
Chaos Eyes

In a planet we called earth in year 2020 a catastrophe accured in different parts of the world in which a dimensional rift opened making way for creatures which is called chaos beings to invade our planet killing millions of people along the way. inspite of the world's government successfully defending the planet they still fear the second coming of these invaders. Thus the government formed a secret organization that will one day defeat the chaos beings and they called it Defenders. In year 2030 ten years after the catastrophe that shook the world a teenager named Jhin Kaizaki a survivor of the catastrophe found himself in a peculiar situation wherein he found himself having an ability to see the future.... Follow Kaizaki everyday life as it changes and knows the reason why he can see the future (Picture not mine. but the edit is mine. just saw it on Google. if the original artist saw this. pls tell me so that I can put the credit to you)

Moe_Cyan_Pile · ファンタジー
256 Chs

Chapter 78: [Ryuuji's Resolve]

[China, Shanghai]

As the debris fell in the desolate area, one could see some parts of the known buildings from it started breaking apart just from the recoil of the explosions

But among those rubbles one could see Ryuuji struggling to climb up from a certain pit as he heaved heavily due to the fact that he was almost caught off guard by such a trap

After wiping off the smut on his face, he then started looking around as he tries to find anything similarly dangerous before he proceeded

"If my speculations are right then... Such mechanics must surely be either a trap or a decoy..."

At this moment as he thought of this, Jessica on the other hand got cought out on something as she reported something to him

(Hey Ryuuji! Do you have contacts with Jinwoo?)

"Why? What happened?" Asked Ryuuji upon hearing a worried voice

(It's just that Ai has been trying to get a connection on his communicator for a while now, but she can't... It's like her signal is jammed)

"Jammed? What? Are you suggesting that there may be other people out there rather than us?

(It's a possibility right? For example the terrorist...)

After thinking through about it even Ryuuji felt what Jessica had said was quite reasonable as he replied

"Your right... But when was your last contact?"

(About 15 minutes ago, when Jinwoo went towards the path leading towards Mongolia)

"National crossing border?"


With that Ryuuji then fell silent a for a moment as he clicked his tongue before replying

"Fine! I'll do what I can to reach him, on the other hand send people who can check on him out immediately"

(We're on it)


After that Ryuuji turned off the comms as he turned his gaze around and speculated something

"If my hunch is right, then there might be something in this ruins that I'm not seeing"

Determined to find out something, Ryuuji then returned his sword to the space where he usually stores it, before dashing forward, jumping buildings to buildings

When he reach the top of the building, he realized that due to the explosion, many chaos being got attracted by it, this many checked it out but found nothing

Ignoring the fact that there are a sea of chaos beings below, he then once more gone inside the building beside him and begun searching for answers inside

As he searched high and low, as expected Ryuuji almost found nothing in this desolate area, not even one clue

"Weird... How come some clones of that kid is here as a trap yet there is nothing here? Is it perhaps a decoy to lead everyone to think that there is something on here that were not seeing?"

As he said that, he suddenly felt chills all over as he immediately lounged forward to dodge the initial strike of a mantis type chaos beast

Surprised by this, Ryuuji immediately made a flip and slide as he reached out behind him and pulled out Ifrit from inside who's storage

Putting more weight on his knees, Ryuuji then charged forward as flames engulfed Ifrit, as he slash out his sword towards the mantis type chaos beast, causing the hallway to turn ablaze

With the intense heat being generated by the flames, it suddenly exploded loudly which reverbrated the area and alerting other Chaos being

But what's more surprising was that among the flames that Ryuuji made, a huge sharp blade came through him and slashed out, forcing Ryuuji to raise Ifrit as he got blown away

"Impossible! That mantis survived?"

Walking out of the flames, Ryuuji saw the mantis charging towards him which it's blazing hot exoskeleton

Once more Ryuuji raised his weapon to block the mantis attacks as he got blown away once more

"This is troublesome!"

As he thought of this he immediately repositioned himself as he flipped over and placed his sword horizontally aligned as he slashed out another wave of flames towards the mantis

Once more the hallway was set ablaze by the hot flames generated by the attacks


Activating the powers in his eyes, Ryuuji's words then triggered the ground beneath the mantis to crumble apart as it thrown the mantis into imbalanced position

"Blown away!"

Again with his word the mantis once more got blown away by an unknown forced as it crashed against one building next to them

As he saw the mantis got blown away he suddenly saw more chaos beings climbing their way up of this place

Seeing this he then charged below as he focused on lessening the numbers of chaos beast here and there as he hacked them down one by one

At one point he then once more attacked again as he suddenly felt like someone was watching him from somewhere

After hacking down one chaos beast, Ryuuji once more saw the mantis slashing down it's blade towards him

Reacting to that Ryuuji immediately parried the blade as he struck hard on its exoskeleton yet it won't get damaged


Shocked by its toughness, Ryuuji was then forced to retreat by a few steps back as he charged once more and slashed out his sword Ifrit

With a loud explosion Ryuuji once more got blown away as the mantis stood tall and tough

The moment Ryuuji landed far from it, a cold glint suddenly shined for a moment on the mantis eyes, when it suddenly disappeared and reappeared infront of Ryuuji


Facing the blade attack coming from the mantis, Ryuuji then countered it with his own attack as each strikes he landed had successfully blocked the mantis attacks

Seeing such a thing pressuring him even Ryuuji was speechless by such a thing actually happening at the moment

With a click of his tongue he then out maneuvered the mantis as he spun around and tried attacking behind it

Just as he expected the mantis did tried to block him from doing that

As if seeing an opportunity to bring it down slashed out his sword once more as he took his distance and stabbed the sword against the ground as he poured out his Mana to activate one of Ifrits skills

"Fire dragon's!"

Soon six streak of flames in a shape of a dragons assaulted the mantis this causing a huge explosion engulfing it

After that Ryuuji then dashed far behind.the flames as slashed at it

Just as expected the mantis was caught off guard as it got ablaze once more by Ryuuji's flames, but before with could do anything it suddenly felt a tiny presence behind it, which easily killed the mantis

Seeing the huge corpse of such mantis on the floor, even Ryuuji felt something was amiss as such creatures was really hard work on trying them out

Sighing a little Ryuuji felt off about such situation as he felt once more the feeling of being watched

"I don't know who's watching me right now, but such a feeling of being spied on is really uncomfortable"

As he thought of this, he then followed the trail of such sight towards another building near him

"Over there?..."

With a thought he then decided to head over to that building