the unarranged mess, the house was neat. Irrespective of living on the take out, there was not even garbage left in the trash can. It was as if the person took the trash out twice a day.

The entire apartment had no occupants but only one person. And with lack of arrangement, it was close to an empty apartment. So even the tiny sound gets magnified easily.

In the entire apartment, the only perfectly arranged place was the bathroom. All the toiletries were neatly arranged. The rows of clean towels were stacked along with hand towels.

There were not even water droplets on the shower floor or bathtub. Not because of the lack of use but because the person cleaned after using it.

The cabinets in the bathroom had extra toiletries and toilet paper stocked.

The next location that was close to putting together the bathroom was the bedroom. The closet was assembled, but clothes were yet to be arranged. The bedside table has water, a box of tissues and a phone with its charger.

The opened lube bottle was placed carelessly on the bedside table. It fell on the table and spilt on the table.

The plastic wraps of the bed were not yet removed. It made noise, but the man lying on the bed did not care. He writhed in pain and pleasure. His lithe body could make a saint sin without any hesitation.

The hazel grey eyes filled with want and desire could make anyone feel the lust course through them. His watery eyes were enticing, and his lips were open as he panted a little softly.

He was in the middle of reaching the goal - reaching the peak of pleasure. After achieving the goal, he had to leave for an important meeting. The pent up frustration won't let him focus.

Considering the meeting location, he did not want to make any stupid decisions after the meeting. So he chose to chase after pleasure before he attended the first unofficial meeting of the job he would join soon.

The moans and panting filled the apartment quickly. Anyone could hear the sound of pleasure and ecstasy in the moans, but thankfully the apartment was soundproofed. No one outside could hear a sound outside about whatever sort of engagement he had inside the apartment. It was the only soundproof apartment in the entire building.

Choi Haneul's eyes were hooded with pleasure. He raised his hips, seeking pleasure. His left hand slowly moved down to touch himself, but he slowly teased himself. Instead of holding his erect member, he touched softly for seconds before withdrawing his hand faster. He was hard and needed a release badly.

He had lots of pent up frustration, and he wanted to let it all out in one time, prolongated pleasure. So he chose to delay his orgasm. But that did not mean that he was frustrated with the teasing. The need and want were evolved very strong.

In frustration, to keep himself grounded but seek pleasure, he pinched his nipples and let out another loud whimper.

The tension built by the stimulation in his ass and the pleasurable pressure on the prostate made his legs weak. He could not keep himself in the position, but he did not want to move at the same time. He let out a frustrated moan.

The way his prostate got pressed and stimulated constantly made him let out another pleasurable cry even though he was frustrated with delayed orgasm.

Haneul placed his right hand over his mouth, preventing himself from letting out the steam of cuss as he wanted pleasure, the greatest release. He did not even know when, but he almost put his right fist into his mouth as he bit his hand. Slowly he started to suck on his hand like a wanton who wanted nothing but a good fuck!

He did not care about his original plan and moved his left hand over his painfully erect member. His hand moved up and down as he tried to seek pleasure.

He removed his right hand as he started to moan loudly, incoherently. He was never a fan of holding back his voice anyway.

"More… More…" Haneul screamed.

He was letting every last bit of inhibition go. "Damn! I want to… Argh…."

"Oh god! There! It is… Woah…" The prostate being constantly abused made him feel he was close to heaven.

The pleasure built intensively as his moans grew louder. "Engh…"

"I…" Choi Haneul did not even know what he was trying to speak.

Like a fish out of water, he opened his mouth wide and closed it as the slowly built delayed pleasure started to overwhelm him.

Losing his last bit of rationality and consciousness, he sought out pleasure as if it was the only thing in the world that mattered to him.

He needed nothing but a good release at the moment.

Haneul blanked out, and his vision became white as he came. He made a mess out of himself and the bed to an extent. The load he spilt were everywhere. The anal stimulation continued, though.

Choi Haneul wanted to catch his breath before he moved.

But He winched due to the constant stimulation, which would arise desire in him within a few minutes.

Haneul knew he could not go for another round at the moment due to lack of time. So he forced himself before catching up his breath.

He manoeuvred with practice ease, removed the dildo, and tossed it away on the bed. The wet dildo started to make a vibration noise. The noise was not noticeable as long as it was inside his body. But the buzzy sound annoyed him.

Choi Haneul laid flat out on the bed, trying his best to catch his breath and stabilise himself while his body was as sturdy as jelly at the moment.


Thank you, Angaihi_Khawlhring, Ren4, and Marylou1229, for the vote and support.


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