
Chaotic Journey.

Oemitsu Gremory, the son of Grayfia and Sirzechs, is neglected by his own family for not being born with the Power of Destruction. A power that is characteristic of those of the Bael Family, however, it was inherited by those of the current Gremory generation. He was not only born without this power, but he was doomed to be a low-class devil. Finding no warmth in his real family he sets out to create his own family. Disclaimer: We do not own any of the original animes used on this fanfic. We only own our current original characters. The mc will be evil. He will regard most human life as grass or as pawns that he will get rid off. The only people worthy of his respect are the ones as strong or stronger than him. He will do anything to protect his new family even if it means comiting crimes, massacres or torture. If that is not your cup of tea, then we suggest you to leave and find a more suitable novel or fanfic for you. Also, our character will not be overpowered we will try to balance him as much as possible. We will decide the pace of the story and will not change it even if the readers ask. This is supposed to be a slow story with character development. If you spot any grammar mistake, then you can write it in the paragraph and we will edit it. If you want to do some review, it must be in english and do not review this novel based on the other novel.

Dereck_Oliveira · アニメ·コミックス
134 Chs


I was in my main tent, sitting on my main seat with Shiro on my lap, and Machi on my side.

"So, what is your real plan?" Machi inquired as she looked at me.

"Fufufufu. Machi, what does a fortress need to survive during a siege?" I asked in while I petted Shiro's head.

"Soldies and someone to lead them." She affirmed.

"Close enough. For a fortress to survive a siege, it needs 4 things. 1. An army to defend the walls.

2. Someone to lead them.

3. Food.

And 4. Water.

My plan is rather simple. That Babel fortress was made to accommodate 200,000 civilians and, at least 50,000 soldiers. I conquered every single city around it so that all of its civilians sought refuge in Babel, since the General is an idiot that accepts every single Zhcted citizen. Instead of sacrificing soldiers to climb the walls, I will use their soldiers against themselves. According to my information, they have food to last for 3 months for 250,000 people. However, now they have to feed 750,000 people. Which is 3 times their total capability." I explained while Shiro enjoyed my headpets.

"So, its basically an attrition battle?" She questioned.

I nodded before Shiro, who opened her eyes, said. "There is only one problem Nii. We only have food for 3 months for 100,000 soldiers. If your information is wrong, and they actually have more food on their reserves, then our soldiers will face a shortage of supplies first."

Suddenly, a woman appeared behind me. "There is no need to worry, my Lady. My information is accurate."

I petted her head before scratching behind her ears. "Shiro, trust in Kyoukai." I told her. 'Kyoukai is a member of an assassin tribe that I recruited. She is in charge of my intelligence gathering opperations. Her organisation mainly gathers information, sabotages and assassinates any important opponents that I might have. She has never let me down when it comes to information. From enemy armies to even enemy Generals personalities, she has always delivered information accurately.'

"My King, there is army composed of three Vanadis marching upwards to meet your army." She said.

"Their number?" I inquired.

"40,000 men."

I nodded. "Okay. What about the south?"

"According to my sisters, there is an army of 100,000 lead by Kureys Shahim Balamir, that is marching north with the objective of taking the capital. However, they were stalled by a coalition of three Vanadis." She answered.

"It looks like our friend is not that useful." Shiro commented.

"Fufufufufu. No. He did his job. He pinned three Vanadis with him, now the Zhcted Kingdom only has one Vanadis in reserve." I told my little Shiro before I looked at Kyoukai. "Who are the Vanadis leading the armies?"

"The main commander is Alexandra Alshavin, and the other Vanadis are Eleonora Viltaria, and Elizavetta Fomina." Kyoukai answered.

"It was to expected, after all, their lands are the closest to the ones I am invading. If the Babel fortress falls, then Legnica, Sasha's territory, is open for an invasion." I turned to my aid. "Call my Generals." After bowing, he hurriedly ran out of the tent to call them.

Soon enough Karin, Koku and Mo Bu, arrived in my tent.

"You are here to discuss the strategy on capturing the impregnable fortress, Babel. There is an army of 40,000 men marching north to stop us. With the 50,000 inside the fortress, they could pose a real threat." I turned to Koku. "Koku, you will be in charge of the siege. Do not allow us to get flanked. We already have our hands full with the Vanadis." I ordered.

"It shall be done. In three days the fortress will fall." She declared.

"Bold words." I nodded.

"Are you sure about this, brat? Now that you are out of your territory, Asvarre is not going to let this opportunity slip by." Karin interrupted.

"Fufufufufufu. I left him there so everything will be alright, or are you forgetting? As long as Ou Ki lives, no one can invade my lands." I said.

"You trust on that big lipped bitch way too much." She shaked her head.

"Fufufufu. Are you jealous?" I squinted.

"Ahh. I am going to kill you." She said.

"Fufufu. Scary, frightening, I'd say." I joked before I turned serious. "You will be in charge of the left flank, and Mo Bu will be in charge of the right flank. The battle will happen on the Nile river. The center army will be behind the river, and so will the left army. However, the right army will be on a plain, and where the river is shorter, so the crucial part of the battle will happen on the right flank." After saying that, I turned to Mo Bu. "Can you handle it?"

"Who do you think you are talking to? There is no General above me in this world! If its a charge, then no one will stop me! Vanadis or not, they will crumble under my club!" He exclaimed.

"Fufufu. I am counting on you. Well, you have all heard your orders. SET OUT!"

(Ou Ki POV)

I am currently on the border looking at the Asvarre army that just crossed it. Like karin predicted, a huge army of 25,000 men crossed the border. After looking at them, I turned to my Vice General, Tou. "They are truly underestimating us by sending me a huge amount of recruits half our size."

"Shall we crush them?" He asked.

"Isn't it obvious?! Kokokokoko! Invading a territory without getting any information about its terrain, is the biggest mistake a General can commit!" I placed my glaive on my shoulder. "Tou, you can begin."

He nodded before he charged down the mountain, hitting the right flank of the Asvarre army. The other armies on the otherside did the same, and hitting the left flank of the Asvarre army. It was quite a pathetic sight. Young recruits struggling to even keep formation, and our cavalry completely running them over. Entering in a narrow passage in the mountains with an army this size is just a way for them to face disaster.

I turned to my aid. "Get the infantry ready, and have the archers focusing their arrows on the central army." After telling him that, he bowed before he went to deliver my orders.

Suddenly, a messenger arrived. "Units 5, 7, and 9 have faced heavy casualties."

"Hmm. Let them rest. Have them move to the rearguard, and have the rearguard go to the vanguard. After that, resume the charge." I instructed him.

Like this, the messenger left he camp.

"Is the infantry in position?"

"Everything is ready." My aid said.

"On this mountain 25,000 young men will be burried." As I said that, the cavalry hit their flanks, and the infantry covered their escape routes.

There is no way that they can do anything besides surrendering. I looked at their amry and saw something rather surprising. 'Ohh. Their General might be a little bit competent. At least he didn't try to run in face of such odds. However, it is useless." The enemy General was trying to raly his soldiers, but before he could even react, Tou had already broken through his army, and was behind him.

He tried to defend himself, but Tou is on another world in strenght, he beheaded him in two strikes. Without their General to lead them, their army was completely routed. Most of them tried to fled, some of them surrended. Either way, their army was completely destroyed.

'I just hope that the same thing is happening in the front lines. There is nothing to worry about, after all, the King is there.'

(Oemitsu POV)

The Vanadis armies were standing in front of me across the river. In front of me, Alexandra Alshavin, is leading the army. I can clearly see her across the river. I will personally lead the charge, or at least, that is what I am planning. 'Let's see what the Vanadis are made off.' When I looked at the right flank, I saw that Mo Bu was sucking in a lot of air. "This is bad."

Soon enough, in a voice that boomed throughout the entire battlefield, someone yelled. "I AM MO BU, THE MIGHTIEST GENERAL ON EARTH!!!"

"Way too loud." I commented as his scream even made the horses neigh.


"What a noisy guy." I shooked my head.

But sure enough, his speech did the trick, as his army's morale exploded.

"NOW WE CHARGE!!!" He led his charge.

Followig right after him, his entire army charged like madmen.

"Huff. They were supposed to defend the river, not to cross it. But whatever, it is Mo Bu's style, so there is nothing I can do about it." I shrugged before I turned to my opponents. "Shall we also start Sasha?"

And so it started one of the bloodiest battles in the history of the continent.