

Once upon a time there was a kid named Vishnu Gupta. This is the story of how Vishnu Gupta turned into the master strategist - the king maker, known as Chanakya and created a powerful empire of Magadha and established the Mauryan dynasty. "Chanakya is one of the rare phenomena in human history."

Reyansh_ · セレブリティ
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There are several stories and legends about the childhood of Chanakya.

Chanakya was born in a Brahmin family in the city of Taxila (now in Pakistan). According to legend, he was born with a full set of teeth, which was considered an auspicious sign in ancient India. However, his mother died when he was young, and his father remarried, leading to a difficult childhood for Chanakya.

As a young boy, Chanakya was very intelligent and had a passion for learning. He went to the nearby city of Takshashila (now Taxila) to study at one of the most prestigious centers of learning in ancient India. There, he became known for his sharp intellect, exceptional memory, and his ability to solve complex problems.

While the exact details of Chanakya's childhood remain shrouded in myth and legend, his intelligence and determination are widely celebrated in Indian culture, and his legacy as a great scholar, philosopher, and strategist continues to inspire people to this day.