
Changing Her Fate

Cover art is not my work | Chloe Brass works her entire life for a goal she never achieves, dying at the young age of 25 after working herself to death - quite literally. On the verge of her last breaths, she prays that if she is given a second chance, she will not take advantage of her life and waste it again. Her prayers are answered when she wakes up in the body of 21-year-old Athena Rose, a successful model and heiress daughter to a wealthy fortune. It seems all her prayers have been answered, and life couldn't be any better. It It seems everything she could ever want is at the tip of her fingers; but all good things must come to an end. While trying to live the life she always dreamed of having, Chloe is quickly learning why even Athena couldn't stand her own life, and tried to harm herself to get out of it. With new goals in mind, Chloe sets out to change her previous fate, and get revenge for the former soul of her new body. | All Rights Reserved Alice Marie 2022

AkuyaFox · 都市
40 Chs

Chapter Fourteen

"Oh dear, Miss. Do you really not remember what has happened these past few weeks? You were able to accomplish so much against your father and those terrible women. It would be such a shame for you to relapse so soon after all that work and effort, and to be fair, I thought you and Mr. Monroe were really hitting it off," Margaret continues to fret, but throws Athena a bashful look when she mentions Gabriel Monroe.

"What exactly is my relationship with Gabriel Monroe so far?" she asks.

"I wouldn't say you were close, but he seems to have become someone you admired and looked up too in sorts. From what I hear, he is a hard-headed man dedicated to his work and rarely takes time to meddle in the affairs of others, but he said he was here to apologize for something he had done earlier in the week, he thought it had made you uncomfortable and seemed to feel guilty."

Gabriel Monroe, guilty? She has never met the man, that she can recall, but she does recall the many tabloids news that was covered about him, always portraying the group president as a cold and calculated man.

But Margaret swears she has been working for him for the past 3 weeks at least, as a bookkeeper no less. She has also stepped away from her modelling career, something she has never contemplated doing, even before trying to take her own life.

Just what the hell has happened in the past month? Has she been a walking zombie?

Or was someone else living as me?

How in the world could that ever be possible? But oddly enough, when she tried to sleep again after the doctor examined her and said there doesn't seem to be anything wrong, she had a weird dream of some girl with brown hair and dark brown eyes, working at a fashion office designing clothes and working with models instead of being one.

The job she always wanted, but never got.

What was that dream about? It doesn't match what Margaret has said I've been doing.

She has never been good at math and working as a bookkeeper has never been a career choice that was mentioned or even offered to her. She was always one to do well in school but never to excel or so the potential for a position as that.

"How did I come to work for Gabriel Monroe?" she asks Margaret.

"He and is attendant almost hit you with their car, and you fainted from the shock soon after, Gabriel was the one who helped you to the hospital and paid for your medical bills and the time you spent there. I believe he offered you a job at his casino, so you could pay back the money you owe him."

What kind of deal is that? Wouldn't he have just accepted the money back instead? It isn't like she can't afford something like that, all she did was faint, it doesn't sound like she sustained any injuries, and she doesn't have any marks or scars as if she did.

"Did he not ask for money?"

Margaret shakes her head. "Mr. Monroe is an odd one that man, you had said he wasn't interested in money and wanted you to owe it back another way. From what you have said since working there, the job isn't bad, and neither is Mr. Monroe. He has offered to give you lessons to help you take over your mother's company from your father when you turn 21."

"What did you just say? Take over the company, that's absurd!"

Margaret shrinks back in shock, her lower lip trembling. She hasn't witnessed Athena act this way, since before she tried to take her life and woke up.

Has her amnesia become so bad she has once again reverted? It had seemed like she had become a different person overnight from the moment she woke up, but that was to be expected from someone who could barely remember who they were.

So, does that mean she has remembered more of who she is, but has forgot the memories she has formed since recovering from her coma? Was the headache she experienced before this blackout the mental break her mind needed to overcome the amnesia, but in turn wipe her new memories?

The only person who can get a clear enough answer, is the doctor she first went to see. Margaret remembers his number was written down in the family contact book and makes a note to call him later and ask for a home visit. Something tells her that if she asks Athena at this moment to see another doctor and question her mental stability, she won't agree to it.

She puts her hand in her pocket and feels the thin card that she was given by Mr. Monroe before he left, the card that contains his number as well.

She wanted to tell him what was going on, and that Athena no longer seems to remember the time they have spent together, or ever even meeting the man, but the look of concern and devastation on his face was too much for her to bear, and she knew he was leaving for what seemed to be an important business trip, she didn't want him to leave with that thought and not be able to see her before leaving.

Margaret has lived long enough to know when she sees a man in love, especially one that is clueless to the fact himself. Athena herself seemed slightly infatuated with the man the past few weeks, but now can't even remember spending any time with him or the feats she has accomplished thanks to meeting him and getting his wisdom and guidance of the business world.

What if her father picks this opportune moment to show up and attack her again for her mother's will? Or another guest appearance by her half-sister, Stella? If either show up right now with the mental state Athena is in, she won't stand a chance against them and whatever she has been hiding from both Margaret and them will be revealed.

She hasn't wanted to pry and was hoping that once she could earn Miss Rose's trust, she would tell Margaret what she is hiding. It has been clear there is something Athena is hiding from her since the day she sat her down and asked her to be her accomplice in taking down her father and his mistress but keeping the fact that she has amnesia a secret from everyone but herself and the doctor.

Why would she have asked to keep that a secret? Margaret also hasn't been able to explain how mature Athena seems to have become in such a short matter of time, challenging her father with such confidence, gathering her mother's assets and properties like a mature and collected businesswoman would, making sure everything is well protected and secured.

She isn't the same woman she was before, that much is obvious.

Then who is she? Or who was she then, and who is she now? Something has definitely changed, but Margaret has no idea how to describe it without sounding and thinking crazy.

She has no other choice but to sit and watch how things play out for her current position on the sidelines.


Athena has done nothing but lay in bed for the last day, trying to wrap her head around everything she has learned. Margaret seems hesitant to leave her side and has informed her that it isn't the first time she has collapsed since waking from her coma.

She confirmed through Margaret that she hasn't acted like her usual self the past few weeks and has admitted to having amnesia, similar to what she is experiencing now. Except instead of not being able to remember the past few weeks, Margaret said she couldn't recall any of her memories she had before her accident, or even how she ended up in a coma in the first place.

How could that be possible? Even if she couldn't remember who she was, she still managed to get a prestigious job and make so many bold and life changing decisions that she never would have even made before.

Almost as if she really was acting like someone else.

The idea is so far-fetched, Athena can't even bother entertaining the idea, but the more she thinks about it, the more reasonable it seems. She can't think of any other logical explanation to explain her situation.

"Uh, Miss? I wanted to tell you I phoned your doctor this morning, Dr. Carlson, to have a home visit. He was already looking into your amnesia case and might have some more information, I thought it would be useful. I'm sorry if I overstepped my place," she says and bows her head.

It isn't beyond the usual behavior Margaret displayed in the past. Athena was rather harsh towards her and therefore she always tended to her mother and father, but when her mother passed away, she had no choice but to tend to Athena, her father away frequently for work or his mistress.

"Have I visited him before this?" Athena asks. She feels as if she can slightly remember a meeting with Dr. Carlson, but she doesn't remember what it was for.

"Yes, he has been doing some research into your amnesia case, he said it was a unique one that he hasn't dealt with before and needed to do some more research to get an idea of how to help. For the past few weeks, we have been trying to revisit places you frequented before to help regain some of your lost memories, but nothing has worked so far. My lady, do you remember anything now?"

"What am I supposed to have forgotten. My name is Athena Rose, I am 20 years old and one of the biggest celebrities that Luxe City has discovered. Do I need to continue? I know very well who I am, why else would I be so upset that I'm still here?"

"My lady..." Margaret mutters but averts her eyes to the floor and says nothing when she receives a vicious glare from Athena.

In the brief weeks since she first awoke, Athena has never given such an icy look to Margaret or said one harsh word out of place towards her.

Unsure of what to do, Margaret excuses herself to prepare some tea and refreshments for when the doctor arrives. As she is walking by the main hall, the front entrance phone rings.

"Hello?" she answers.

"Miss Margaret, how is Athena doing? Is she awake?"

It's Mr. Monroe. Isn't he in the states? Why is he calling the Rose estate so early in the morning?

"Yes, she woke up not long after you had left, the doctor you recommended was wonderful and gave her a clean bill of health, but we're expecting a visit from Dr. Carlson to help Miss Rose sort out her amnesia."

"Amnesia?" Mr. Monroe repeats, shock evident in his voice.

Oh, no! I thought for sure Miss Rose's boss would be aware of her situation, but I misspoke!

"She has never mentioned such a thing to me, how bad is her case?"

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Monroe, but I have a guest at the door I'll have to let you go. Take care, Mr. Monroe." Margaret hurriedly hangs up the phone and slaps a hand over her pounding heart.

Oh, what have I done?


Amnesia. She has been suffering from a severe case of amnesia, most likely after she woke after her suicide attempt. An overdose of pills, that can have severe effect on the brain if the damage isn't dealt with properly, or even addressed.

Is it possible that she wasn't given a proper diagnosis and this issue went out untreated the entire time she was in a coma? If that were the case, it would explain how she developed such a severe case.

If that isn't the situation, then it doesn't explain how she could have lost any long- or short-term memory. In rare cases, those who go through traumatic experiences might try and suppress those emotions and memories so much that they forget them.

But as he thought, it was like she was an entirely different person when she walked into his office, compared to the woman he saw online and at rare functions together.

The more he thinks about it, the more he feels there are things that aren't adding up. Something isn't right here, between Athena's amnesia and becoming a new person overnight; and the fact that the housekeeper Ms. Margaret seemed frightened to have revealed the information to him. As if to keep it all a secret.

Amnesia is never usually something someone keeps a secret, it could hinder a person who doesn't remember who they are or parts of themselves, to continue living around people they have no memory of. Yet, Athena has been acting on the fence, as if she knows the people around her, but is being fed secondhand information about them.

Like a robot, replicating a human.

Geez, Gabriel. Can you sound more ridiculous?

"Gabriel...? Gabriel!"

Snapping out of his thoughts, he gives his mother a dull look, ignoring her razor-sharp glare that can be felt by everyone in the bar.

"You are being extremely rude right now; Miss Dynes is trying to ask you something and you aren't even looking at her!"

Her glowing blue eyes are lit with anger. She won't let her arrogant son mess up her only opportunity to get into the Dynes family, even just to become an in-law of theirs. With that title alone, there isn't a single fashion deal she won't be able to get from New State right down to Luxe City, everyone will want to have exclusive deals to her fashion designs.

She can see it already, all the stores she can open and pop-up windows she can create, her name and face will be on every billboard and her designs worn to every exclusive gala and red-carpet appearance. Working alongside the famed Veronique Dynes, and land the spot as her son-in-law's mother, there isn't any height she can't climb in the fashion world.

Her only ticket in, is Veronique's daughter, Verona. She is so obsessed with her daughter that she even named her after herself, and has her daughter model all her clothing, model in all her shows and is the reason her designs have made it across the world and out of Luxe City. If it wasn't for the beauty of her daughter and skills of her mother, the duo would have never made it to New State.

Now, it's her turn. Scarlett only has one daughter, Saskia, who never showed any interest in her mother's work or the fashion industry in general. She was much more into what her brother was doing, playing in the mud and getting her hands dirty, never owning a single doll or playhouse, she was your typical run of the mill tomboy, a phase that stuck with her even until 19.

"You'll have to excuse my brother, Miss Dynes. Unless you're a math equation, he doesn't have any interest figuring you out."

"Saskia!" her mother shouts.

She just twirls her mint green hair and smiles. Her mother always hated when she dyed her hair or did anything to mess with her 'natural beauty', which in turn only makes Saskia want to do it more.

"Why are we even here? Isn't this supposed to be a blind date for Gabriel? Who tags along their mother and baby sister to their blind date? Can someone say cringe?"

Gabriel covers his mouth with his napkin to keep his laughter at bay and hide his smile. That is precisely the reason he didn't fight the fact that they would be joining them. It wouldn't be nearly as entertaining as it is now.

If there is one thing, he can always count on his baby sister for, it's to put on a good show on his behalf. Looking at the red-haired girl in front of him, he can tell she wasn't forced to come here, she is participating in this blind date very willingly.

Although the Dynes have made it big outside of Luxe City, they aren't the only ones with international dealings and partnerships. Gabriel himself has partnered with a few gambling companies overseas, since the online gambling system is much more accepted and therefore developed overseas, he is able to get firsthand information about what is to come, before even hitting the market.

"It's our first time meeting each other, although I knew Mr. Monroe when we were younger, so many years have passed since then, we're practically like strangers. It's understandable that Mrs. Monroe be here, to make sure the woman her son is meeting is suitable for such a handsome and successful man. Wouldn't you agree, Mr. Monroe?" Verona asks, batting her eyes in Gabriel's direction.

There is something about her eyes that he finds irritating and unable to look at. Whenever he stares at her deep green eyes, he can't help but think of greed and envy, and finds his mind wandering to the comforting color of Athena's crystal blue eyes.

He can't recall when he first found them beautiful, but at some point, since their first meeting, he has found comfort in her eyes, often envisioning her angelic face during the plane ride over here.

I wonder how she is doing since her last faint spell. Her housekeeper said she was fine, but what if she faints again?

This is an area he knows his mind shouldn't wander, especially during a time like now, with a vixen staring him straight in the face, analyzing his every movement and facial expression. But he can't help but wonder about her, realizing this is the longest he has gone since seeing her.

One day, and I'm already fixing like an addict for a crack rock.

This mysterious girl waltzes her way into his life and tossed open the floodgates to his heart. A gate he has spent years building and repairing, yet she knocked them down and has him wrapped around her finger, without barely lifting hers.

He almost feels bad for the woman sitting in front of him. If he didn't know she had ulterior motives, he would pity her for wasting her time.

"I'm sorry, Miss Dynes, all I have known most of my life is work. It's rare for my mind not to think about anything but, I'm afraid I've been distracted this evening. I always seek my mother's approval; she is a woman of exceptional taste, and her judgement has never let me down. "

He can feel Saskia roll her eyes from the other end of the table and hides his smile.

"I knew you would say that, Gabriel. Miss Dynes here has just finished university degree and was thinking of starting her own fashion business in Luxe City, but she needs to intern at a company to gain some experience. The main reason I called you two too meet, is because I was hoping you could take her on as an intern at your company."

Just another way for them to get close. What does fashion have to do with gambling? Even his lesser hotel business has no use for a fashion designer or model.

Then again, he has Athena, a renowned Luxe City model, working as his only junior bookkeeper.

"What kind of experience do you have so far?" he asks.

"I was actually a volunteer helper at your father's rehab facility, that's how I came to meet your mother and remember who you were, and that we used to be childhood friends. Outside of that, all my experience is from school and my mother's company, I have no real management experience. Working under a president is sure to help me learn the things I need to run my own business, and make it as successful as yours, Gabriel."

He almost can't stop himself from cringing when she says his name. Biting his tongue, he manages to hold himself back from telling her not to call him that, but he knows he will only receive a light scolding from his mother now, just to receive a bigger one later.

He is hoping to leave this trip with as little headaches as possible.