
chaos dragon

In a world where mythical creatures, ancient gods and supernatural beings coexist, two souls destined to meet.

MonarcaAz · アクション
1 Chs

Prologue - Memories

After going through all the tests, I couldn't help but sigh. Just thinking that I could have died, that is really scary. The huge labyrinth was changing its structure over time, my disappointment was that I couldn't figure this out sooner.

Perhaps if I had figured this out, I might have a chance of finding this place much faster?

My own ignorance made me foolish, thinking that I could just walk into the cave without any plan. I felt my whole body tremble as I realized that there was a small chance that I would leave my daughter alone in the world.

All this was put aside when I arrived on the scene. I noticed these symbols in some parts of the cave. They could have gone unnoticed, but this was not the case. After I found out about the symbols, I guided myself through them to this place.

A large metal door that could easily be more than five meters high and three meters wide stood before my eyes. On the door, I noticed other symbols similar to the ones I observed in the cave.

I didn't think I could open the large door, it looked really heavy, but I had no confidence that I could get back the same way. All that was left for me to do was to try to open the door.

I decided to see if I could open the big door, but as I touched it, the symbols carved into it began to glow in a bluish hue.


The door moved slowly and I could hear the sound of creaking metal.

There was no light in the room and the area was completely dark to the point that I could not see my own hands right in front of me.

I decided to take the flashlight from my bag, when a sharp sound caught my attention.

Several torches were lit, allowing me to get a view of the whole place: a chamber large enough to fit more than five hundred people easily, and in the center of it was something that surprised me.

I decided to walk over to the site to make sure I wasn't mistaken, and as I got close enough I was sure of what I saw.

A person was sitting in the center of the large room. There were chains attached to the ceiling, holding her arms in place and preventing her from moving. On her legs there were also chains attached to the floor.

On each chain there were a total of four pieces of paper with symbols similar to the ones on the labyrinth and on the big door. On his head there was something to obstruct his vision. What appeared to be a cloth that concealed his face also had the same symbols on it.

These symbols were everywhere, which made me realize that it was not just for decoration.

I observed the person in front of me covered by a white hooded cloak that concealed the rest of his head that would be exposed.


I decided to say something, but no answers.

"Can you hear me?"

Again, no answers.

I couldn't know for sure how long I had been there. This place left me with a strange feeling, as if part of my life force was drained with each passing moment.

I felt a bit of a headache, but it was nothing that could bother me.

I moved closer and decided to check the person in front of me. I moved the hood of his head, but first I removed the paper which was attached to the hood and then the ones on his face.


After removing all the papers with symbols, his weak voice reached my ears. He seemed to be speaking in a different language.

"I don't understand..."

I couldn't help but sigh.

"***** Here..."


I could understand his last words.

"How did you get here...?"

His words became clear. I could understand every word that came out of his mouth and it made me excited.

"I went into the cave and managed to find this place."

I noticed the excited tone in my voice. I couldn't contain it since it took a while to get to the place and I was rewarded with a peculiar discovery.

"You shouldn't be here..."

He was shaking his head slightly, trying to remove the cloth that impeded his vision.

I decided I could do that. I slowly removed the cloth that was obstructing his vision.

His young appearance delighted my eyes, his voice was firm, but looking closely, he seemed fragile and delicate.

The young man began to blink continuously, perhaps trying to get used to the brightness, but this made his face even more evident. After getting used to it, he began to watch me. He had long silver hair while his eyes glowed an intense red.

His red eyes watched me as if they were analyzing me while he continued in silence.

"You know, you're kind of cute."

I smiled trying to sound like someone nice, but that didn't change the expression on his face.

"Are you the type who likes to play? I have a friend who will like you."

"Really? Is he married?"

I noticed a small smile appear at the corner of his lips.

"Oh? You know how to smile?"

"You shouldn't be here. Get out before they notice..."

I don't know if it's something unusual, but this boy doesn't seem like someone who would cause harm, so only one question remains:

"Why are you here?"

Something that was eating me up inside as I tried my best to figure out the answer.

The remnants of a smile disappeared from his face as if it was never there in the first place.

"Would you believe me if I told you I hurt a god?"

He can't hide the surprise on my face, but the tone of his voice sounded serious. Serious enough to make me believe it, at least I decided to understand his situation better.

"Oh! Is that serious? Wait! Gods really exist?"

"Yes, But we are not talking about the same god, I assume. The god responsible for holding me here is different from the god you know..."

Just hurting a god is enough to receive this treatment? This god is someone self-centered, or maybe it wasn't just a "hurt" as he speaks. Any option is valid...

I approached. He was just a handsome looking boy. Using my own judgment, I thought that he didn't seem to be someone who would hurt a person for no reason. I could be wrong in my thinking, but somehow, I couldn't think otherwise.

I forced the chains on his arms, but they wouldn't move. No matter how much force I used, it looked like I was trying to move a rock.

"What are you doing?"

He looked at me perplexed by my actions, yet I had no intention of stopping. My only thought was to remove the chains.

"Isn't that a simple answer? I am setting you free."

"No! You mustn't. If you do, you will only suffer..."

His voice remained serious, yet sadness was also evident.

I noticed that he didn't want to be here, but he had no ways to leave the place on his own.

"You hurt a god, right? So you can protect me."

I am the only adult in the place, so I must show this child that I have some trust, even if that trust is in the very boy trapped before my eyes.

"You ask me this, but don't you have a time-derived ability?"

I tilted my head a little to the side, trying my best to understand his words, but I could not hide my ignorance on the subject.

"Do you know that difficult words for lay people should be considered a crime?"

"..... You have the skill of'Knowledge' derived from'Time'. You should have all the answers you seek."

So that's it.

"Sorry, but I don't remember having anything like that..."

It was the boy's turn to be confused.

"Sigh... We'll leave it at that then..."

I tried again to remove the chains, but to no avail.

It shouldn't be that heavy, in fact, the chains were thin for that reason it didn't make sense. The weight is not compatible with the appearance.

"You should remove the seals."

That's when I finally understood. When I removed the cloak from his head, that cloak had several symbols on it.

I thought that wouldn't make sense, just a few papers could leave such heavy chains? I know I'm not the smartest person, but even thinking about it, it doesn't make sense.

Nothing I have witnessed so far made sense, so I decided to just perform my actions, based on what he said, I removed the papers with symbols from the chains and as if by magic, the chains fell off.

At this point I couldn't be easily surprised, I already accepted that the world doesn't work as I thought.

"This could be used in some games. Remind me to get the contact information of the person responsible for creating this thing, I will need..."

My words came out as a mumble as the boy just got up from his seat.

He began rubbing his wrists against the spot where the chains had been, they had left some marks since the boy might have been here for a long time.

I sensed that the boy was having difficulty standing up, due to his weak physique. Upon closer inspection, I noticed his pale skin caused by the lack of sunlight.

He did not seem to be eating properly. His body was quite weak, this was evident to anyone who saw him.

"Thank you..."

His few words conveyed sadness, joy, confusion, disbelief. Various emotions that could not be described, but I knew better than anyone what that feeling was.

I got close enough and hugged him. Perhaps because I have a small daughter, I can think, not as a woman, but as a mother watching a helpless child.

"It's all right now. You don't have to worry."

I felt his heavy breathing as he tried to contain his emotions, but it was not possible to hide everything, I felt tears falling on my shoulders as he squeezed me tighter and tighter.

It is not me who should speak these words, but I am here at this moment. Comforting a child is an adult's job. I don't know what conflicts he has been involved in, or what he has witnessed, but I do know that he, at this moment, needs someone.

"Come on, I'll take you to my house. It will be much better to talk in a comfortable place."

I have no idea how to get out of the place, but I felt so much confidence in my words that I believed them. Can it be called overconfidence?

"That reminds me, I still don't know your name."

He turned away. After running my hand over his face, I felt his gaze looking in my direction. His presence didn't seem tired like before.

"True... My name is-"



I looked towards the ceiling, still sleepy. I guided my eyes to where the voice was and noticed the presence of a child who appeared to be just over six years old.

Was it a dream?

His long black hair tied up in a ponytail fell across my face and his large violet eyes watched my face like a mother watching her child... Just his smile was enough, but that smile was wrapped in concern.

I always found her taste in clothes interesting, and she was currently wearing a short gothic Lolita dress.

Even though she appeared to be just a child, her eyes showed wisdom.


"Yes, yes. I'm already awake."

I got up, but was stopped by the girl who lay on my chest pulling me down without any warning.

"She's here."

With her words I remembered the subject I was supposed to take care of today. I was to receive the sister of a friend. She will be with me for a year and I should be responsible for her training.

At this moment I should be present to receive her, but I have no intention of going there. In fact, I have never agreed with the choice made behind my back. I will reject any other way of approaching her in a future, but since I found out afterwards that everything had already happened, there was no chance to reject.

"Noir, does Alice know where I am?"

Noir shook his head slowly.

This was to be expected. I have only recently arrived and have not told you about my location. Maybe I can enjoy a little peace before she finds out where I am.

"You will not receive Eriel?"

"I have no intention of doing so."

Noir watched me while looking a little sad.

"I wanted to know how she is currently..."

I stroked his head.

"Don't worry, you'll have a year to do that."

"If it's up to you that won't happen, right?"

I smiled bitterly, already knowing the answer.

"That's true, but... I have no opinion, you know? It was all decided without my consent anyway."

I looked at the place where I was standing. It was the greenhouse located at the back of the mansion. An area with various flowers of different species handpicked by a special person.

Each flower here has a meaning that I cannot describe. That was the reason why it was so quiet in this place. Smelling the roses, while lying under a tree that provides me a nice shade, I can't think of a better situation.

"Az, I'm hungry."

"And I surprised the topic of conversation suddenly changed."

Noir, lying on my chest, stood up. She started walking toward the greenhouse exit.

"Don't overdo it."

"Got it!"

She left the scene leaving me with my thoughts.

I should rest a little more....

I felt my eyes slowly closing. I only had that moment to sleep before Alice found me. It wouldn't take long... Zenith will soon get in touch with her.

I wondered what the future holds...

I noticed that I had fallen asleep again without realizing it. I woke up soon to notice Noir returning.

She was not alone..., a person was beside her.

A face that I had not observed for several years, but which was present in my memory, and it was almost impossible to forget this face.

Our eyes met for a moment, and that was when I remembered a distant past, something I struggled to forget...