
Chaos War

In an alternate universe that is filled with paranormal beings like sorcerers, werewolves, vampires, phantoms, hybrids, demons, and others. Hunter is a teenage sprite with the ability to see ghosts, he uses his abilities to go around and exorcise ghosts for a price. One day, Hunter is presented with the opportunity to join a school to learn more about his powers and abilities, he accepts with hopes of meeting others like himself only for things to go sideways in his first week, drawing the unwanted attention of various powers of the supernatural world, most of whom call for his immediate execution.

Rebel_King_Rebel · ファンタジー
150 Chs

No Rest for the Wicked

Hunter looked around the room, there were disco lights above and loud dance music played by the DJ, this was not what he expected when Lauren said the celebration could double as a team bonding exercise.

At the bar was Alex, his head resting on his palms as he stares mindlessly at the bottles in front of him.

"What's bothering you?" Hunter asked, nudging him a bit.

Alex turns to Hunter and attempts to shoot him a smile but he fails to keep up the act and sighs instead, "why can't I be more like you," he says


Alex shakes his head, "it's just ... You're so skilled and cool and it's hardly been a month since you joined --"

"What are you talking about?" Hunter interjected

"Today, I fought terribly ... I held the team back," he says crestfallen

Hunter smacks the backside of his head, "what nonsense are you saying?

Alex gently rubs the side he was hit, "what was that for?"

"Listen, man, if you hadn't eliminated one of the mages during the team challenge, we would have lost tonight. If anything, it's because of you that we won. Sure, you need to polish your skills here and there but that doesn't make you a dead weight. You aren't perfect and that's okay, nobody is"

Alex sighs, "I guess you're right," he concedes

"Now loosen up a bit and maybe I'd think about joining the Sprite Guardians."

Alex's eyes lit up with a smile suddenly appearing on his face, "for real?"


"Alright then," He says before jumping off the stool and making his way to the dancefloor

"You were being too nice," a familiar voice said from behind and Hunter turns to see Zoe, "you should say things as they are instead of sugarcoating them"

"Whoever suggested you become a teacher hasn't spent more than a minute with you"

Zoe rolled her eyes, "where was this attitude when you were speaking with Alexander?"

"I had to cheer him up, just look at him now," he says as they both look towards Alex who was dancing weirdly on the dancefloor

"You wouldn't need to if he had fought well."

Hunter cast a sidelong glance at her, "you know, I'm shocked you agreed to come with us tonight"

"I didn't want to but Lauren wouldn't let me stay back"

"What do you think about all this though?"

She frowns, "I think it's foolish to celebrate your first victory in the tournament when there are more rounds left to win it all."

Hunter shakes his head, "I disagree, things like this can improve the team's spirit and morale," he stated

"Then you're an even bigger fool than I thought"

Hunter rolls his eyes, "that's not nice."

"The team should be motivated enough to fight for victory, not for some stupid party afterward," she says, "celebrating after every match would only reduce fitness and cause a loss of focus. At this rate, you imbeciles won't even make it to the quarterfinals"

"Let's make a wager then," Hunter suggested

[Hold on a minute!]


[Zoe is a fiend meaning if you decide to make a bet or whatever it's going to be binding]

'I don't get it'

[If for example, you say 'I'll owe you a favor if I lose' then you're going to owe her an actual favor]

'I know, that's how bets work'

[You don't get me. If she asks you to do something impossible like topple a country's government you're going to be compelled to do so]

'That sounds like an unrealistic favor, what if I refuse?'

[That's the thing, you can't]

Zoe raised an eyebrow, "You were saying?"

"Err -- Right, as I was saying, let's make a small wager--"

[Choose your next words carefully, make sure there are no loopholes in whatever deal you're making]

"You're going to owe me a favor if the sprites reach the final this year"

"And when you don't?"

"I'm going to do any one thing that you ask of me"

[This is the opposite of choosing your words carefully!]

Zoe lips twitches, a smirk dancing on her lips, the only other time he's seen such life in her eyes was during their training when she was beating the crap out of the Sprites.

"You have yourself a deal"

[why don't you listen to me?]

'it's Zoe and I trust her, I don't think she'll ask me to do something impossible if I lose'

[if you say so]

Hunter looks past Zoe and catches a glimpse of Martin at the other side of the club seated in one of the booths.

He rises from the stool, "excuse me," he says as he made his way to Martin, "hi," he smiled sliding into the booth.

"Hunter, how long has it been," Martin smiled back, "what are you doing here?"

"Oh you know ..." Hunter looked around, "just came out here to swim for a while and maybe lie under the sun for a bit," he shrugged

Martin laughs, "that's fair but I'm asking because I just met Sydney," he explains

"Sydney's here?"

A familiar voice replies, "Yes I am."

Hunter turned to see Sydney, she was holding two glass cups with a yellowish liquid inside that Hunter assumed to be orange juice. She sets them both on the table as she slid into the booth with Martin, facing Hunter, "I didn't know you were here, I'd have grabbed you a glass too."

"It's fine," Hunter waved, "I try to watch my sugar intake"

"That was some good fighting at the tournament, I like the series of kicks you did towards the end, you're gonna have to teach me that someday," Sydney says

Hunter smiles, "you were at the tournament?"

"We both were," Martin chipped, "we had respective matches today and decided to stick around when we heard the sprites were going next," he explained

"Oh wow, thanks ... I'm afraid I didn't watch your matches though I'd assume you were both victorious since you're both here to celebrate"

"Yeah," Sydney nods, "I thought it was weird when my assistant coach suggested we celebrate our first victory but turns out she wasn't the only one with that idea."

"Uhm. I certainly wasn't expecting this," he says using his arm to do a sweeping motion of the surrounding "but who am I to say no to a quick timeout?"

As if on cue, Hunter's phone lights up and it began to vibrate as a call comes in. He takes it out of his pocket to see it was Jade.

"Hello," he says as he brought the phone up to his ear. "I'm outside," was all she said before cutting the call.

'What the hell?'

Hunter looks up at his friends in front of him, "welp ... there goes my quick timeout," he said, more to himself "I have to go now, I'll see you guys around," he added before sliding out of the booth to make his way out of the club. Just as he was about to walk out, he felt a pair of eyes burning into his back, he turned around and his eyes catches Zoe's. Hunter waves her goodbye from across the room before making his way out.

Hunter was thinking of flagging down a cab to head back to the school and meet with Jade when he sees the familiar black Pagani Zonda HP Barchetta across the street.

Hunter leans on the car, looking at Jade through the car window "are you following me?" He asked

"My job is to protect you at all times, it would be negligent - to say the least - if I didn't know where you were at all times"

"How d-- I'm not even going to ask," he says, getting into the car

"It's only Friday ... You're early," Hunter says

"I found a pure demon to help with your link," she says

"That's good but why don't you sound happy about the fact?"

"I had hoped I wouldn't need his help but for the past two weeks I can't think of any other pure demons who would want to help with nothing to gain in return"

"So he doesn't want anything ... No weird contracts where he ends up residing in my head?"

"I'm cashing in on a favor he owes me but that doesn't mean he wouldn't try to trick ... You know what, enough about that, how are things going with the cute Northlander?" She asked

Hunter's eyes lit up, "René? We are going on our first date this Monday," he stated

"Ooh, I could get you a table at the fanciest restaurant in the Met or even book all the tables and you two could have a lovely, quiet date if you so wish"

Hunter shakes his head, "thanks but we decided we'd be going to the college downtown"

Jade turned to him, "why?" She asked

"We both have never been to school so we thought it would make a great first date"



Jade shakes her head, "nothing ... What about the school of mysticism, doesn't that count as 'been to school'?" She asked

"Of course not," he frowns

"Calm down lover boy, no need to get agitated."


They arrived at a small bungalow tucked away behind a thick bush just some minutes after midnight.

"Is this the pure demon's place?" He queried

"Yes," she replied

"I don't why but I expected something different," Hunter said looking at the building, there was nothing special or different about it, if not for the lack of neighbors.

Jade smiles, "what, you thought you'd see a dark cloud over it with bats flying around the building?"

"Matter of fact? Yes, I did."

Jade smiles but her expression swiftly turns serious, "Alastair must not know that I knew about Waleed before I met you," she stated

"Right," Hunter nods, "I take it Alastair is the pure demon?"

"Yes ... You have to be very careful around him, he could be quite the character. Also do not just agree with everything he says, he will try to make a contract with you. Also --"

"Are you not coming in?" Hunter interjected, cutting her off

"The two of us don't get along ..."

"Should I be worried?"

"Not really, Alastair is a lot of things but he always keeps his word."

"Then what are you so worried about?"

"I asked him to help break the link between you and Chelsea McGraw --"

"Chelsea ... That's the name of the girl I'm linked to?"

"Yes. While I'm sure he would do as I requested, it wouldn't stop him from trying to cut a deal with you."

"Don't fret, I'm sure Waleed would coach me throughout most of my conversation with him, he'd make sure I don't end up signing my life away."

Jade sighs, "good luck"

Hunter stepped out of the car and walked into the building, there was barely any lighting in the room but he could still tell how messy it was.

Books and hourglasses and test tubes and flasks were scattered everywhere. Hunter tiptoed to the middle of the living room, "hello?" He shouted to no response.

On the walls were trophies and heads of different creatures he couldn't name. "Hello?" He repeated, he had a feeling something was lurking in the darkness, monitoring his every move.

Hunter heard movement behind him but before he could react, he felt a slight pinch on his neck. He turned back but there was no one there.

Hunter placed his hand on his neck, something had cut him.

"Enough!" Hunter declared, clenching his fists before it begins to glow pink.

"Calm down, we're all friends here," a creepy-sounding voice said and with that, the lights in the room turns on.

There were two additional rooms now visible to Hunter with one on each side of the living room. One of the rooms looked like a bedroom and the other was so dark Hunter couldn't see a thing inside, he suspected whoever was speaking to be in there.

"I'm Alastair," he said as he finally steps out of the shadow, "Sorry about all that, I needed this," he said, showing his index finger with Hunter's blood on it before putting the finger in his mouth to taste the blood.

The pure demon was human-looking with a patchwork face and gray eyes. He had long grayish-blue hair that reaches past his neck and is sectioned off into three large strands with ties at the ends. Along with his face, he had stitches all across his body that give him the appearance that he was sewn together.

He was sporting a black shawl that was separated into three pieces on the left sleeve, along with matching pants and white shoes.

"How old are you Hunter?" Alastair asked


"Young and naive, the type a cruel demon would form a bond with"

"Aren't you also a demon?" Hunter asks

"I am but I'm not cruel. Do you want to know why I tasted your blood?"

"You weren't just being a creep?"

Alastair laughs, "you're funny, I like you already but no, I wanted to know everything about you, and do you want to hear something interesting? I know who your parents are ... Were"


"I could tell you about them ... For a price"

[He's trying to make a deal with you, don't fall for it]

'You think he's lying?'

[He's not but that doesn't mean he wouldn't take advantage of the situation]

"Let me guess," Alastair said, throwing himself on the messy couch, "your patron is talking to you, he's telling you to be careful how you reply to me ... I'm I wrong?"

"Are you going to help break the link or not?" Hunter asked

"Feisty, I love it but why the rush? Jade said to take as long as I need, besides, we're not here to break the link."

"We are not?"

Alastair's face falls, "she didn't tell you? Typical Jade leaving all the dirty work for me but yes, Jade said to not break the link, she believes it would help with the case about the supernatural soul snatcher," he explained

"That's ... Understandable"

"Hm. Jade tells me your patron is a necromancer who degenerated into a demon, is that true?"

Hunter nods.

"Do you know necromancers are now extinct? They were annoyingly popular back in the day but every one of them was killed during the class wars ... Except one now," he said pointing to Hunter.

"Come with me," Alastair says, making his way to the room Hunter believed to be a bedroom. "You know, your parents once came to visit me ..."


"They needed my help, they wanted me to ..." He stopped, "oh that's right you don't want to know about it"

"I --"

[Don't, he's trying to tempt you]

Alastair lies on the bed and beckons Hunter to the spot next to him, "do you want to know why pure demons can quickly sever links with the dead?"

"I mean ... You seem to enjoy hearing the sound of your voice so fire away"

Alastair laughs again, "you and I are going to get along just fine. Take my hand," he says stretching his hands towards Hunter.

Hunter lies on the bed and holds Alastair's hands, "your hands are soft," Alastair noted

"Please don't say that, this is really weird"

Alastair rolls his eyes.

"There's this place called the in-between at the outskirts of Hel, it's the place banished spirits go. The in-between is also a home to pure demons so that's why we can easily access it."

"Do you do this often?" Hunter asked

"No I normally invite people to my bedroom after they've bought me dinner"

"That's -- I meant do you normally break links?"

"I know and no, I haven't done this since the middle ages. Focus on a particular spot on the ceiling," Alastair instructed

"You will start to feel as though a part of you is missing ... That part of you, is the spirit you banished, try to reach onto the part ..."

Hunter did as told and the spot on the ceiling he had focused on begins to glow before a portal starts to appear.

"Focus!" Alastair reminded.

Hunter felt as though he was starting to float before being sucked into the portal.




It was bright at first, too bright in fact, so bright that the light was blinding then it began dark before the surrounding became clear.

Hunter looked around, he was in front of a restaurant, in the middle of the street.


[I'm here]

Hunter looked around, 'where's Alastair?'

[He's not linked to Chelsea, so he isn't here]

'Right ... So Chelsea should be close?'

[Yes. Enter the restaurant]

Hunter pushed the door open and walked into the restaurant. He looked around, in search of the girl and then suddenly, he heard someone call his name, "Hunter," a female voice said softly.

He turned to see Chelsea moving towards him, just like her corpse back at that warehouse only this time she looked alive and healthy with a loving smile plastered on her face.

She threw herself into his arms while he catches her and holds her steady.

"Honey, I'm glad you came," she said placing both her hands on each side of his face.

'What the hell?'
