
Changing The Uchiha Starts From Flipping The Tables!

After crossing over to the world of Naruto and becoming a member of the Uchiha clan, he finds himself three years before the Uchiha Clan Massacre. Suspicion and distrust towards the Uchiha clan in the village have reached their peak. Intra-clan power struggles, intense surveillance from the higher-ups, and misunderstandings from the villagers all mirror the events of the original story. If Yano doesn't take action, the inevitable outcome will be the entire clan meeting their end at the hands of their own kin, Itachi! Facing a dire situation from the very beginning, Yano knows it's better to rely on himself than others. - Factional disputes? He'll cut through them. - High-level scrutiny? He'll replace the higher-ups. - Internal rescue efforts failing? He'll find a way from the outside. Remember the name - Uchiha Yano! *** Author: Meng Yin Qian Qian Translator- AlmightySkyDxddy

AlmightySkyDxddy · アニメ·コミックス
16 Chs

Chapter 10

We are the first clan of the Sharingan in the ninja world. We possess the pride that belongs to the Uchiha!

We will never bow down to anyone, nor will we beg for mercy.

"Clan Leader, I hope you can convene a clan meeting to discuss the issue of the Clan Softliners.

I believe that the Softliners no longer need to exist. They will only make us weak, cause us to bow our heads, and lose the dignity and pride of our clan."

Building reputation, rallying the people, dealing with the Softliners and the Hardliners, these were steps Yano wanted to take strengthen his position within the Uchiha.

The Softliners, with the least voices and members, became Yano's first target.

Furthermore, the actions of the Softliners were truly despicable.

The Hardliners might be considering a rebellion, but at least they dared to act on their thoughts. What about the Softliners?

Other than constantly bowing down and submitting, what else could they do?

"Clan Leader, we support this!"

The members of the Third Squad immediately voiced their support.

With their lead, more and more clan members chose to support the proposal to convene a clan meeting and discuss the issue of the Softliners.

Looking at the once unruly squad, now obediently following Yano's lead, Fugaku's heart was filled with mixed emotions.

These few people, who used to give him headaches no matter who dealt with them, were all troublesome.

Now, things were different. After becoming Yano's subordinates, one after another, they became obedient.

Faced with the requests of many clan members, even if Fugaku was reluctant, he could only grit his teeth and agree. He sent someone to invite a few elders to come to the Clan Leader's residence.

Shisui's figure appeared somewhat desolate.

At this moment, he had become a thorn in the eyes of the clan members, a troublemaker within the ranks.

Even the members of his own squad didn't dare to approach their captain, afraid of incurring the scorn and targeting of the clan members.

Who could have imagined that Shisui, with good intentions to resolve conflicts between the clan and the village, would end up like this?

Did Yano do something wrong?

No, he didn't. Yano's intervention was actually for the sake of the clan.

When you compare him to Shisui, you'll realize who truly cares for his own people.

Shisui's mind was filled with thoughts on how to resolve the conflicts between the clan and the village, how to integrate the clan into the village.

But he never thought that the issues between the Uchiha and the village needed to be fundamentally addressed, not by relying on high-level nonsense, and certainly not by relying on some absurd Will of Fire.

The news of the disturbance at the police department quickly spread within the clan.

In no time, there were many within the clan who berated Shisui.

Everyone felt that Shisui, as an Uchiha, had taken the wrong stance. He only considered outsiders and disregarded his own people.

On the contrary, every criticism directed at Shisui meant more good reputation for Yano.

The Clan Leader's residence remained the same, but the atmosphere was slightly heavier.

Because someone was about to make a move against the factions within the clan.

Uchiha Yano.

This name wasn't unfamiliar to the clan elders from before, but not many paid much attention to him.

However, starting from the last clan meeting, he had completely entered their hearts.

In just a few days, he had done several things that had a significant impact on the Uchiha.

And now, with the incident of the police department disturbance, Yano seized this opportunity to start dealing with the Softliners.

Unfortunately, faced with the requests of many clan members, Fugaku as the Clan Leader had no choice but to agree.

Without even a chance for a private conversation with Yano, Fugaku found himself in a difficult position.

"I knew this kid wouldn't stay put. First, he questioned our position with the Clan Leader, then he demanded the Clan Leader to go to the Hokage's office to negotiate and complain. Soon after, he started messing with other things. What does he really want to do?"

The Sixth Elder shouted in frustration, "Doesn't he have any respect for us, the elders?"

"Sixth Elder, don't be angry," the Head Elder chuckled and said, "I quite like this kid Yano. He suits my taste. Besides, when has he questioned the Clan Leader and ignored us?"

"Moreover, everything he has done has been for the betterment of the clan. Don't you want the clan to thrive?"

"...," the Sixth Elder remained silent. Did I dare to say otherwise about these matters? I'm afraid I'd be scolded by the clan members.

The Sixth Elder's face turned red with anger. The others had gotten used to their quarrels between the Hardliners and the Softliners.

Fortunately, Fugaku's arrival temporarily halted the argument.

Fugaku had brought Yano along to this clan meeting, signaling that the heads of the police department squads did not have the qualifications to participate.

Factional disputes had come to a temporary stop, but it didn't mean that the Softliners would let Yano off the hook.

As soon as Yano sat down, the Sixth Elder began to vent, "Uchiha Yano, do you still have any respect for us, the elders and our predecessors? Who gave you the right to sit here?"

"Haha~," a few Hardliner elders chuckled without offering any assistance. They were curious to see how Yano would deal with the challenge from the Sixth Elder.

Fugaku, sitting at the main seat, remained silent.

Yano had barely sat down when the firing began.

Yano turned his head and gazed at the self-righteous Sixth Elder, with a slight smirk on his lips. Suddenly, the Three Tomoe Sharingan in his eyes activated.

"Ugh...," nobody had expected Yano to be so assertive, instantly acting without hesitation, and not just anyone but one of the clan elders.

Yano's speed caught everyone off guard.

Before they could react, the ever-yelling Sixth Elder had already been struck.

The Sixth Elder, who had been fierce and shouting loudly just a moment ago, froze in place as if someone had pressed the pause button. Then, he suddenly leaped up, as if he had encountered something terrifying, screaming loudly and clawing at his own clothes as if something dreadful was clinging to him.

"You ignorant fool, who gave you the courage to shout at me?" Yano said coldly.

If the person sitting across from him were Uchiha Shisui, Yano would still be on his guard, but he could easily overpower an elder with declining strength who was far from his prime.

Apart from his position as an elder, he was nothing more than a worthless individual. If Yano wished, he could end him in an instant.

Over the past six months, with a significant amount of chakra, Sharingan eye power, and Chakra fusion with the brothers Indra and Asura, Yano's strength had already reached a terrifying level. He had just never shown it.

Dealing with an elder with declining strength was no different from killing a chicken. He could resolve the matter with just one genjutsu.

In fact, he had copied quite a few insights into genjutsu from Shisui and now used them on the Sixth Elder.