
Changing relationships

Changing relationships

DaoistDTayWe · 都市
1 Chs

Changing relationships

Changing Relationships Part 3

Nagina was having a very difficult night, I don't know why she was restless. Has Arshad cast a spell, why am I not getting peace, why is my heart restless, why do I want to listen to you, Nagina was asking herself countless questions. Nagina was not having the courage to talk to Arshad, there was only one mobile in the house, which Nagina rarely used. He dared again and this time Arshad's call came but Nagina could not pick up the call and the call was cut.

. This time Nagina answered the call again, this time the call was answered by the other side. Hello Who Hello Hello Nagina was so quiet that not even a single word came out of her mouth and she switched off her mobile phone and went to sleep.

(to be continued)

As soon as I woke up in the morning, the first thought came to Arshad and upon turning on the mobile phone, I was both happy and surprised to read the message. I know you are beautiful, my voice was not so bad that you didn't even speak.

I will wait for you at the bus stop at 8 o'clock. Nagina had reached the bus stop earlier today.

Arshad came late, Nagina was in a state of anger but did not say anything and sat directly in Arshad's car. Nagina stopped singing and asked the reason for coming late. Now Nagina was finding herself more vulnerable than before.

. Someone who cares was coming in his life. Nagina had a habit of not talking much, but Arshad used to talk to Arshad from nowhere, he used to make Nagina laugh a lot. . Arshad asked Nagina with a questioning look.

. No, I'm getting late for college and why should I see what you think of me and I had to reach college early today, that's when I sat in your car, otherwise I'm not that kind of girl. Arshad was laughing in his heart after listening to Nagina's innocent words and smiling on his lips.