
Chaos and entertainment


TheCheeseCat · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

Chapter 1

This will be a system novel suck it up 2) it will be a harem novel suck that up too 3) it is a combo of every power I wanted for my characters but I did not want to write 3 separate books so yeah very overpowered.

The air fluctuations that were made after each round was fired from the rifles made Adam's heart pound with enough adrenaline to forget the hole in his left calf spewing blood, and the alarms that screamed with the intensity of a live grenade. The familiar concrete tunnel never seemed to have been this extensive the other times he passed through these walls. Approaching a T-shaped intersection with a convenient human-sized metallic box against the right wall gave Adam hope. He used the last of the power in his legs to make a sharp right turn around the box blocking the bullets that were aimed straight at his head.

 Finally gaining a split second, he remembered why, his grandparents, and how they took him in as a kid when even his parents abandoned him. He promised them that he would always be strong and pursue his dreams no matter how absurd they seemed, and no matter how many people would think hell of him. As he reached the end of the hall with stairs leading to a heavenly snow-white wasteland he could only remorse that neither he nor his grandparents would live to see his dream.

"GOD!" Adam screamed with enough fury to topple an empire. "I see you have forsaken your son, but unfortunately for you, I hold no resentment to the way that you left me behind, I have no hate for the people you created to end my life, and I have no hate for those that stabbed me in the back time and time again!"

The clouds folded around Adam as he let out his vow and he remembered the worst things that had happened to him. On his 10th birthday, his grandparents moved, tearing him away from everyone that had once mattered to him, but he held no anger toward them because it was just the wheels of fate turning on their own with no regard to thought. On his 15th birthday, he had his first heartbreak as his girlfriend was kissing his best friend in the living room. Even so, he simply ended the relationship and had no hate for what they had done. On his 17th birthday his grandparents died and on his 18th birthday his only family, a dog named Enoch, had passed away due to getting run over by a drunk driver. Despite these transgressions and many more, he had no hate directed at fate or people who did horrible things.

"STAND DOWN!" a guard yells as Adam looks back with dead eyes.

"Why? For the first time in my life, I have control over other human life. For the first time, I can choose who faces despair and you stop me."

"You have lost your mind! You are not God!" the guard attempts reason but when someone who never had power obtains an unreasonable amount there is just no logic and reason. 

"Why, What defines a God?" letting out a sickening smile he holds out a very royal-looking cube, intricate designs coating the surface as everyone stops to witness the greatness "This is America!" twisting the cube Adam continues a fever-fueled rant "I'm a cold-blooded capitalist and since God Is dead, all of you will be my capital bitch!" as he finishes twisting the cube everyone sees a bright white light with an enormous explosion then all goes dark. 

For all except Adam.

Adam looks around with a faint feeling of disbelief, before letting out a laugh that could even make God feel slight concern for his mental health. Alas, this happiness did not last long as all good things might come to an end, but Adam was not even slightly deterred. His policy on life was to do as many fun things as you could before you die, and you would be incorrect if you assumed that he would stop over something stupid like dying. Granted even though he was a consensus it was not exactly like he knew where he was…well he did it was just not very exciting. He presumed he was in the void. Black everywhere and without light but still enough that you thought you could see fine, it was similar to dreaming about being at the bottom of the ocean. Not enough to touch the floor but you could think about the floor and feel it as if you were touching it even though you were not. 

Alas no matter how much time had passed this feeling would not go away, Adam wondered if he had finally found hell in all his life. A true hell was disappointing, Adam had trained to ensure the physical as much as possible but mental damage was something that would last forever. Fear gripped his heart, one could think about the consequences and train to not falter but it was impossible to know if you could handle something until the time came. Still, that fear eventually subsided with time and so did excitement. Emotions like rage, happiness, depression, regret, and even things like existential crisis became null and nothing to his life. And so time passed, and passed, and passed, and nothing felt like anything anymore he had lost his skin at one point, then his bones and other parts of his person. If he was a person. Who was he? He felt he could remember but it was not needed, or was it? He felt frustration for the first time in eons, something he could not figure out, why!? It still remembered the rage from himself that he had forgotten a long time ago, but why was it angry, and what were the unanswered questions? 

Feeling the frustration build, the creature begged someone to help it, just one question, that was all it needed, who am I, what am I, HELP ME! Finally, the begging stopped as a blue light showed itself.

"I have heard your plea for help and have answered your call. '' It had no idea where this voice came from but it said it had answers to its questions and so it steelled itself. It remembered what had caused its previous death, stupid, fucking, contracts, and it hatted them with a passion. Still, nothing good was ever achieved without a contract just as much as the bad, no matter the grudge it could be subsided. 'What is required' ... "Oh straight to the point I truly like the way that you think! .. However, even though I feel true sympathy for your position, I have not had the time to access your previous form." … 'My disappointment is immeasurable' … "Oh don't say that just because I can't doesn't mean you can't. I have been looking for a new servant, one that is loyal to me as they will hold on to unimaginable power with time, one that can fulfill what I request without batting an eye to the questions that are raised but still pursuing the question of their own self..The contracts you hated so much in your last life will become your greatest weapon, you can take everything and anything from them just like they took your life from you, second, you were a gambling man and far more importantly a gambling man that won, in exchange you will gain the power to increase or decrease your power based off of an optional dice roll of your ability, and the last one will be explained if you accept the deal"

"All will be explained in time but now your question given these powers do you accept your deal. To find who you are?" … 'The creature looked at it's pure black hand that seemed to radiate nonexistent fire representing the fire within its soul, I whom do and don't exist accept your proposition until I find who I am I will serve you in your interests while finding what I am'

As the creature finishes the deal, the void shifts and transforms the large God smiling from it's many new mouths that did not exist a second ago, but with the change an immense amount of energy filled the void not only from the God but the void itself as the God shouted "Behold, mortals of the ever-shifting realms! Witness the birth of a Changeling, a kaleidoscopic marvel of ceaseless transformation, embodying the boundless possibilities of change. As the architect of fate, I, Tzeentch, unleash this enigmatic force upon the tapestry of reality, where chaos and evolution intertwine in perpetual dance! Congratulations my child as I bequeath on you your first form in your ever extensive quest to find who you are, to start an unsuspecting human named Adam"

"Now leave to your first planet that you will trick and conquer in the name of I, my chaos-fueled child go and take money and fuck bitches of king topling empires for shits and giggles, Hehsh, HehEHeh, HEHEH, HEAHHAEHAEHE, HAHAHAHAHAHA" With newfound powers from Tzeentch, Adam, now a Changeling, embarks in chaos. Armed with cosmic contracts and the ability to alter his fate, he will weave through unsuspecting empires, leaving chaos in his wake.