
Chaos Box

In a futuristic society, the largest gaming company in the world creates a new virtual reality game with infinite promises, the game called Pandora Box. And a recently retired young man finds himself face to face with this game, aiming to fulfill his friend's request and occupy his time. This young man enters this "second world", to discover more about himself, adventure, fight, see interesting, fantasy, mythological, legendary things and much more. Will the book follow this young man's adventures with friends, family and even romance? Note: The book is BL, so for those who don't like it, I don't recommend reading it.

GreatDaoofspace · ゲーム
14 Chs

Race selected and a surprise??

After a while I finally chose the race.

I decided to go with the Beastkind Aeros, the reason is because I particularly liked the skill of the flying ability.

<You chose the Beastkind Aeros race...random process being carried out...from what was chosen it will not be changed, do you want to continue?>


<Breed selected. The goddess Gaia admires your physical appearance and intervenes slightly...she casts a small glow of luck that will allow for other possibilities...>

<You have been given a rare opportunity. Selected hybrid breed: Half Aeros(Blue Macaw) Aquos(Humpback Whale Species>

<Do you want to follow? Note: Hybrids are rare, but should also be careful when choosing this path as hybrids regardless of race often excluded and seen with prejudice, it may more difficult get along some NPCs, especially in the Beastkind group which sometimes strain capabilities subgroup species clans>

Seeing the notifications I was speechless that my appearance, which sometimes causes me problems, would somehow help me… as for the grade, I understood, but I still found it an intriguing and curious opportunity.

Of course I didn't know, but in addition to luck, it was really rare that the goddess Gaia hardly sends her aspect to monitor the process of generating new souls blessed by Arganon and Yggdrasil. But coupled with the fact that the server has just opened up, the luck and unfeasibility of the goddess Gaia is what gave this opportunity, this does not mean that others will not have opportunities but it will be variable... in addition to knowing whether it is something good or not will be seen in the future .

Regardless, the holograms disappeared and only one appeared.

The same height as I am in the real world with long blue-black hair that flowed like an ocean from his head. With beautiful and beautiful bird wings with tones mixing light and dark blues, beautiful and beautiful with a small respiratory system on the side of its neck.

The clothes have also changed slightly to a blue tone with marks from wind, leaves and water, although the overall style has not changed.

<Do you want to change some features? Note: It is only possible the height and size of hair a little, due racial characteristics it not colors face cannot be changed either, at least when creating profile.>

"No, you can continue"

<Breed and profile created>

<Now we will proceed to the beginner village…< p>

Starter villages are special dimensions created for blessed beings (players) to be able to adapt to the world, in general they are neutral zones before the real world and game begins. Each player will be able to leave the village by choosing a class at level 5 and reaching level 10>

<Good luck player!!! In your new world!>

And without waiting for me to respond, a light shone and took me from that place.

And when I came out looking like a woman with green hair like nature itself and an impeccable beauty, wearing a white dress with vines, plants emerged from the tree.

"A handsome young man... who was lucky enough to be a hybrid... I'm curious about his future... let's see if there's any other soul that catches my attention... now I have to get back to my duties..."

She spoke and began to walk in the water and among the projections of the tree and its branches looking for souls that interested her in some way.

In a city with western tones and buildings that used western renaissance architecture with a simple but beautiful fantasy tone.

Several lights appeared and individuals came out of them, some had heads or parts of animals, others had elongated ears, others were like skeletons and others were simple humans and there were even individuals a little shorter and with bulky bodies.

I appeared in a corner of the square and observed the surroundings while stretching my body. The sensation of air, touch, auditory, olfactory and visual sensations were very realistic.

And while I was watching, several notifications rang in my head and appeared in front of me.

<World Began>

<Mission: Let's Open our Status and Inventory>


Mission: Let's Open our Status and Inventory


-Open your status to find out more about yourself.

–Open your inventory.

Reward: 2 nutrient balls and a bottle of water, game introduction book, Mission: Choose your weapon.

Description: Start start!!



I spoke out loud and the cute little blue screen appeared in front of me.



Name: Alan

Race: Half Aeros Half Aquos.

Title: None

Class: None

Subclass: None

Level 1 Persona: 0

HP: 100%

MP: 100%

Physical status

Vitality: 3

Strength: 3

Agility: 3

Magic Status:

Wisdom: 2

Intelligence: 2

Special status:

Luck: 2 (one given by the goddess Gaia)


Racial skill: Aerial race, Sea creature, transformation.

Class Skill: None

Subclass Skill: None

Skills arranged by special or other means: Inspect.

Item: None


Looking at the status I saw that some of them were increased, probably due to the racial bonus, and the other one that caught my attention was the extra luck point given by Gaia.

Additionally, I decided to read the available Skills.


Skill: Aerial race

Type: Racial.

Function: Passive

It is made:

-Ability to fly.

-Ability to extract the wings.

Description: The ability of species that have the gift of air and the ability to fly.


Skill: Being of the sea.

Type: Racial.

Function: Passive

It is made:

-Ability to breathe underwater and move faster by swimming.

-Greater connection with water.

-Strong connection especially with the sea and ocean given its subspecies.

Description: The ability of species that have the gift of the ocean and water.



Type: Racial.

Function: Passive

It is made:

-Transformations into small and simple forms (normal animal forms).


Description: The typical ability of the Beastkind-type race.


These 3 are racial Skills, two of them belonging to the subgroup and one appears to be a typical racial Skill.

As for the last Skill…..



Type: Observational

Rank: Normal.

It is made:

-Allows depending on the level difference and over some limits to see the description of things and status of others.

Description: A basic ability that all living beings have in this world.


"Well…here they transformed it into a Skill, does that mean there are better versions? Most games, from what Lívia told me, make this Skill act as a normal function of the game, as well as status and chat." I muttered as I watched and after seeing this I decided.

Open my inventory.

the typical inventory screen with around 15 squares available.

< Inventory- A capacity that any living being in this world has, can be expanded by special rewards or by paying gold. No living being can be placed in it.>

The...so it has the function of expanding here. And after I closed the inventory, other notifications appeared.

< Mission completed. rewards received: 2 nutrient balls and a bottle of water, game introduction book, Mission: Choose your weapon>

< View items in inventory >

And when I finished reading these notifications, another one appeared.

what do you think abou the race?

GreatDaoofspacecreators' thoughts