
Chaotic Sword God ( Heavenly Sword God )

( This is a Fanfic of Chaotic sword god a Chinese novel and I am a big Fan of it I recommend you to give the novel a shot) Mo Ding died and got reincarnated in the Ye clan as fifth young master in the Hidden Dragon kingdom on Tian Yuan Continent in Chaotic Sword God universe what kind of future does await Mo

Mohamed_Arshi · 書籍·文学
36 Chs

Re-entering The Azure Fang Pagoda (1)

After meeting with the headmaster, Ye Feng entered his dwelling and sat cross-legged on the floor. Then he started crying his heart out in sorrow.

After crying for a whole hour, Ye Feng lay on the floor motionless; his eyes were empty and emotionless. Ye Feng stood up and looked coldly at his dwelling door in front of him, then said to himself, "I vow to destroy the Devil Claw sect." I will become so strong that no one will ever dare mess with the people who are close to me ever again."

After Ye Feng made his vow, he left his dwelling and walked to the nearest training ground. He summoned his saint weapon, and he said to himself, "I need to create my new sword art as soon as possible before entering the Azure Fang Pagoda again."

On the training ground, Ye Feng began attempting to fuse the sword arts of the free heart, wrathful heart, vengeful heart, righteous heart, and desperate heart into a single sword art, with the goal of creating a new sword art.

Ye Feng began swinging his saint weapon with eyes full of determination and resolve to create a new sword art.


In The Princess Rou Dwelling

Rou was reading a letter she received from her father. The more she read, the more shocked she became. How can the Ye clan get destroyed? Furthermore, when the opportunity presented itself, the Zhang clan betrayed us, just as I had anticipated. She thought angrily.

"Now what should I do? I agree with my father's decision to send Ant Aihan to collect me from the academy, given the dire situation we find ourselves in and my critical role in the royal palace.

"However, with the destruction of the Ye clan, I now have an opportunity to recruit Ye Feng into our royal family. Because cultivators tend to be greedy, joining the royal family will make it easier for Ye Feng to advance his cultivation. When I made a deal with him last time, it showed that Ye Feng is no different than the cultivators I have encountered so far, so I am quite confident that I could recruit him to the royal family."

Rou giggled softly in excitement when she thought about recruiting an incredibly talented cultivator for the royal family. After she calmed down, Rou thought to herself, "I will give Ye Feng a week to mourn for the loss of his clan, then I will send someone to invite him to join the royal army."

Rou was satisfied with the plan she made, and she sat down, waiting for Ant Aihan to arrive and take her back to the royal palace.


At Night

Ye Feng was sitting on the ground in front of his dwelling, waiting for Chen to arrive. After half an hour, Chen and Fu arrived together.

Ye Feng was surprised when he saw Fu, and he asked him, "Fu, what are you doing here? Why did you come with the headmaster?"

When he heard this, Fu snorted and said to Ye Feng, "Did you forget what I promised you, brother Feng? Let me remind you. I told you that the next time, I will stand by your side as an equal; I will not allow you to leave on your own, and in addition, I want to explore the outside world."

Ye Feng was deeply touched by Fu's words, and he smiled softly at him. However, when he remembered something, he frowned and said to Fu, "You can't come with me, Fu. If you come with me, who will take care of your village and your family?"

When he heard this, Fu smirked and told Ye Feng, "Teacher, promise me he will take care of them. You can't get rid of me this easily, brother Feng."

Ye Feng widened his eyes and looked at Chen, who was smiling at both Fu and Ye Feng.

Ye Feng then asked Chen, "Is it true, Headmaster?" 

Chen nodded his head and said, "Yes, I promised Fu to look after his village and his family while he is traveling the Tian Yuan Continent with you."

Ye Feng sighed while smiling, then he said to Fu, "Fine, you win, Fu. Let's not waste anymore time and go to the Azure Fang Pagoda."

Chen and Fu nodded to Ye Feng, and the trio started walking towards the Azure Fang Pagoda.


In Front Of Azure Fang Pagoda

The trio stood in front of the Azure Fang pagoda gate. Chen then turned to them and said, "Before you two go inside, let me tell you about the history of this academy."

Ye Feng and Fu both looked at Chen with curiosity, and he said to them, "Before the ancient war took place between the human race and the monster beast race, there were 12 sects, known as the protectors sects; they protected the human race from every monster beast invasion."

Ye Feng and Fu listened closely to what Chen was saying, and he continued, "These 12 sects were the Celestial Mountain sect, White Tiger sect, Bright Wings sect, Scorching Sun sect, Shenxiao sect, Potian sect, Yangji sect, Yiyuan sect, Tyrant's Blade School, Heartless School, Heaven's Incense School, Pure Heart Pavilion, and the Azure Dragon sect."

"There are also two clans that earn the title of protector clans: the Changyang Clan and the Moyuan Clan."

Fu wanted to interrupt Chen, but Chen raised his right hand, silencing Fu. "The ancient war caused immense losses to the Azure Dragon sect, Scorching Sun sect, White Tiger sect, and Bright Wings sect, ultimately resulting in their destruction." "After the ancient war was over, the survivors of the Azure Dragon sect were only five outer disciples, and those disciples established a small academy here in the Hidden Dragon Kingdom; the name of this academy is the Azure Dragon Academy."

Both Fu and Ye Feng were shocked at what Chen said, but Chen continued, "A lot of clans, sects, other kingdoms, even the imperial clan of the Hidden Dragon Kingdom, send people to join our academy in order for them to steal the Azure Key, and they are still attempting to steal the key till this day."

Fu and Ye Feng looked confused, and Ye Feng asked Chen, "What is the Azure Key?" 

Chen began his response to Ye Feng, saying, "The Azure key is the key to the Azure Dragon sect's holy ground and its treasury room." We, along with the previous Headmasters of this academy, created a false Azure key to deceive those attempting to steal the key.

"The real key resides inside the Azure Fang pagoda. You two are still too weak to seek the key, but you can seek the teleportation formation with your current strength. I will allow you to seek the Azure key in the future when you have sufficient strength."

When they heard this, both Fu and Ye Feng's eyes shone brightly, and they both nodded to the headmaster.

Chen then walked to the pagoda gate and performed a couple of hand seals, causing the gate to burst open. He then looked at Fu and Ye Feng and said, "Good luck to you kids out in the real world until we meet again."

Fu and Ye Feng smiled at Chen, then nodded their heads at him. Then they entered the Azure Fang pagoda.


 Inside The Azure Fang Pagoda

First Level Of The Azure Fang Pagoda

After Ye Feng entered the pagoda, he summoned his saint weapon, "SWISH."

Ye Feng charged with his top speed to the depths of the Azure Fang pagoda's first level.

"CLICK." The first wooden door appeared in front of Ye Feng, and the first puppet walked out of the wooden door.

"SLASH, SLASH!" Ye Feng quickly swung his sword twice with incredible speed. He chopped the puppet head first, then cut the puppet in half vertically.

"CLICK, CLICK" Two puppets appeared next, and they charged at Ye Feng while they were wielding a spear and a sabre.

"SWISH, SWISH!" Ye Feng used his Free Steps Martial Skill, which he learned from the Free Heart Sword Art, and dodged the strikes from the two puppets like a ghost.

Ye Feng combined the Free Steps martial skills with the Free Heart sword art, "SLASH." He chopped the heads of the two puppets by using the Free Swing of the Free Heart sword art.

""CLICK, CLICK, CLICK, CLICK." When Ye Feng saw four puppets appear in front of him this time, he said loudly, "I have no time to waste on these puppets. Let's finish this quickly."

Ye Feng charged at them with his Free Steps martial skill, "SWISH, SWISH, SWISH, SWISH." He then cut off the puppet's heads with his saint weapon.

"CLICK." After defeating the four puppets, the stairs that lead to level two of the Azure Fang pagoda appeared in front of him, and Ye Feng started walking towards the stairs.


Level Two Of The Azure Fang Pagoda

When Ye Feng arrived at the second level, he saw the wooden door again, and the puppet walked out of it while wielding a sword.

Ye Feng didn't waste time; he coated his sword with saint force and cut the puppet in half from its waist.

"CLICK, CLICK" Two puppets then exited two wooden doors, and Ye Feng quickly charged at them. "SLASH, SLASH" he then effortlessly chopped them in half.

"CLICK, CLICK, CLICK, CLICK" In front of Ye Feng, four wooden doors appeared, and four puppets emerged from them. Ye Feng quickly used his free steps martial skill, "SLASH, SLASH, SLASH, SLASH," slicing the puppets into pieces once more.

"CLICK," the stairs that lead to the third level of the Azure Fang pagoda appeared, and Ye Feng walked towards the stairs to go to the third level.


Ye Feng's cultivation is in the middle great saint master realm enabled him to easily reach the fifth level of the Azure Fang pagoda.

Ye Feng stood on the fifth floor of the pagoda with his saint weapon in hand. "CLiCK" the wooden door opened, and a puppet walked out of the door. The puppet's color was bronze, different from the other puppets he encountered this far.

Ye Feng's eyes contracted when he saw the puppet, because it was three times bigger than the other puppets.

The puppet grasped his massive battle axe and lunged towards Ye Feng with incredible speed. The puppet then began to repeatedly swing his battle axe at Ye Feng, doing so with incredible force.

The puppet's axe strikes were very heavy, and each time he blocked the axe strike, Ye Feng would take a few steps back from the force behind the puppet's strikes.

Ye Feng jumped backwards to create some distance between him and the puppet. "My cultivation isn't high enough to defeat this puppet, and I need to get into that teleportation formation. The only way to make a breakthrough is to enter the Asura Sword Spirit World again and make one there."

Ye Feng clashed with the puppet again: "CLANK, CLANK, CLANK, CLANK." However, this time, his eyes started to dim as he began his attempt to enter the Asura Sword Spirit World.

After a few moments, Ye Feng's eyes were completely void of life. 

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