
Chapter 1120

Vivian Li, who had been upstaged, was somewhat displeased, and to make matters worse, there was just one empty seat between them, which made it seem as if they were practically seated together.

It was a sight to provoke envy; whoever got to sit between them would be the talk of the occasion.

With Vivian Li on the left hand and Jessica Wright on the right, wouldn't that person instantly ascend to the peak of life!

Just the thought was enough to stir unnameable excitement!


"Miss Wright!"

Vivian Li appeared calm and elegant as she greeted Jessica, but the challenging undertone was clear in her crystal-clear eyes.

As neighboring countries once under pyramid's jurisdiction, Cosmic Nation and this country had a naturally tense relationship.

The saying goes that two tigers cannot share one mountain, especially when both tigers are females. The energy of the auction house grew thick with the scent of gunpowder in an instant.
