
Chaos War

In an alternate universe that is filled with paranormal beings like sorcerers, werewolves, vampires, phantoms, hybrids, demons, and others. Hunter is a teenage sprite with the ability to see ghosts, he uses his abilities to go around and exorcise ghosts for a price. One day, Hunter is presented with the opportunity to join a school to learn more about his powers and abilities, he accepts with hopes of meeting others like himself only for things to go sideways in his first week, drawing the unwanted attention of various powers of the supernatural world, most of whom call for his immediate execution.

Rebel_King_Rebel · ファンタジー
150 Chs

Intersected Lines

"Chelsea, no use of magic in the house!"

"But mom, I just figured out the skill Dr. Servais taught me," the little girl exclaimed excitedly.

"Oh, Dr. Servais taught you a new skill? Show me," said the older McGraw, indulging the young girl.

"He says I'm able to harness magic from my surrounding like this," Chelsea said moving her hands around for a bit.

A red ball of energy formed between both her hands and she turned to her mother with a huge smile. "That's really awesome honey, now turn it off so we can go watch the new episode of detective kitten," said the older McGraw.

"Oh that's not all," said Chelsea as she focus on the red ball of energy in front of her. "Watch this!" said the little girl, her honey-brown eyes turning a deep shade of red, and her energy ball turning even bigger.

"That's really n--" Before the woman could complete her sentence, a tree in the yard is uprooted and sucked into the red energy ball. It grew bigger and bigger, drawing in whatever was close. "Chelsea, stop this now!" The older McGraw yelled at her daughter. "I'm trying Mom!"

The house behind begins to shake and Chelsea's father, Mr. McGraw steps out through the backdoor, holding on to said door as he immediately begins to feel a pull. Bits and chunks of the house begin to break out and move toward the energy where it is then obliterated.

"Mom! Dad! ..."



Chelsea starts the car and rests her hand on the stirring wheels, waiting eagerly. She glance down at the stopwatch on her lap before looking at the building she was parked in front of. The timer was down to 10 seconds and they were yet to be any sign of her partners.

"Come on," she whispered, the wailing of sirens loomed closer and closer. Chelsea heard two gunshots followed by the door flinging open and two men racing out and jumping into the car.

The raven-haired woman floors the pedal and began making her way out of the neighborhood. "The damn popo are after us now, hope you're happy," one of the men shouted.

"He fucking draw on us!" The second guy yelled back. Chelsea's brows furrow as she increases the volume on the radio.


The trio walk into an office where a man was seated behind a large, expensive table. "Heard you three made the news again," said the man, he had a large pipe-like object bulging out of his face located where his eyes should be.

"Where we belong!" One of the guys said.

"I've paid my debt, can I leave now?" Chelsea suddenly says.

The man with pipe-like eyes sighs, "You two, get out!" He ordered and they hurry out.

"You said if I do this I'd be free to leave," she stated.

"I did, didn't I?" He says. "You see, I can't do that ... Rick and Dylan are idiots and if it wasn't for you this whole operation would have been found out a long time ago," the guy stated.

"What are you saying?"

"Simple; I can't let you go," he said leaning back on his seat.

Chelsea's eyes turn red and she moved closer to the man. "You sure you want to try that? I am a hybrid, when was the last time you used your powers?" he asked.

The raven-haired woman sighs and her eyes return to their natural honey-brown color.

"Good choice. Get back to work."




"The Darkforgers aren't after Hunter," Alastair refuted, walking into his house, Jade and the sprite soon followed after.

"How would you know that?" Jade asked.

"Hey Jade," Chelsea waved, stepping out from one of the rooms.

"I know because the timeline doesn't match up. There's no way they would have known that Hunter was a necromancer especially when he didn't show his powers until during the study tour - when the attack happened. Unless ... There's something about Hunter you're not telling me," he says, looking the vampire in the eyes.


"Do you think we are going to wake up tomorrow and find that they've killed each other?" Chelsea said as she joined Hunter outside the house.

The sprite sets his bottled water on the rail, he was standing on the front porch of the house. "This is a nightmare," Hunter laments. "I know what you're going to say before you even say it ... It's like talking to myself, except this time, each sentence is repeated twice for some reason," he stated.

"I hate that I'm causing you this much stress," said Chelsea.

"It's not you," Hunter sighs. "I know it's not your fault ... I also know the situation is the same for you but it's frustrating sometimes ..."

"I know what you mean. It's painful to know you feel that way about talking to me but I understand," she said.

"Chelsea ..."

"I'm kidding! God Almighty, how on the edge are you right now?" Hunter sighs again and the dark mage rubs his shoulders. "Walk with me?"


Hunter followed the dark mage as they left Alastair's home, moving a few kilometers before seeing any sign of life. Once they were out of the dark corner where the demon had taken refuge, they reached the city's cemetery. There was a flower shop next to the site and the duo stopped there first, buying two bouquets before proceeding.

Hunter quietly followed the raven-haired woman as she moves straight to two gravestones on one side of the cemetery.

Chelsea uses her hand to wipe the dust from the stone slab before placing her bouquet. Hunter squats down and did the same for the second gravestone. 'Dr. Beryl McGraw,' it reads.

"Today marks fifteen years since I killed them," Chelsea said breaking the silence.

"You didn't kill them," Hunter stated.

"That's what everyone I tell says but we both know they wouldn't have died that day if it wasn't for me. You know, none of them were mystics, so Mom said not to use my powers at home since there was no one to supervise me but I didn't listen. I did it anyway ... And it lead to their death."

"Chels ..."

"I lied to you back at the in-between. In there, I had mom, dad, and my dream job, and you; it was perfect ... When I learned all that was a lie, that in reality, I hurt people to make ends meet, I was disappointed. I hate my life."

"Look at me, Chels," Hunter said moving over to the side of the raven-haired woman. "Sure, this life isn't as good as the one you had in the in-between but that doesn't mean you can't make it as close to that as possible. You might not have your mom and dad but you have their memories to carry on. I know someone who can help you control and understand your powers and you can use it to make the world a better place, plus you have me, and you can accomplish your dream job here; you're a great singer and an even better pianist, so I know that would be easy for you."

Chelsea smiles, "now why did I know you were going to say that?"

"I don't know, probably because we have a linked mind?"

"Holy shit! Chelsea, you're alive?" A voice said from behind.




"I had a friend file a missing report when you didn't check in for three days straight. A few days later, we were called into the morgue to identify your body; gotta say, you looked a lot fucked up than you are right now," said the guy.

They sat in a bar as the man narrated to them what had happened. The barman approach their table and set a cup in front of each of them before pouring a drink until it was half full. "Leave the bottle," the guy said to the barman who nodded before dropping the bottle on the table and walking back to the counter.

The guy downs his drink and quickly refills his cup. "Who's with you?"

"Hunter, Dylan. Dylan, Hunter," she said introducing the two.

"Hey Hunter, are you going to drink that or ...?"

"I'm good, you can have it," said Hunter sliding the cup across the table towards Dylan.

"So what's up with you Chelsea? Why did the cops want us to believe you were dead? you're part of some secret government organization or some shit like that?" Dylan asked.

"You ever heard of hybrids, Dylan? The body you identified was someone seeking to steal Chelsea's identity," Hunter lied.

"Ah," Dylan said refilling his cup and swallowing the entire drink again. "You know, the other day Rick was crying about the fact that he never told you how he really felt," said Dylan. "We could go now so he can get it out of his system, I always sensed some chemistry between the two of you," he added.

"No," Chelsea said flatly. Dylan raised an eyebrow. "Why not?"

Chelsea doesn't respond with words, placing her hand on Hunter's which was on the table, and squeezing it lightly.

"Oh ... Ooh. Shit." Dylan downs the cup. "This guy? He looks like he hasn't reached the legal age for drinking in some states," Dylan pointed out.

"Buzz off, Dylan," said Chelsea, rolling her eyes.

"I'm happy for you, truly, you always seemed miserable when you hang out with me and the boys but when I first saw you today, you looked genuinely happy." Dylan quickly rises to his feet and the seat makes a small, screeching noise.

"Do me a solid and pay for the drink?"

"Sure, just don't go around telling everyone you met me."

"Aha, so you do work for a secret government organization, got it!" He said, grabbing the bottle and making his way out of the bar.

"That was ... something else," Hunter said turning to face Chelsea.

"Sorry," she apologized letting go of his hands, "I can't go back there," she said gently.

"I didn't mean that," he replied.

"Oh, you meant the relationship stuff? Come on, we were married in the in-between that's gotta count for something."

"Wait, we were married, is that what that was?"

"Don't say it like it wouldn't be the greatest thing to happen to you," Chelsea moues.

"It most certainly wouldn't."

"Like you get a lot of offers," she said rolling her eyes. Hunter doesn't respond with words, only raising an eyebrow and letting a smirk dance on his lips.

"Okay, you do get a lot of offers," she conceded. "Speaking of, you haven't told Zoe anything, she did say she has a crush on you," said Chelsea.

"That's because there's nothing to say."

"I thought you only rejected her because you were with René at the time?"

"That was not the only reason."

"Then why?" Chelsea asks. "She's only a teacher's assistant so it is not weird and you're both above the age of --"

"No," the sprite cut her off.

"What about Nova, she's really pretty and I think she's into you."

"Nope." Hunter shakes his head.

"Why not!? Nova is perf -- oh my god!" She exclaimed.

"What is it?"

"You like Circe!" Chelsea exclaimed.

"No, I don't --"

"So you don't think Circe is pretty?"

"I -- I feel like that's a trap."

"And you'll be right. While we're on the topic of Circe, can you call her up?"

"Nice segue but what's up?"

"I'm not sure if you remember but I used to work for this crime syndicate filled with humans - like Dylan and Rick - and this hybrid leader. You said I could try turning this reality into my dream and I know this is nothing but erm ... yeah."

"I see. I'm sorry Chels, I thought of you as my consciousness or my mind playing tricks on me but you are so much more than that and I'm sorry it took today to realize that. What you're doing might seem small or insignificant but it's a start and a pretty darn good one," said Hunter.

"Meh, it's really nothing," Chelsea dismissed, "besides, I'm only able to do this because I lived with them and everyone knows it's easier to take down someone you know everything about," she stated.



"I have an idea," said Hunter drawing Alastair's and Jade's attention as both he and Chelsea returned to Alastair's house. "We know the Darkforgers want to capture someone at the Met school but we don't know who. What if we go undercover into their sanctum and figure out who they are searching for?" He suggested.

"That's a great plan but I can't go there because they'd recognize me instantly," said Jade. "Same with Alastair and Leah," she added.

"No one said anything about you three."
