
Chaos In the House of Dark

Krista_Dillard · その他
3 Chs

The Immortal

"LIZA!" "Where are you child! Stop hiding I can smell you child!" Ellis said, Liza who was hiding under the floor of her room shivered in fear of the crazy Vampire stayed still and slowed her breathing to the point it was barely noticeable even to the Vampire. "LIZA! We have your mother! Please come out so we don't harm her haha" chuckled Ellis, Liza who barely even spoke started to shed a tear for her mother who always said it was her Liza above anyone else do not save anyone else but herself including her dearest mother.

Liza being an obedient child new not to disobey she could feel the lies that Ellis spoke about not harming her mother. Unknown to Liza her mother, father, and four of her 5 brothers had already been executed by Ellis and his Mob of Vampires. Little Liza had no idea why they have come for her but they have so she stayed still quiet and hid her identity from the Intruders because their intentions were far from kind.

After a few more hours the vampire gave up on looking for the child thinking she ran off and they had lost her Ellis and his crew left the tragic and horrifying scene behind.

Liza waited till the sun came up before she decided to crawl out of her hiding spot in the floor. Her Long Dirty blonde hair with perfect waves was now matted and tangled and her bright pink cheeks were stained with tears as she pulled herself up to search for her family. She could feel the eeriness of the mansion as she slowly made her way through the corridors she saw no one not even her cherished butler Ruben. She walked to the dining room and saw something no one should her her olive green eyes grew wide in shock as she saw her beloved mother, father, brothers slaughtered and hung on the wall drained of blood. "MAMA! PAPA! CHARLES! ROMAN! LESTER! SEBASTIAN! WAKE UP!" She screamed while shaking each one. It was a horrific sight for Liza as she trembled to the ground crying.

Liza sat there for a couple of hours digesting the scene in front of her until someone called her name.

"LIZA! MOTHER! FATHER! BROTHERS! I'm finally home!" Came the loud rambling of her oldest brother Tristan who had been given the title of Lord of Carleton due to his education and his closeness with the previous Lord.

Liza heard this and started mumbling Brother and then started running to his voice.

Tristan saw his beautiful little sister her olive green eyes bloodshot and her blonde hair matted and dirty he knew something was wrong and he started running in the direction she just came from. What he saw angered him he thought his family would be safe in a different land that was kinder and more human then any of the others… turns out he was very wrong.

After the Funeral Liza Went to Carleton with her brother because he was all she had left, Tristen sat in the carriage silently has he watched his sweet little sister sleep, "what am I going to do with her, she just a child she won't survive these lands her beautiful heart would be corrupted by the creatures in the lands" Tristen said to himself he knew she would never die because of her curse to be immortal, no one else knew about this but him not even his family. He had known since he stilled lived in their tiny cottage in rolling hills Liza once fell off the roof and broke her neck she was dead but then a few moment later as he sat there crying his little sister jumped up like nothing happened. He knew she was dead a few moments before this he checked her pulse and felt the life leave her and then all of sudden she was back happy as can be, so he did some digging on his family. He found out that his family bloodline had been cursed some to die young some to live normally but a few to live forever to witness tragedy over and over again the worst possible curse. Tristan looked at his kind sister and thought why her why was she cursed to see more horror then anyone should her soul was peaceful and bright he could never understand…