

A story about love and murder. The mystery behind the death of her grandparents leads Alice on a long unexpected journey. Not only finding answers about the murders but also finding herself facing her own fears and dreams.

allizaclark · 若者
2 Chs

Chapter 2

I was pulled out of a deep sleep by my alarm at six-thirty in the morning. Groggily I reached over and dismissed the blaring on my phone. Although I was good at school and enjoyed learning, I hated waking up before the sun. I sat up on my queen-sized bed and stayed there for a good ten minutes before deciding I better look presentable on my first day of junior year.

Wow. I can't believe I only have two years of high school left. I continued to think about this while I turned on my light and searched for a decent outfit to wear. I suppose I never really thought about it until now, but this was Michael's last year.

I was completely dressed and ready before seven o'clock, and I still couldn't wrap my head around my brother being so close to an adult. I almost laughed aloud thinking about Michael being in the real world on his own. I honestly couldn't imagine my big brother making it by himself.

Finally, pushing the thoughts of my brother out of my head, I looked at the long mirror hanging on the wall next to my bed. My wavy black hair flowed halfway down my back, and my eyes were a brilliant emerald today. I didn't look bad, even with my pale complexion. I continued to look at my reflection scanning the outfit I chose to wear. It wasn't anything fancy. Just a pair of black leggings with a plain white V-neck t-shirt. The leggings clung to my short thin legs and the t-shirt showed a little bit of cleavage. It wasn't like I needed it. My chest stood out without the need for an invitation.

Still looking in the mirror I started to admire my long eyelashes, but a knocking at the door downstairs pulled me from my daze. I grabbed my backpack from beside my nightstand, put on my white converse, and went downstairs.

The knocking continued, annoyingly getting louder. I yelled from the bottom of the stairs, "Gosh Paul quit, I'm coming." From the other side of the door I heard laughing, and I knew the sound all too well.

"Ace?" I asked suspiciously, opening the door. "What are you doing here? I thought Paul was picking me up for school?"

His mouth pulled up at the corners forming the half-smile I'd grown to know. He was still smiling when he started to speak, "Well beautiful I thought you'd be more comfortable with me taking you on your first day, so I told Paul I'd pick you up." His stunning light blue eyes lit up, and I couldn't help but smile up at him.

He stepped to the side and bowed towards his bright red Chevy truck, "Your chariot awaits my lady." I laughed at him while walking to the truck. He ran ahead and opened the passenger door for me. I buckled up and waited as Ace got in and started the truck up.

The interior was nice, considering the truck was from the nineteen sixties, and it had a warm atmosphere. Honestly, I was glad Ace picked me up instead because he was right, it felt more comfortable. Just knowing that I'd be with a familiar face before school helped calm my nerves, or maybe it was just the excitement of seeing Ace.

I didn't say anything as we pulled out of the drive, neither did he. I could have driven to school myself if I wanted, I got my license a few weeks ago, but I don't like driving alone. Anyways it was a lot more fun riding with Mike or Ace because then, usually, they'd make me laugh, or in Ace's case blush.

I glanced over at Ace and noticed his brown hair had grown out covering his forehead. Also remembering back at the house it seemed he had grown some too. I couldn't help but also admire the muscles running down his arms. His black t-shirt fit tightly against him showing off his thin muscular chest.

I looked away blushing. How did I not notice this before? He didn't just change overnight. I ran through the last few months in my head, and apparently, I had been oblivious until now.

We'd only been driving for a few minutes when Ace finally started a conversation. "So, Alice are you worried about today? First day and all, might be exciting." I grimaced and he laughed. His eyes were lit up again, and I could see the tiny black dots scattered around his eyes standing out against the blue.

"Well I know most of the junior class won't be able to concentrate today, that's for sure." He looked over at me, his dazzling smile stopping my heart for a moment.

"And why's that exactly?" I whispered, still dazed.

"Because it's impossible to look away from you," he stated nonchalantly. "I mean I wouldn't be able to concentrate if I were them." He winked at me, making me blush deeper.

I sighed, "Jeez Ace why do you always do that?" I was thinking about all the times he's said things like this to me and my blush, that started to go away, got redder again.

"Do what Al?"

"You know, tease me and stuff. Aren't you tired of embarrassing me yet?"

He laughed and shook his head, but when he glanced over at me his face was serious. "Alice I don't tease you," his voice sounded different like he was nervous. "You're gorgeous, and I just can't help but tell you about it sometimes." I laughed but continued to blush fiercely at his words.

At that moment I was glad that it was only about a fifteen minute drive to school. Ace pulled into the parking lot and I took the opportunity to change the subject, "Well let's hope we both have a great first day." I smiled at him and as soon as he parked I hopped out of the passenger seat.

He turned the key off and we met at the front of the truck. Cars were still pulling in the school only a few feet from where we stood. Ace looked at me, he was serious again and thinking deeply about something. I started to fidget, tapping my fingers against the sides of my leg.

Ace turned and leaned his back against the truck. I followed his movement and stood opposite him. After a few seconds, he looked at me and smiled. He straightened up and closed the distance between us. Shocked, I looked up at him. He was still smiling with a different light in his eyes than earlier.

"Ace what are you thinking about?" I asked breathlessly. I was too aware of the closeness between us. His smile widened but he didn't say anything. Instead, he reached down and gently rubbed his fingers across my cheek. I watched his brow furrow in thought and then settle as he made a decision. Slowly, but confidently, he lowered his head down towards mine. I knew what he was going to do but I was frozen in place.

Then suddenly Ace was jerked away from me. I looked up shocked and saw Mike's red face merely inches from Ace's. Mike had grabbed Ace by the front of his shirt and was starting to shout in his face.

I backed up, still dazed by the sudden change of events. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Mike shouted in Ace's face. I couldn't help but notice that Ace was the same height as Mike. They both stared at each other, Mike red from anger, and Ace pale from shock.

Mike looked up at me and I saw the worry in his eyes. The look shocked me, and honestly scared me. I took another step back, his stare cutting into me as if I'd betrayed him. I didn't want him to feel that way. Looking back at Ace I could see that the color was returning to his face and he was just as angry as Mike.

That's when I heard it. The unmistakable sound of tires squealing on pavement. I looked up suddenly remembering how close the traffic was from where Ace parked. A truck was seconds away from hitting me, I was frozen again. Unable to think I closed my eyes and waited for the impact.

Something hard slammed into me, but it was from the wrong direction. My head bounced roughly off the pavement but not as hard as I expected it to. Something heavy was on top of me, no someone. I opened my eyes and Ace was there. He was cradling my head in one of his hands and holding himself away from my face with the other.

My breathing was erratic and my vision was blurry around the edges, but I felt better than I would have if it wasn't for Ace. I still couldn't think straight. It felt like minutes had passed when in reality only seconds were gone. Ace jumped up off of me at the same moment the person driving the truck jumped out of his vehicle.

I could hear people shouting on the other side of the truck. Worried. Scared. I sat up but my head started to spin. Mike was at my side seconds after Ace was off of me.

"Alice? Alice? Are you okay? Tell me what hurts." His voice was shaky and I could hear the tears he was holding back. I looked at him but my head started to spin again. His face started to get fuzzy, and then finally everything went black. I drifted into unconsciousness with the image of my brother's pained expression haunting me.