
chapter 22

'Yes, sure thing' I said to Kas

We spent a good hour at the beach, she was starting to get it. And for once since Rose's death, I saw Kas let out a little smile, a smile that brought a feeling of relief in me, knowing she was starting to heal. For the next week Kas started to come with me, and Willow and I could see that Kas was starting return to her old self. I showed Kas how to set up the traps and I felt myself getting back into my old routine, but this time I have Kas and Willow with me. But at night I still hear her cries knowing her sister will never come back, I know I still miss Rose too, but what can be done, she is gone but I like to think she is in a better place than here.

Over the days Rowdy's leg has started to get better and he has started to be able to walk and run more normally now. Kas and I know as soon as the winter is over that we must get Hope back, and give her a better life with us, we start to plan the fastest way to get to Ramage, and how we will get in and out without been noticed.

Each time we went to Ray's place we talk about the plan and what we will do once we have Hope, run to somewhere new or stay and fight. One day when I am going to Ray's place by myself because Willow got sick, just a normal cold, nothing big. As I get closer to Ray's place with the rabbit, I see his door open, and I call out.

'Ray, are you hear! Can you hear me!' I yelled out.

'Calm down boy, I was just getting some honey' Ray said coming up to me.

I hug him as quick as I can.

'I thought Ramage took you or killed you' I say as I am still hugging him.

'No, it all good, besides it would not help if they did, and they were still here' Ray says as he laughs.

'Yeah' I say as I back away.

'Well, where are the girls, I thought they would be here with you?' Ray asks, as he goes into his house to put the honey away and get it ready for me.

'Willow got a cold, so Kas stayed with her while I went out' I reply.

'I see, well here is your honey, and I will take the rabbit, thanks'. I walk away, as Ray is waving goodbye.

I get back to Willow and Kas as the sun is setting and as I walk into the house Rowdy comes and greats me and Willow comes to try and help me, Kas comes, and I comment that Willow is looking better.

'Yeah, did you get the honey?' Kas asks

'Yes, I did'. I start to get ready to start cooking dinner.

Kas comes over to me to help start getting the rabbit ready for dinner while Willow goes outside to play with Rowdy, while we cook. After an hour or less we are at the table eating and Willow and Kas are enjoying it, I enjoy it too, but I wish we could have other things with it. After talking and having fun I say.

'We will go down to the beach tomorrow' I say with a big smile on my face.

'Yay!' Willow says.

'Alright then, Willow you better get to bed' Kas says looking at me with a smile

As Kas goes with Willow to put her to bed, I clean up and go outside to look at the stars. While I am out there Kas comes out too, Kas grabs my hand and puts it on her chest and speaks.

 'Thank you for everything you have done'

'You don't have to say that' I say while still looking at the stars.

'Alright we better get to bed' as I start to walk to the door.

Then Kas still holding my hand, without warning pulls me back and she kisses me on the mouth. Not a soft kiss; but with her mouth open and pressing her lips hard against mine. This then takes me back to when she first kissed me, and how I felt so alive but with the taste of rabbit in her mouth this time, and she loops her arms around my neck and pushing her body against me. She then stops and says goodnight, and I say goodnight back, this time I know she is back to her old self, talking, smiling, having fun.

Now I know that in two months we will have Hope back and will be one big family.