
Torrential Clash (Part II)

Torrential Clash (Part II)

The combined Thunder attack crashed upon the incoming horde of Gyarados amidst the torrential downpour. The electrical impact caused the Hyper Beam being built up the four Gyarados to implode upon itself and harm their creator. The combined damage proved to be the final nail in the coffin for the four respective Gyarados, reducing the total enemy number from an initial twenty six to twenty one. The remaining members of the incoming assault force endured through the attack despite being weakened.

Giving the opponent a chance to recover went against everything I had trained into my team and they followed the philosophy down to a T. Lanturn and Starmie released a Thunder Wave which paralyzed three more Gyarados. Vaporeon and Milotic released a combined Surf attack which advanced on the whole incoming force after being electrified by Starmie's Thunderbolt. Kingdra followed suit by releasing another focus energy boosted Hydro Pump which reduced the enemy number by another count. Blastoise unleashed a Hydro Cannon which proved to be complete overkill. 

Blastoise's attack resulted in three Gyarados disappearing beneath the water surface in a limp state. I could only hope that they were merely unconscious. The Hydro Cannon from an Elite level pokemon boosted by Rain Dance was without doubt a one hit KO. Well, they could only blame themselves for daring to attack us. 

My Gyarados taunted the lead Elite Gyarados to draw its attention and released a Hurricane. The leader of the assault ignored my Gyarados's taunt and used its impressive speed to dodge the incoming Hurricane. The Hurricane did take out one of its subordinates who were not nearly as fast, so not a complete waste. It followed this by firing off an overpowered Hydro Pump in my direction. 

The opponent definitely had experience fighting against trainer led teams of Pokemon. The one common factor in every single team is that the human is the weakest link. The pokemon of any trainer would undoubtedly be rattled if their human was attacked. They could break their formation and rush to the human's aid or even lose their focus for merely a moment. Its subordinates would definitely take advantage of this momentary lapse.

However, my pokemon were aware that I had Gardevoir to protect me from any retaliation. Gardevoir showcased her incredible control over psychic energy by using Psychic to alter the trajectory of the incoming jet of water. This resulted in the overpowered move missing me by a couple of feet. 

"Maybe use a barrier next time." I couldn't help but deadpan.

Gardevoir's only response was sending me feelings of reassurance and supreme confidence. Water is capable of cutting through steel and well, even with aura, I was never going to be comfortable taking the chance of tanking a Hydro Pump from an Elite pokemon. Still, I need to focus on the matter at hand.

"Gardevoir, attack the leader and occupy him till Gyarados closes the distance."

Gardevoir used Psychic to restrict its mobility but it easily broke through using the dark type energy from Bite. It sent a Twister in my direction which Gardevoir blocked by unleashing a Moonblast and another Hydro Pump towards my rapidly advancing Gyarados.

Its subordinates did not stand idly by. They had begun unleashing a multitude of attacks like Brine, Hydro Pump, and Waterfall. They were trying to utilize their superior numbers and boosted water type attacks to balance the power gap between the sides. Some of their number also knew Water Pulse, which was kind of a surprise to me.

Wild pokemon rarely learn moves outside their natural moveset. Maybe they were all really talented and figured it out. The more likely explanation was that the Elite Gyarados figured it out and taught it to his subordinates as a reward or incentive. Overall, this was a valiant effort on their part. They sometimes dove underwater to evade airborne moves and even used the bodies of the fallen comrades as meat shields. 

On a personal level, I was extremely impressed by this level of organization and ruthlessness from a bunch of wild pokemon. Hell, they may pose a serious threat or even defeat any other trainer or maybe even a group of trainers. However, they were simply not par with my team.

Lanturn and Starmie ensured that any attempt to use the water depths for a surprise attack or method of evasion resulted in a quick defeat by super effective electric attacks. Kingdra and Blastoise kept their distance and simply picked off opponents one at a time. Their overwhelming power along with boost from the Rain Dance meant that this was basically equivalent to target practice for them. They ensured that no stragglers escaped the assault. We did not want them to bring in reinforcements.

Vaporeon and Milotic played the central role in our retaliatory efforts. Vaporeon tanked the water type moves using its Water Absorb ability and countered with more powerful attacks. Milotic fired special attacks like a gatling gun while using the Aqua Ring to act as a makeshift counter shield defense. This defense was one of Milotic's greatest breakthroughs. 

I had tried replicating the anime version of Ash's counter shield. It took some time but my pokemon eventually succeeded. After all, it was a rather simple technique. However, this technique proved to be rather inefficient. My pokemon could not use any moves like rain dance and dragon dance or even unleash attacks from within this shield. Moreover, the defense it provided was only equivalent to the whirlpool defense strategy.

I was on the verge of discarding this strategy altogether when Milotic presented me with her take on the counter shield. She utilized her mastery of water type energy to transform the Aqua Ring to act in a defensive capacity. She could control the rings in their spherical formation to intercept attacks from all directions. She could also fire off attacks and use status moves within this shield.

In addition to this, intercepted water type attacks could be used to power up this defense. Electric type moves would electrify the water and add to the deterrent of physical attacks. The number of rings could also be increased to cover more area or reinforce the point of attack and she could even regenerate the rings that would collapse from tanking the attacks. 

This proved to be one of the greatest defensive techniques for any water pokemon capable of learning Aqua Ring. However, the limitation was that only Elite water pokemon had enough mastery of water type energy to transform a relatively simple Aqua Ring into this defensive masterpiece. Still, this did not prevent me from adding it to the list of techniques of the Waterflower Family. Making this addition and contributing to the family legacy was easily one of my proudest moments.

The combined unrelenting attacks from my team had culled their numbers to eleven. This meant under two Gyarados for each of my pokemon. Frankly, the subordinates had certainly not been up to the challenge. However, this was not the case with the lead Gyarados.

My Gyarados and his Elite opponent had engaged in a physical slug fest as soon as he closed the distance. The Elite pokemon even used moves like Crunch, Iron Head, and Dragon Tail in addition to water type moves. The fact that it learnt all these moves without a trainer's guidance was frankly baffling. What was even more impressive was that it was constantly chipping away at my dragon dance boosted Gyarados with its superior physical might despite visibly not being at full strength.

My Gyarados was focusing more on evasion and retaliating with Scald to inflict burn status along with moves like Body Slam, Aqua Tail, and even some Stone Edges. He was too close to use any electric move without hurting himself in the process. However, it was apparent that his moves didn't impact as hard as the elite pokemon's moves did. From what I could discern, my Gyarados had also realized this and was trying to make this into a contest of endurance.

The Elite Gyarados had not recovered completely from the previous assault and was straining itself to fight at its current pace. So, my pokemon's strategy was not without merit. However, it all hinged on the assumption that he could survive the assault till his opponent ran out of steam. 

I would personally have preferred that he remained at a distance and peppered the physically stronger opponent with special and AOE attacks. But that would defeat the whole purpose of him pushing himself to make the breakthrough to Elite level. 

As the two Gyarados continued their deadly dance, the rest of pokemon continued mopping up the remaining opponents. After reducing their numerical superiority, it was not even a close contest. When I think about it, one of the best moves for Kingdra in such situations would have been Draco Meteor.

The draconic comets would have reduced enemy numbers in a much more efficient manner. The thing was that my Kingdra did not know this move. Kingdra as a species did not learn this move naturally and all my efforts to make him learn this move had been in vain. The method to teach this move was zealously guarded by the draconic clans and my family did not possess this knowledge. I have seen the move used in Other Me's memories so many times but whenever I tried to teach this I had this feeling that I was missing some important step.

After Starmie fired a Thunderbolt to take out the last of the subordinate Gyarados, my pokemon transferred their attention to the leader. They began encircling the leader who was still engaged in the grueling physical contest with my Gyarados. They were to only interfere if my Gyarados was rendered unconscious. 

However, our opponent did not know that. Seeing its situation deteriorating from disadvantageous to outright dire, it began to panic. My Gyarados used this opening to land a couple of solid hits. These strikes in addition to the overall situation apparently pushed the lead Gyarados too far.

Instead of fleeing, it decided to gamble everything and slipped into the berserk state of Outrage. A red glow enveloped its form and its eyes took on a similar red glow. The other pokemon wanted to stop this threat in its tracks but I instructed Gardevior to inform them to hold their position and attack only after my Gyarados fell unconscious.

I also took Gyarados's pokeball in my hand to withdraw him if the situation took an unexpected turn. Logically, I should have given the go ahead to destroy the berserk Elite Pokemon. But every single instinct in my body wanted me to wait and see how my Gyarados reacted to this escalation of threat. Would he crumple or rise to the occasion? Would he need his teammates to rescue him or would he come through? 

Our opponent had lost its mental faculties and instincts in its Outrage state. It didn't care if it damaged itself or its opponent. All it was focused on was inflicting as much damage to his surroundings as possible. Honestly, I was not a fan of such moves which provided additional power at the cost of the user's self control.

My Gyarados did not increase the distance to escape the Outrage. He used his well-honed instincts and perception to evade the berserk pokemon's strikes at the last moment and peppered him with Scald, Water Pulses and Dark pulses at vulnerable locations. Although his attempts at evasion were not completely successful, his movement appeared to be a beautifully choreographed dance as he gave in completely and followed his instincts. Finally, after numerous Scald attacks, the burn status was inflicted on the rampaging pokemon.

He then tanked a half powered outrage strike to headbutt the opposing pokemon using Iron Head. He followed this up with Aqua Tail, Crunch, and Waterfall. The berserk pokemon kept on retaliating despite the continuous damage. It had a one track mind and it would keep attacking till it completely exhausted itself out. 

My Gyarados didn't back down. Despite the immense damage and danger, he kept going and retaliated. Frankly, he appeared to be running off of pure determination. He simply refused to quit and after a few back and forth, an Aqua Tail to the head finally did the trick. The berserk pokemon had finally run out of steam and his Outrage driven body just gave up.

As my bruised and battered Gyarados looked down on his unconscious opponent slowly sinking down to the lake bed, he gave a roar of pure jubilation and accomplishment. A scar was visible on his midriff highlighting where he had tanked a particularly powerful Outrage strike. 

Before his teammates could join in on his celebration, his form was illuminated with a blue luminescence. This was what we had been waiting for. He was finally ascending to the realm of Elites. 

Even before the blue glow died down, I experienced my entire being brimming with some unknown energy. I was bombarded by the emotions of every single one of my Pokemon. I could practically feel Gyarados giddy with the sense of achievement. I could feel Kingdra feeling joy and a burning desire to grow stronger. Different emotions from each of the sixteen pokemon I was bonded to came rushing to me. I clutched my head due to this informational overload. 

It did not stop there. Pain started filling every cell of my body. I could feel something changing, something unlocking. It was like I was evolving. But humans do not evolve. Any further thought was vanquished from my brain as the pain hit a crescendo and another feeling started enveloping my consciousness.

I felt the vastness of the seas, the sheer might of my element and the unequivocal power that the oceans held. The world was shaped by the oceans and water gave life to everything. I was connected to all of this. No one could command the oceans. It was the true embodiment of absolute freedom. Completely unrestrained and practically limitless. And I was part of this vast tapestry of power. I was free. I was powerful.

It was like the anchor weighing me down had been cut loose. I was finally whole. Even through the agonizing pain, I had never felt more alive. Any words to convey this exceptional feeling would still be an understatement. It felt like I had finally been reunited with some lost part of my very being.

As I finally opened my eyes, I found myself staring into an unfamiliar pair of red eyes. The large and unmistakable form of legendary Suicune towered over me. It was looking down at me and seemed to find me particularly fascinating. The sheer power rolling off from him served to quickly bring me down from my recent power high. But what did I do to attract its attention?

Oh my Arceus, was the reason it was looking at me in such puzzlement that he found out that I had memories from another world? What would it do? Would I even survive this encounter? The only order my father had ever given me was to Flee on Sight of any legendaries. This was to be followed no question asked. But I couldn't even take my eyes off Suicune, let alone try to flee. There was just something about him that captivated my entire attention.

I could practically feel the calmness and serenity of pure spring water emanating from him. His very presence was like the breath of the freshest purifying air. Why was I even referring to Suicune as him? For all I know, he could very well be a she. I titled my head and Suicune mirrored my action. If you ignored the fact that he could decimate me and my pokemon without even trying, he was quite adorable.

Gardevoir's hand on my shoulder broke me from my enraptured state. However as soon as she tried to execute the teleport, the entire mood shifted. Gone was the serene pure calmness and in its place was an absolute crushing force that was pressuring our very existence. Suicune was supposed to be among the calmest of the legendaries but its wrath was a sight to behold.

The dwindling rainfall became a torrential thunderstorm and huge waves erupted from the lake surface. I fell to my knees and had to gather up my recently awakened aura to try to defend against the soul crushing pressure the angry water Legendary was emanating. Its eyes hatefully drilled into the collapsed form of my Gardevoir who was unable to resist the focus of the legendary's anger. He didn't seem to want to leave it at that.

As he took a step closer to Gardevior's fallen form, I knew I had to act. Gardevoir was family, she was trying to protect me and there was no way I was going to stand by on the side lines and let Suicune harm her further. It didn't matter if there was hardly anything I could do to stop a Legendary. I moved in front of Gardevoir's prone form. If he wanted her, he had to go through me. To me, Family came first, came before everything … Apparently it even came before my own safety. Huh, who would have ever thought that.

As Suicune shifted his attention to my struggling form, the pressure on me seemed to increase. I could feel it trying to make me surrender, make me give in and stand aside. I could feel the pressure trying to control me and bend me to its will. I don't know if it was the recently awakened aura or my recent realization but this was something that offended every fiber of my being. The sea doesn't like to be restrained and well, apparently it hates being controlled. I was a Champion of the Sea and I would not be controlled at all costs.

I tried to reconnect with the feeling of the unrestrained limitless ocean. I would rather die than be restrained and made subservient. I was part of the ocean and the ocean embodied absolute freedom. As my will and determination grew, I could feel my control of water type aura improve. I could channel it much more efficiently and I was able to resist the pressure much better.

With tremendous effort, I returned to my feet and stared defiantly back at the impassive gaze of Suicune. I would die before I let it hurt my family. Our staring match was interrupted when Suicune suddenly formed Aqua Rings in the same manner as Milotic to absorb a Hydro Cannon, Hydro Pump, and Dragon Pulse simultaneously. His mastery of the technique was much greater than Milotic.

I did not need to turn my head to know who had fired the attacks. Kingdra, Milotic, and Blastoise finally reached our position and took a stand between me and Suicune. The message was clear. If Suicune wanted to get me, he would have to go through them first.

Suicune's response to this attack baffled me and my pokemon. Instead of retaliating and crushing my pokemon for daring to attack him, the previous calm returned and it looked fondly at my water pokemon as if appreciating and admiring their loyalty. The sky cleared and the sun shone on the now calm and serene lake.

It gave a smug smile to Milotic as he dissipated the Aqua Ring defense. I could feel Suicune's amusement and satisfaction at her indignant look. It looked at each of us still standing and I swear when he looked at me, I could feel his feeling of fondness being mixed with a sense of betrayal. It was like he felt betrayed that I chose to side with Gardevoir over him despite her attempt to take me away from him.

Before I could process this further, I felt a gust of the purest north wind and Suicune was gone. With the immediate threat removed, I felt my adrenaline dissipate and the extreme tiredness of overusing my aura set in. But even in my tired state I kept wondering how I even felt Suicune's emotions? Was it just my mind playing tricks on me or did he just form a bond with me? But that would make no sense. That is not how bonds work. Also, how did he even know that it was Milotic who came up with the Aqua Ring defense? Was he stalking us?

Wait a minute, did he just steal that strategy from us? Well, it wasn't like I could do anything about it. If that even played a small part in why he left us all alive, he can take all our strategies. 

My three strongest pokemon were also completely drained. Apparently enduring the pressure was one thing, but attacking while enduring that pressure had been a monumental task. The rest of my pokemon including the exhausted Gyarados had been rendered unconscious by the pressure. I recalled Gardevoir back to her pokeball.

"I know you are all extremely tired but before we rest, you need to bring our team mates back to the surface so I can recall them to their pokeball. Also Blastoise, check if the leader of the Gyarados is still alive. If it is, bring it to the surface, I'll capture it. It may prove to be useful to the Gym. We can't just leave it here.

We will also leave this place as soon as possible. If Arceus has any mercy, this will be the last time we ever encounter a legendary."

As my pokemon left to carry out their task, I finally breathed a sigh of relief. All of us had survived. I had survived. This had been eye opening. I may have four Elite Pokemon now, I may have even unlocked my aura but in the grand scheme of things I was still powerless. If today had been my end, what would my legacy have been?

I had been slacking off this last month, relatively speaking. There was no room for complacency. I needed to grow stronger. I needed to start implementing my plans. I needed to leave my mark on this world.


In this fanfic, I am making the Legendaries proper forces of nature who embody certain aspects and concepts. That means that the chances of capturing any legendary is negligible, even the 'weaker' ones. No force of nature would be on board with being commanded and giving up their autonomy and freedom. However, that does not mean that they will never travel with a human they like and maybe even aid him when facing the wrath of another legendary. They will however never be captured in a pokeball.


This was just the first encounter between Alex and Suicune. Suicune's actions may seem unpredictable and kind of contradictory. The thing is that he is essentially an all-powerful pokemon who has spent most of his time in isolation since his siblings are wanderers. We have no clue about his mental state and quirks outside of dangerous situations. 

Suicune also cannot track teleports. So one possible reason for why he may especially dislike Gardevoir is that her constant teleportation is a hindrance to him stalking Alex. He may even dislike her for simply not being a water type. Please share some ideas for why he may dislike her? Maybe there is some backstory for why he hates Gardevoir in particular.


I had originally planned to leave the part after first encountering Suicune as a cliffhanger. However, given the delay in releasing this chapter, I didn't think that it was appropriate. So I reduced the size of the battle royale so that I can include it in this chapter. So please comment how you liked this encounter. Was it intriguing or just plain stupid?


Another issue I wanted to address is about the bond Suicune has potentially formed with Alex. Should there be any form of bond or not? 

In this chapter, I tried to showcase that Suicune has been following Alex for some time. He saw Alex risking his life for his pokemon and saw his pokemon risk their life for him in turn. He also witnessed that Alex is a capable commander of a frontal assault and generally a talented water type trainer. Alex was also able to stand on his feet and be defiant in the face of his soul crushing pressure.


He also approached Alex only after he unlocked his Aura. This would ensure that he would awaken his Aura on the merit of his pokemon and not due to the bond with a Legendary. Most importantly, this bond would provide Suicune with a three times growth speed. But is growth speed even a factor for an already powerful Legendary? There are also no major downsides of this bond. When I was considering the Aura mechanics for this fic, one aspect was that it depended on the bond between the pokemon and human. Pokeball plays no factor in this. I will admit that my plan regarding Suicune was one of the main factors for this.


However, Suicune will not be traveling or even aiding him all that much in the near future. This was mainly something I added to form a foundation for when Alex will face the various terrorist teams more than 5 years down the road. I wanted to introduce this early so that there is a plausible scenario for a legendary helping him instead of just meeting him and helping him the next day. This way, the legendary will be somewhat invested in Alex and consider his request.


I was also kind of disappointed that no one commented or even cared about the Percy Jackson influence mentioned in the last chapter. I am a huge fan of this book series and this series is a major contributor to my love of Water type pokemon and water as an element. I will definitely be borrowing aspects from this to influence my fanfiction. If there are any Percy Jackson fans reading this, please comment and give reviews.